Part 3 (1/2)
Miranda had watched the exchange from a window, and when the Captain rode away and Judah turned toward the house,
she hurried to a chair and sat down. Judah wasted no time upon entering. ”Where did you meet him?” he demanded to know.
”On the road. I had no idea who he was -”
”Yet you accepted a ride?”
”He gave me no choice, Judah. He would not let me pa.s.s, and then he lifted me onto the horse and refused to let me go. Perhaps if I had used my powers -”
”Your powers would have been useless against him. You are not to see him again, my dear. Do you understand?”
”Yes. I have no reason to see Captain Forsythe.” And she meant it - in her mind. But her heart kept reminding her of the intense look in Aaron's hazel eyes, and the way his face would become gentle when he smiled. Stop this, she told herself. Aaron Forsythe is Judah's enemy. You owe everything to judah. Forget the captain.
”h.e.l.lo, Miranda,” Aaron said softly as she left the dressmaker's. It had been a week since their first meeting, and he had seldom been far from her thoughts - or she from his.
Seeing him now, in person, made her pulse quicken, but she forced her voice into polite coolness. ”Captain.” She made to pa.s.s him, but Aaron was too quick, blocking her way.
”May I walk with you?” ”I would rather you not, sir.” ”Because Judah might find out?” ”He would,” she said with certainty. ”Meet me somewhere.” ”For what reason?” she asked. Without touching her, he compelled her to look at him. ”I want to talk to you. To get to know you.”
She was tempted to throw caution to the winds. The thought of being with Aaron made her light-headed. ”No. No, I cannot risk it. Judah has many spies -”
Now he placed a finger lightly beneath her chin. ”Miranda, are you in love with Judah?”
”I - thought I was. But now -I am not certain of anything.”
”Because of me?”
”Captain, please. Let me pa.s.s. If Judah discovers that I spoke to you-”
”If he ever tried to harm you, Miranda, you must promise to go to the SEA WITCH and tell me.”
”It is not my welfare that concerns me at the moment. It is yours.”
”Judah Zachary cannot harm me - unless he harms you.”
She raised wide eyes to his. ”Are you truly so powerful?”
”Some think so.” His eyes grew serious. ”Meet me. I will go anywhere you name.”
Miranda could no longer resist the attraction between herself and the handsome sea captain. Lowering her voice, she said, ”There is a hidden cove not far from here to the south. There is an abandoned fis.h.i.+ng shack. Be there at dusk.”
”How will you get away?”
”I will tell Judah that Mistress Pearce wishes me to stay in tonight, so I cannot attend the meeting.”
”I will be waiting,” he told her.
Judah agreed not to require Miranda's presence at the meeting. ”You are right to tell me about it. Mistress Pearce must be kept happy since her husband is one of the town aldermen. Stay home for this one night.”
”If you wish. I think I should tell you before another does - Captain Forsythe spoke to me in town today.”
”What did he say?”