Part 14 (1/2)
Jack knew how to restore Bess to good humor, and his success this time was marked.
”You ridiculous boy!” exclaimed Bess. ”You know perfectly well what I mean.”
And Jack did.
”We have dropped something,” said Cora as the party started off again.
”Yes,” replied Gertrude, ”I agree with Ray that the boys are jolly. We miss them already.”
”Hus.h.!.+” cautioned Cora. ”We are to have nothing to do with boys on this trip.”
She laughed at her own a.s.sertion.
”Nothing more to do with them?” asked Belle. Bess kept her machine within talking distance.
”Till the next time,” replied Cora, throwing in the second speed gear.
”But we will certainly have to hurry now. What on earth do you suppose Walter will do with that ram?”
”What on earth do you think the ram will do with Walter?” replied Ray.
”He paid the farmer three dollars for him, and the man declared he could have him for nothing,” said Belle. ”Now, that three dollars--”
”Would have bought orchids,” interrupted Cora, teasing Belle for her sentimentality.
”Cora,” spoke Hazel suddenly, ”did you hear what Ed said to Jack about Paul's hold-up?”
”The forbidden topic,” interrupted Gertrude. ”Hazel, you don't want to lose the sheepskin for insubordination, do you?”
”But, Gertrude, please,” begged Hazel quite seriously, ”I really must speak to Cora. I will promise not to be blue, but you know I am very anxious about Paul.”
”Then speak on, very briefly,” replied Gertrude. ”I will allow you exactly five minutes.”
”Thanks,” said Hazel. ”Cora,” she began again, ”Ed told Jack that the papers lost from the mail belonged to Mr. Robinson, and have to do with a very valuable patent. Do you suppose the post-office will do anything to Paul?”
”Oh, you precious baby!” exclaimed Cora. ”Don't you know that Paul has been entirely cleared? The mystery is simply who took the papers and otherwise left the mailbag intact?”
”Poor Paul!” sighed the sister.
”Poor Hazel!” added Cora. ”A sister who is always worrying about a handsome brother is bound to lose him, eh, Gertrude?”
Gertrude blushed. She had only met Paul once, and at that time her remark was so positive that Cora had seized the opportunity of teasing the girl. That she never noticed boys was Gertrude's claim at college, and now Cora was delighted to have a chance of reversing the claim.
Daisy and Maud, who had been at some distance from the Whirlwind, now cut past Bess and Belle, making their way to the side of the big maroon car.
”Cora,” called Daisy, ”I forgot to tell you. I found this little satchel by the road where we stopped.”