Part 42 (1/2)
The brigands had probably not yet seen us. I took the lamp from my helmet. My hand was trembling. Suppose my signal were answered by a shot? A flash from some giant projector mounted on the s.h.i.+p?
Anita crouched behind a rock, as she had promised. I stood with my torch and flung its switch. My puny light beam shot up. I waved it, touched the s.h.i.+p with its faint glowing circle of illumination.
They saw me. There was a sudden movement among the lights up there.
I semaph.o.r.ed:
_I am from Miko. Do not fire._
I used open universal code. In Martian first, and then in English.
There was no answer, but no attack. I tried again.
_This is Haljan, one of the_ Planetara. _George Prince's sister is with me. There has been disaster to Miko._
A small light beam came down from the brink of the overhead cliff beside the s.h.i.+p.
I went steadily on: _Disaster--the_ Planetara _is wrecked. All killed but me and Prince's sister. We want to join you._
I flashed off my light. The answer came:
_Where is the Grantline Camp?_
_Near here. The Mare Imbrium._
As though to answer my lie, from down on the Earthlit plains, some ten miles or so from the crater base, a tiny signal light shot up. Anita saw it and gripped me.
”There is Miko's light!”
It spelled in Martian, _Come down. Land Mare Imbrium._
Miko had seen the signaling up here and had joined it! He repeated, _Land Mare Imbrium._
I flashed a protest up to the s.h.i.+p: _Beware. That is Grantline!
From the s.h.i.+p the summons came, _Come up._
We had won this first encounter! Miko must have realized his disadvantage. His distant light went out.
”Come, Anita.”
There was no retreat now. But again I seemed to feel in the pressure of her hand that vague farewell. Her voice whispered, ”We must do our best, act our best to be convincing.”
In the white glow of a searchbeam we climbed the crags, reached the broad upper ledge. Helmeted figures rushed at us, searched us for weapons, seized our helmet lights. The evil face of a giant Martian peered at me through the visors. Two other monstrous, towering figures seized Anita.