Part 18 (1/2)

And we now have those code pa.s.swords--I forced Dean to tell me where he had hidden them. If we should be challenged, our pa.s.sword answer will relieve suspicion.”

”The _Planetara_,” I objected, ”being overdue at Ferrok-Shahn, will cause alarm. You'll have a covey of patrol s.h.i.+ps after you.”

”That will be two weeks from now,” he smiled. ”I have a s.h.i.+p of my own in Ferrok-Shahn. It lies there waiting now, manned and armed. I am hoping that, with Dean's help, we may be able to flash them a signal.

It will join us on the Moon. Fear not for the danger, Haljan. I have great interests allied with me in this thing. Plenty of money. We have planned carefully.”

He was idly fingering his cylinder; he gazed at me as I sat docile on my bunk. ”Did you think George Prince was a leader of this? A mere boy. I engaged him a year ago--his knowledge of science is valuable to us.”

My heart was pounding but I strove not to show it. He went on calmly.

”I told you I am impulsive. Half a dozen times I have nearly killed George Prince, and he knows it.” He frowned. ”I wish I had killed him instead of his sister. That was an error.”

There was a note of real concern in his voice. He added, ”That is done--nothing can change it. George Prince is helpful to me. Your friend Dean, is another. I had trouble with him, but he is docile now.”

I said abruptly, ”I don't know whether your promise means anything or not, Miko. But Prince said you would use no more torture.”

”I won't. Not if you and Dean obey me.”

”You tell Dean I have agreed to that. You say he gave you the code words he took from Johnson?”

”Yes. There was a fool, for you! That Johnson! You blame me, Haljan, for the death of Carter? You need not. Johnson offered to try and capture you, take you both alive. He killed Carter because he was angry with him. A stupid, vengeful fool! He is dead and I'm glad of it.”

My mind was on Miko's plans. I ventured, ”This treasure on the Moon--did you say it was on the Moon?”

”Don't play the fool,” he retorted. ”I know as much about Grantline as you do.”

”That's very little.”


”Perhaps you know more, Miko. The Moon is a big place. Where, for instance, is Grantline located?”

I held my breath. Would he tell me that? A score of questions--vague plans were in my mind. How skilled at mathematics were these brigands?

Miko, Coniston, Hahn--could I fool them? If I could learn Grantline's location on the Moon, and keep the _Planetara_ away from it. A pretended error of charting. Time lost--and perhaps Snap could find an opportunity to signal Earth, get help.

Miko answered my question as bluntly as I asked it. ”I don't know where Grantline is located. But we will find out. He will not suspect the _Planetara_ so when we get close to the Moon, we will signal and ask him. We can trick him into telling us. You think I do not know what is on your mind, Haljan? There is a secret code of signals arranged between Dean and Grantline. I have forced Dean to confess it.

Without torture! Prince helped me in that. He persuaded Dean not to defy me. A very persuasive fellow, George Prince. More diplomatic than I am. I give him credit for that.”

I strove to hold my voice calm. ”If I should join you, Miko--my word, if I ever gave it, you would find dependable--I would say George Prince is very valuable to us. You should rein your temper. He is half your size--you might some time, without intention, do him injury.”

He laughed. ”Moa says so. But have no fear--”

”I was thinking,” I persisted. ”I'd like to have a talk with George Prince.”

Ah, my pounding, tumultuous heart! But I was smiling calmly. And I tried to put into my voice a shrewd note of cupidity. ”I really know very little about this treasure, Miko. If there were a million or two of gold leaf in it for me--”

”Perhaps there would be.”

”Suppose you let me have a talk with Prince? I have some scientific knowledge myself about the powers of this catalyst. Prince's knowledge and mine--we might be able to come to a calculation on the value of Grantline's treasure. You don't know. You are only a.s.suming.”