Part 20 (1/2)
Hansen pressed her. Marie was one of a group of half a dozen girls, said the woman. They were but they had the a.s.surance of fighters. When they were not entertaining men, they kept themselves apart from everyone and were tough to handle. One day they broke bounds. She had heard they were picked up by the Thai police. She never saw them again.
The woman who said this appeared unsure whether to say what else was on her mind, but Hansen gave her no choice.
”We were afraid for her,” she said. ”She gave different names for herself. She gave conflicting accounts of how she came to us. The doctors argued over whether she was mad. Somewhere along her journey, she had lost track of who she was.”
Hansen presented himself to the Thai police and, by threats or animal persuasion, traced Marie to a police hostel run for the enjoyment of the officers. They never asked him who he was, it seems, or what he had for papers. He was a round-eye, a farang, who spoke Khmer and Thai. Marie had stayed three months, then vanished, they said. She was strange, said a kindly sergeant.
”What is strange?” Hansen asked.
”She would speak only English,” the sergeant replied.
There was another girl, a friend of Marie's, who had stayed longer and married one of the corporals. Hansen obtained her name.
He had ceased speaking.
”And did you find her?”
I asked after a long silence.
I knew the answer already, as I had known it from halfway through his story, without knowing that I knew. He was sitting at the girl's head, which he was gently stroking. Slowly she sat upright and with her little, old hands rubbed her eyes, pretending she had been asleep. I think she had listened to us all night.
”It was all she understood any more,” Hansen explained in English, while he continued to stroke her head. He was speaking of the brothel where he had found her. ”She wanted no big choices, did you, Marie? No big words, no promises.”
He pressed her to him. ”She wishes only to be admired. By her own people. By us. All of us must love Marie. That is what comforts her.”
I think he mistook my reticence for reproach, for his voice rose. ”She wishes to be harmless. Is that so bad? She wishes to be left alone, as all of them wish. It would be a good thing if more of us wished the same. Your bombers and your spies and your big talk are not for her. She is not the child of Dr. Kissinger. She asks only for a small existence where she can give pleasure and hurt no one. Which is worse? Your brothel or hers? Get out of Asia. You should never have come, any of you. I am ashamed I ever helped you. Leave us alone.”
”I shall tell Rumbelow very little of this,” I said as I rose to leave.
”Tell him what you like.”
From the doorway, I took a last look at them. The girl was staring at me as I believe she had stared at Hansen from outside the circle of chains, her eyes unflinching, deep and still. I thought I knew what was in her mind. I had paid for her and not had her. She was wondering whether I wanted my money's worth.
Rumbelow drove me to the airport. Like Hansen, I would have preferred to do without him, but we had matters to discuss.
”You promised him how much?” he cried in horror.
”I told him he was ent.i.tled to a resettlement grant and all the protection we can give him. I told him you would be sending him a cas.h.i.+er's cheque for fifty thousand dollars.”
Rumbelow was furious. ”Me give him fifty thousand dollars? My dear man, he'll be drunk for six months and spill his life story all over Bangkok. What about that Cambodian wh.o.r.e of his? She's in the know, I'll bet.”
”Don't worry,” I said. ”He turned me down.”
This news astonished Rumbelow so profoundly that he ran out of indignation altogether, preserving instead a wounded silence that lasted us the rest of the journey.
On the plane I drank too much and slept too little. Once, waking from a bad dream, I was guilty of a seditious thought about Rumbelow and the Fifth Floor. I wished I could pack off the whole tribe of them on Hansen's march into the jungle, Smiley included. I wished I could make them throw everything over for a flawed and impossible pa.s.sion, only to see the object of it turn against them, proving there is no reward for love except the experience of loving, and nothing to be learned by it except humility.
Yet I was content, as I am content to this day whenever I think of Hansen. I had found what I was looking for - a man like myself, but one who in his search for meaning had discovered a worthwhile object for his life; who had paid every price and not counted it a sacrifice; who was paying it still and would pay it till he died; who cared nothing for compromise, nothing for his pride, nothing for ourselves or the opinion of others; who had reduced his life to the one thing that mattered to him, and was free. The slumbering subversive in me had met his champion. The would-be lover in me had found a scale by which to measure his own trivial preoccupations.
So that when a few years later I was appointed Head of the Russia House, only to watch my most valuable agent betray his country for his love, I could never quite muster the outrage required of me by my masters. Personnel was not all stupid when he packed me off to the Interrogators' Pool.
MAGGS, MY Crypto journalist, was trying to draw Smiley on the amoral nature of our work. He was wanting Smiley to admit that anything went, as long as you got away with it. I suspect he was actually wanting to hear this maxim applied to the whole of life, for he was ruthless as well as mannerless, and wished to see in our work some kind of licence to throw aside his few remaining scruples.
But Smiley would not give him this satisfaction. At first he appeared ready to be angry, which I hoped he would be. If so, he checked himself. He started to speak, but stopped again, and faltered, leaving me wondering whether it was time to call a halt to the proceedings. Until, to my relief, he rallied, and I knew he had merely been distracted by some private memory among the thousands that made up his secret self. ..
”You see,” he explained-replying, as so often, to the spirit rather than the letter of the question-”it really is essential in a free society that the people who do our work should remain unreconciled. It's true that we are obliged to sup with the Devil, and not always with a very long spoon. And as everyone knows-” a sly glance at Maggs produced a gust of grateful laughter - ”the Devil is often far better company than the G.o.dly, isn't he? All the same, our obsession with virtue won't go away. Self-interest is so limiting. So is expediency.”
He paused again, still deep inside his own thoughts. ”All I'm really saying, I suppose, is that if the temptation to humanity does a.s.sail you now and then, I hope you won't take it as a weakness in yourselves, but give it a fair hearing.”
The cufflinks, I thought, in a flash of inspiration. George is remembering the old man.
For a long time I could not fathom why the story had continued to haunt me for so long. Then I realised I had happened upon it at a period when my relations.h.i.+p with my son Adrian had hit a low point. He was talking of not bothering with university, and getting himself a well-paid job instead. I mistook his restlessness for materialism and his dreams of independence for laziness, and one night I lost my temper and insulted him, and was duly ashamed of myself for weeks thereafter. It was during one of those weeks that I unearthed the story.
Then I remembered also that Smiley had had no children, and that perhaps his ambiguous part in the affair was to some extent explained by this. I was slightly chilled by the thought that he might have been filling an emptiness in himself by redressing a relations.h.i.+p he had never had.
Finally I remembered that just a few days after coming upon the papers, I had received the letter that anonymously denounced poor Frewin as a Russian spy. And that there were certain mystical affinities between Frewin and the old man, to do with dogged loyalty and lost worlds. All this for context, you understand, for I never knew a case yet that was not made up of a hundred others.
Finally there was the fact that, as so often in my life, Smiley turned out once again to have been my precursor, for I had no sooner settled myself at my unfamiliar desk in the Interrogators' Pool than I found his traces everywhere: in our dusty archives, in backnumbers of our duty officer's log and in the reminiscent smiles of our senior secretaries, who spoke of him with the old vestal's treacly awe, part as G.o.d, part as teddy bear and part - though they were always quick to gloss over this aspect of his nature - as killer shark. They would even show you the bone-china cup and saucer by Thomas Goode of South Audley Street - where else? - a present to George from Ann, they explained dotingly, which George had bequeathed to the Pool after his reprieve and rehabilitation to Head Office - and, of course, like the Grail itself, the Smiley cup could never possibly be drunk from by a mere mortal.
The Pool, if you have not already gathered as much, is by way of being the Service's Siberia, and Smiley, I was comforted to discover, had served out not one exile there but two: the first, for his gall in suggesting to the Fifth Floor that it might be nursing a Moscow Centre mole to its bosom; and the second, a few years later, for being right. And the Pool has not only the monotony of Siberia but its remoteness also, being situated not in the main building but in a run of cavernous offices on the ground floor of a gabled pile in Northumberland Avenue at the northern end of Whitehall.
And, like so much of the architecture around it, the Pool has seen great days. It was set up in the Second World War to receive the offerings of strangers, to listen to their suspicions and calm their fears or - if they had indeed stumbled on a larger truth-misguide or scare them into silence.
If you thought you had glimpsed your neighbour late at night, for instance, crouched over a radio transmitter; if you had seen strange lights winking from a window and were too shy or untrusting to inform your local police station; if the mysterious foreigner on the bus who questioned you about your work had reappeared at your elbow in your local pub; if your secret lover confessed to you, - out of loneliness or bravado or a desperate need to make himself more interesting in your eyes - that he was working for the German Secret Service - why then, after a correspondence with some spurious a.s.sistant to some unheard of Whitehall Under Secretary, you would quite likely, of an early evening, be summoned to brave the blitz, and find yourself being guided heart-in-mouth down the flaking, sandbagged corridor, on your way to Room 909 where a Major Somebody or a Captain Somebody Else, both bogus as three-dollar bills, would courteously invite you to state your matter frankly without fear of repercussion.
And occasionally, as the covert history of the Pool records, great things were born, and are still occasionally born today, of these inauspicious beginnings, though business is not a patch on what it used to be, and much of the Pool's work is now given over to such as unsolicited offers of service, anonymous denunciations like the one levelled at poor Frewin and even in support of the despised security services positive vetting enquiries, which are the worst Siberias of all, and about as far as you can get from the high-wire operations of the Russia House without quitting the Service altogether.
All the same, there is more than mere humility to be learned from these chastis.e.m.e.nts. An intelligence officer is nothing if he has lost the will to listen, and George Smiley, plump, troubled, cuckolded, una.s.suming, indefatigable George, forever polis.h.i.+ng his spectacles on the lining of his tie, puffing to himself and sighing in his perennial distraction, was the best listener of us all.
Smiley could listen with his hooded, sleepy eyes; he could listen by the very inclination of his tubby body, by his stillness and his understanding smile. He could listen because with one exception, which was Ann, his wife, he expected nothing of his fellow souls, criticised nothing, condoned the worst of you long before you had revealed it. He could listen better than a microphone because his mind lit at once upon essentials; he seemed able to spot them before he knew where they were leading.
And that was how George had come to be listening to Mr. Arthur Wilfred Hawthorne of 12, The Dene, Ruislip, half a lifetime before me, in the very same Room 909 where I now sat, curiously turning the yellowed pages of a file marked ”Destruction Pending” which I had unearthed from the shelves of the Pool's strongroom.
I had begun my quest idly - you may even say frivolously - much as one might pick up an old copy of the Tatler in one's club. And suddenly I realised I had stumbled on page after page of Smiley's familiar, guarded handwriting, with its sharp little German t's and twisted Greek e's, and signed with his legendary symbol. Where he was forced to appear in the drama in person - and you could feel him seeking any means to escape this vulgar ordeal - he referred to himself merely as ”D.O.,” short for Duty Officer. And since he was notorious for his hatred of initials, you are made once more aware of his reclusive, if not downright fugitive nature. If I had discovered a missing Shakespeare folio, I could not have been more excited. Everything was there: Hawthorne's original letter, transcripts of the microphoned interviews, initialled by Smiley himself, even Hawthorne's signed receipts for his travel money and out-of-pocket expenses.
My dull care was gone. My relegation no longer oppressed me, neither did the silence of the great empty house to which I was condemned. I was sharing them with George, waiting for the clip of Arthur Hawthorne's loyal boots as he was marched down the corridor and into Smiley's presence.
”Dear Sir,” he had written to ”The Officer in Charge of Intelligence, Ministry of Defence.”
And already, because we are British, his cla.s.s is branded on the page - if only by the strangely imperious use of capitals so dear to uneducated people. I imagined much effort in the penning, and perhaps a dictionary at the elbow. ”I wish, Sir, to Request an Interview with your Staff regarding a Person who has done Special Work for British Intelligence. at the highest Level, and whose Name is as Important to my Wife and myself as it may be to your good Selves, and which I am accordingly forbidden to Mention in this Letter.”
That was all. Signed ”Hawthorne, A. W., Warrant Officer Cla.s.s II, retired.”
Arthur Wilfred Hawthorne, in other words, as Smiley's researches revealed when he consulted the voters' list, and followed up his findings with an examination of the War Office files. Born 1915, Smiley painstakingly recorded on Hawthorne's personal particulars sheet. Enlisted 1939, served with the Eighth Army from Cairo to El Alamein. Ex-Sergeant Major Arthur Wilfred Hawthorne, twice wounded in battle, three commendations and one gallantry medal for his trouble, demobilised without a stain on his character, ”the best example of the best fighting man in the world,” wrote his commandant, in a glowing if hyperbolic commendation.