Chapter 1016 Crucial Information (1/2)

Three days later, at a certain location in the Heavenly Fire Ancient Forest.

Yi Qiushui, Ye Bingling and the others were standing on the branches of a giant tree, everyone craning their necks to peer into the distance. Two columns of berserk Genesis Qi were rising like smoke as wave after wave of Genesis Qi tore apart the ground and toppled the giant trees.

Such destructive power was extremely astonis.h.i.+ng.

It was the battle between Zhou Yuan and the second target, Cao Xiao.

It had taken them three days of searching in the Heavenly Fire Ancient Forest to confirm Cao Xiao’s location.

However, in contrast to the apprehension they felt the first time, Yi Qiushui and the others had rather relaxed expressions this time. After all, they already understood how abnormally strong Zhou Yuan was after witnessing the terrifying sight of him blasting Zhang Zihao to smithereens.

Although Cao Xiao had not been slain in a single punch this time, they could tell that Zhou Yuan had the absolute advantage in the fight.

“He’s really far too frightening…” Mu Liu sighed as he watched.

By the side, Han Yuan nodded in understanding. The thing that terrified him the most was the rate of Zhou Yuan's progress. He could still recall how he, Lu Xiao and the others did not give Zhou Yuan a second glance when he arrived at the four pavilions. Who could have imagined that the very person all of them had looked down on would ultimately lead the four pavilions to become the champion of the nine regions tournament?

This achievement alone had fully won them over.

Han Yuan gloated, “The Tianyuan Region’s Heavenly Sun stage will likely share our experience soon.”

How could they not understand the current att.i.tudes of the Tianyuan Region’s Heavenly Sun stage pract.i.tioners? They were obviously envious and skeptical. Unfortunately for them, all of their doubts would ultimately come back as a painful slap to their faces.

Yi Qiushui earnestly declared, “Since supreme sovereign Cang Yuan chose Zhou Yuan, it naturally speaks of how unparalleled he is.”

Envy had clouded the eyes of the numerous Tianyuan Region Heavenly Sun stage experts, making them blind to certain things. They should consider this: had anyone from the Tianyuan Region ever became the champion of the nine regions tournament since the Tianyuan Region’s establishment? Although Zhou Yuan had just stepped into the Heavenly Sun stage and would be on the weaker end when facing the more experienced Heavenly Sun stage experts, he would definitely leave them far behind in the dust if given some time.

The others nodded. They rather looked forward to the arrival of that day.


While they were conversing, an astonis.h.i.+ng blast of Genesis Qi erupted from the faraway battlefield.


A miserable-looking figure was flung backward, accompanied by a sonic boom as he smashed into the ground. His body bounced across the earth like a ball, leaving deep holes with each impact.

The figure finally came to a stop, revealing itself to be a b.l.o.o.d.y body whose chest was caved in. Who else could it be but Cao Xiao, who was now practically on the edge of death?

Genesis Qi weakly fluttered around him as fear flooded his face.

Zhou Yuan's battle power had terrified him, and he could not understand how Zhou Yuan could be so strong.


Zhou Yuan’s figure appeared in front of Cao Xiao. His eyes were filled with cold indifference as he slowly lifted the mottled black brush in his hand. Light seemed to flow along the brush’s sharp tip as the s.p.a.ce around it shuddered.

Cao Xiao was frightened out of his wits, and he begged in a trembling voice, “D-d-don't kill me!”

In the face of death, he no longer had any trace of a Heavenly Sun expert’s dignity.

Zhou Yuan was unmoved. This was war. Those that died at Cao Xiao’s hands might have once begged like this, but he had obviously shown no mercy.
