13 Mister Sloth (1/1)
After saying she would never regret her decision, Falling Star knew her words to be true. The only regret she's had since their first encounter was in making his journey harder. 'If he fails to break through, how could I push him aside? I gave him all those medicines; I was the one that forced his body to reach the sixth level before he had accumulated spiritual energy. If he fails now the fault lies with me, so I must take him under my wing even if he fails. It is the least I can do to repay him for my mistake. Little Yu will suffer greatly on the path he must walk now, so I must do everything in my power to lighten the burden. Besides, I really want to see how far he can go.'
”Is something wrong master?” Seeing Falling Star's pensive expression, he felt the urge to ask if there was a problem.
”Nothing, I just got lost in thought for a moment. Come there is much to do while we enjoy this ice cream.” Falling Star led Yu Chang out of the shop and headed to the busiest parts of the market district. The next few hours were spent fitting Yu Chang with proper training attire and purchasing various low-level cultivation supplements and other such items that a young disciple would need.
After spending several hours acquiring items for the training to come, Falling Star led Yu Chang to a quiet shop that seemed rather desolate. ”Be mindful of what you say in here Little Yu, this shop belongs to one of the top information brokers in our current age. He is a friend of father, so I don't think he would rashly sell off any information, but it's best to be mindful in any case. I don't intend to be here long I'm just inquiring about a matter I had him look into previously.” She then took Yu Chang's hand firmly and led him inside.
In Yu Chang's eyes this shop appeared to be a bookstore, if not for his master's earlier warning, he might have started browsing carelessly. Information brokers leave the minor information on shelves arranged in books. If one were to carelessly read the merchandise, they would be required to purchase the information whether it was intentional or not. Although Falling Star's warning was not intended to remind him not to look through the books, Yu Chang still benefited from it regardless. Looking around, he realized there were no customers. ”Master, where is everyone? You said this shop is owned by one of the top information brokers, shouldn't there be more people?”
”The number of people who can afford to buy information here is not high.” Falling Star sighed, in her heart, it felt more like a boast than an explanation. Arriving at the counter, she frowned at the man sleeping in a chair on the other side. This man was a short, balding, rotund fellow that seemed like he didn't have a care in the world. ”Mister Sloth it's time to wake up,” Falling Star said calmly and knocked on the counter. However, like the earlier at the high school, what looked like a light knock sounded like a thunderous hammer strike.
”Yes, what is it? Who comes seeking information today?” The rotund man's voice dragged out slowly while not even shifting an eyelid.
”Will I have to come over this counter to wake you up?” The annoyance in her voice was reflected on her face.
”Master, couldn't we come back at another time? Isn't it a bit rude to force someone to do something?” Yu Chang asked in a pleading tone.
As Yu Chang spoke, the rotund man's ears pricked slightly, but other than that there was no change.
”You don't understand Little Yu; he is always like this. Practically half the cost of the information available here is the energy spent waking him up. Anyways, I know you're awake Mister Sloth, I saw your reaction to Little Yu calling me master. Unfortunately for you, there is no profit in that information as it's already public knowledge and will be widespread by first thing tomorrow.”
While Falling Star spoke, Yu Chang turned to look at the rotund man again. This time he noticed the minute changes in the man's facial expression. The corners of his mouth had tilted downward in the slightest degree. Yu Chang sighed. ”Well, I feel dumb. You warned me to watch what I say; I didn't think this is what you meant master. What kind of shameless person pretends to be asleep to gather information?”
”Wrong again Little Yu, he was asleep up until you called me master. Mister Sloth has a unique cultivation style that allows him to hear everything even if he is asleep, that's why half the price of the information you want is whether you can manage to wake him up. If he doesn't take an interest in the subject, even if you can pay the high monetary cost, you'll still walk out empty-handed. Luckily, he can't refuse me; father would stop assisting him otherwise, isn't that right Mister Sloth?”
The rotund man sighed faintly. ”Technically what you say is true, however, you also usually ask for the most interesting topics too. I just enjoy listening to your empty threats.” Although his eyes were open now and a smile was present on his face, the rotund man's voice still dragged on slowly.