Part 32 (1/2)
Drew backed away and turned toward the telephone. He eyed it with cold calculation. He took one step further, then wheeled and glanced at Nichols.
”I want to trace that call if it is humanly possible,” he said with decision. ”We can find out, at least, from where it came. Suppose you leave me here with Miss Stockbridge, and you go down stairs and around to the drug-store?”
Loris rested her weight on one elbow. She sat erect, with slowly widening eyes. Her hands strayed to her hair and pressed it back from her ears. She gained command of herself after a shudder had pa.s.sed through her slender body. She half rose.
”I've heard that voice before!” she exclaimed, pointing toward the 'phone. ”It was familiar, Mr. Drew. Now where have I heard it?”
”Some friend of your father's?”
”No, I don't think it was. But I've heard it in this house.”
”A servant--the valet?”
”No! No, Mr. Drew, it wasn't the valet's voice. It was whispering and consumptive. It squeaked. It sounded like a little boy's voice.”
”How about that trouble-man?” Drew advanced with keen steps. He felt that he was very close to the truth.
”It might have been. Only--only, Mr. Drew, it was younger--thinner--squeakier. It was a terrible voice. It rings and rings in my ears. It was so sure!”
”Ump!” declared Drew with clenched fists. ”It won't be so sure,” he said, squaring his jaw. ”It won't be near so sure, next time. I think it was that trouble-man you heard. Don't you remember anything he said when he was in the house, for comparison?”
”I just heard him say--I heard him say that the connections, I think he called them, were all right. Then he went away, Mr. Drew.”
”Did his voice squeak then?”
”It was rather low--like a boy's or a girl's. He seemed too polite. He had his cap in his hand.” Loris stopped speaking and stood erect. She arranged her gown and glanced down at Nichols. ”I feel stronger,” she said bravely. ”I wonder what became of that tea?”
Drew stepped into the writing-room and found the tea-pot upon its side.
He poured from this a cup of tea which he carried to Nichols. ”Just taste it,” he ordered. ”I want to be sure it isn't doped or anything like that. That's it. Just a small swallow. It's all right, isn't it?
It isn't bitter?”
Nichols handed the cup to Loris. ”Drink it,” he said with confidence.
”That's good tea--only a little cold.”
Drew took the empty cup and set it down on a small table. ”You'll go for me?” he asked Nichols. ”I want it traced without using the wires of this house. They might be tapped.”
”Be back in ten minutes!” said the captain at the tapestries, after Loris had nodded. ”Whom shall I ask for at Gramercy Hill?”
”The superintendent--Jack Nefe! If he isn't there, get the chief operator. Delaney will attend to that. Find out from what number the call came. We might get that whispering devil right away.”
”I believe it was the trouble-man,” said Loris, as Drew returned after locking the door to the hallway. ”Now that I think of it--I'm almost sure it was. He just tried to change and lower his voice--that was all.”
”Lower it?”
”Yes, Mr. Drew. It was so faint that I hardly heard it at first. He seemed afraid of something. Perhaps somebody was in the room where he was telephoning.”
”That might have been. Well--he can't hurt or harm you that way. The thing is for you to keep up your courage. Fear is a terrible thing if you would let yourself be mastered by it. It might be their game to break you down by a series of threats.”
”I won't do that. I've Harry and you to stand by me!”