Part 28 (2/2)

”But what about the tall guy who looked like a German? The fellow the trouble-man saw getting over the fence and beating it for Fifth Avenue?”

”He didn't leave any tracks!”

”Ah, Chief, get out! That ain't human!”

Drew paced the floor with his hands clasped behind him. He wheeled with sudden energy. ”Go, you!” he exclaimed with a pointing finger. ”Hurry out of this house and telephone Gramercy Hill Exchange. Tell the superintendent to send over that trouble-man. I want to compare these prints with his shoes. He couldn't have been lying. There's no object in that! But, Delaney, how could a man tap in on that junction-box and never leave prints in the snow? That's my question!”

”How could one shoot a man in a sealed room, Chief? There ain't much difference!”

Drew s.n.a.t.c.hed out his watch. ”Hurry,” he said. ”Get over to Gramercy Hill Exchange--it's only three blocks from here. Ask Jack Nefe, or whoever is in charge, for the trouble-man who fixed the phone last night. He'll be able to tell us what part of the fence the tall fellow, who looked like a German, got over. Perhaps he wasn't at the junction-box at all!”

”Who, Chief?”

”The tall fellow! Perhaps he was skulking about the windows at the back.”

”Perhaps he was a ghost,” said Delaney to himself as he lunged through the tapestries toward the staircase which led down from the third floor of the mansion.

Drew crossed the room and rapped softly on a panel by the portieres which covered the opening to the reading-room and library. He heard a m.u.f.fled word of warning. Loris Stockbridge glided across the rugs and peered out. Her face was set and tear-stained. She had been sobbing upon an olive-drab shoulder.

”Pardon,” said Drew with a slight sigh. ”I beg pardon, Miss Stockbridge. I want to look over the sitting-room and examine the windows. Where is the maid?”

Loris touched her eyes with a handkerchief drawn from her breast. She replaced this and nodded over her shoulder. She parted the portieres with her unjeweled right hand. ”The maid,” she said softly, ”is in her room. That's back of this reading-room. Shall I call her?”

”You and Mr. Nichols come in here, please,” said Drew. ”I'll knock on the maid's door and look her over. We can't be too careful--remember that. It's getting late,” he added with candor.

Drew allowed Harry Nichols and Loris to pa.s.s him as he held the portieres for them with a thoughtful bow. He crossed the reading-room, examined the books and cases, glanced under a low divan, and saw to it that each window was latched before he knocked lightly upon a further door which was hidden by curtains.

A maid appeared, in smart white ap.r.o.n and pursed lips of inquiry. Drew regarded her not unkindly. He ran his eyes up and down her trim figure from the black bow in her brown hair to the wide ribbons which laced her trim French shoes.

”How long have you been with Miss Stockbridge?” he asked.

_”Merci, Monsieur!”_ she courtesied. ”It has been for zee longest time.

_Cinq--sept, annees, monsieur,”_ she counted mentally.

”Good!” said Drew closing the door lightly. ”Good little girl. We won't bother you the rest of the night,” he added as he turned a good key in a perfectly good lock and dropped the curtains.

”Now!” he said with a final glance about the reading-room, with its morocco-bound tomes and glowing lights. ”Now, let the worst come! Let that come what may!”

He strode through to the reception room, glanced slit-lidded at Loris and Nichols, who had seated themselves in the deeper recess of a splendid alcove, and hurried to the hall where Delaney was hastily removing his coat, and showing other evidences of some answer to his quest at the telephone exchange.

”Well?” asked Drew as the bulk of the big operative loomed through the tapestries. ”Well, what did you find out over there?”

”Enough, Chief!” Delaney's voice was hard. He glanced at Loris and Nichols. His right eye closed in a warning wink of caution.

”Come into this other room,” said Drew. ”Come right in, Delaney. This way!” Drew lifted the portieres, then dropped them after the operative had stumbled forward.

”What did you find?” he asked into Delaney's ear. ”Out with it!”
