Chapter 964: Festival Date with Alice ② (1/2)

I'm going around the stalls with Alice. The plan was to get some food for the fireworks, but also to enjoy the other stalls.

However, something unexpected happened. Paradise-sans wasn't near that stall.

[……They aren't in any of the stalls.]

[Yes, but it seems like the food is already prepared and ready to eat…… It seems like State Preservation Magic has been automatically applied to them, so they're all freshly made.]

[Even the target shooting and stalls like that had that tool with ”Feel free to play” written on them.]

[Hmmm, this was probably just a thoughtful gesture. She wanted us to be just us two together……]

In other words, this whole bazaar was reserved for me and Alice huh…… That in itself makes this place have a strange atmosphere, but it might be advantageous for the shy Alice.

But even if that's so, it's not like we're going to be doing anything more lover-like than what we're doing right now. I mean, what's even higher than walking around shoulder to shoulder?

[……What about walking around while I'm in a princess carry?]

[ ! ? ]

[No, that's all I could think of when I thought of something higher than walking around shoulder to shoulder. Hmmm, well, for the time being, let's stay like this……]


Arehh? I thought I saw a momentary look of disappointment on Alice's face. Speaking of which, Alice was surprisingly a romanticist, or rather, she yearns for those over-the-top situations.

As I was thinking about this, Alice shyly poked her forefingers together and spoke in a quiet, whisper-like volume.

[……U- Ummm…… If Kaito-san is alright with it…… I'd like to try it a bit…… or something like that……]

The heck is with her, isn't she too cute? The shy expression, the small voice, the inevitable upward glance due to our height difference, and every other aspect of her is just too cute.

Possessing a beauty that I couldn't refute her words even if she kept on proclaiming herself as a ”Transcendental Beauty”, after being shown such a sight, there was no way I could refuse her wish.

[I'm not really used to doing this, so keep your hands around my neck so you don't fall.]

[Ah, yes…… Errr, just like this?]

[Unnn, it's fine…… Errr.]


As I felt my heart race upon smelling the nice scent wafting out when I held her in my arms, after making sure that Alice had her hands around my neck, I gave her the princess carry as requested.

She's lighter than I imagined, and perhaps, because of her small body, I feel like being like this fits really well.

[……Aren't I heavy?]

[You're totally light. Well then, I'll start walking around like this……]

[Hyaaahhh, your face is too close…… Y- Yes, please.]

Thereupon, I started walking, checking my footing to make sure I wouldn't accidentally trip. Meanwhile, Alice was moving her gaze around a little restlessly, as if she didn't know where to look.