Chapter 902: Extra Chapter : Tre and Vier (1/2)

<Author's Notes>

I've been somewhat out of it that I haven't been able to write Sieg's arc yet, so I'm going to switch the order with the extra chapter that was supposed to be posted next.

After the afternoon checkup, Vier suddenly turned hre attention to a metal can sitting in a corner of the room. It had originally contained tea leaves, but now that the contents were used up, she was still using it as a small container.

It's not a particularly stylish can, just being one containing common tea that's sold everywhere…… However, the reason why Vier is still using it is because it was given to her by her family when this clinic was first established.

The time goes back several hundred years.

One of Kuromueina's family members, Vier…… she who was once called the Demon Lord and invaded the Human Realm, regretted her mistake and left her family, deciding to live for redemption.

She was originally good at Recovery Magic, but after learning about human medicine while traveling through the Human Realm and becoming skilled enough to be a doctor, she set up a clinic in Symphonia Kingdom.

To put it bluntly, there are many people in her family…… what's commonly referred to as the Underworld King's camp that are excellent, and they can find Vier's location if they wanted to.

In fact, many of her family knew that Vier had started her life as a doctor in Symphonia Kingdom. However, no one went to go see her.

They understand Vier's pain and regret, and they knew that she…… and Kuromueina would need to calm down……

However, well, there are always exceptions to everything.

Just as Vier had built her clinic and started her life as a doctor tomorrow, there was a visitor at the clinic.

[Vier! I've come to visit~~ Ahh, here's a souvenir. I found some delicious tea~~]

[……Eeeehhhhh, S- Sister Tre? W- Why……]

[I heard you built a clinic…… so I came to build and celebrate!!!]

Yes, it was Tre. Needless to say, Vier was puzzled by the sudden appearance of her sister. Holding various emotions within her heart, such as guilt and regret for her actions, Vier had been distancing herself from her family but…… ”Tre isn't the kind of person who cares about that”.

After brushing Vier's emotions aside, Tre went inside Vier's house and started chatting happily with her over a cup of tea she had brought.

Vier was happy to see that her sister was just like always…… but as far as Vier was concerned, she mustn't take advantage of this situation.

That's why, Vier roundaboutly told her sister, who was drinking tea, with a serious expression, to leave.

[……Sister Tre. I've made a big mistake. I don't deserve to see my family right now. I don't deserve to meet them…… No, I don't want to see any of my family, at least, not for the time being. Everyone understands how I feel, so they don't say anything out of concern for me.]

[I see…… By the way, something interesting happened to me the other day.]

[Should have known it! There's no way that Sister Tre would have any tact at all!!!]

Tre naturally didn't listen to such a statement, and Vier could only hold her head in her hands.

[……By the way, Sister Tre? Where's Cento and Cien?]

[They're lost. Mysterious, isn't it?]


Needless to say, Vier only looked at a far distance when she heard Tre's words. Not being able to force her sister, who had no fighting ability, to leave by herself, Vier continued to deal with Tre until Cento and Cien eventually came near the clinic.

After that day, Tre kept on coming to her clinic. Vier tried to persuade her to stop coming several times…… but after the 4th time, she completely gave up.

Tre really just came there to visit, as she would just show up, chat with her, and then leave. She doesn't condemn Vier for her actions, nor does she try to convince her to meet with her family or Kuromueina. She really came there just to chat with her.

That's also why Vier couldn't reject her too strongly.

Tre may seem like she's someone who doesn't think about her actions, but she often uses her intuition to understand a person's heart, and thus, she realized that it's difficult to make Vier and Kuromueina reconcile on this matter…… No, she realized that ”it's impossible for her”.

In order to save Vier, she would have to deny her thoughts once and forcibly pull her before Kuromueina, but she knew that that was impossible for her.

It's not a matter of ability though…… For even if Tre denied Vier's thoughts, her words ”wouldn't reach the depths of Vier's heart”. It would either be brushed aside or ending the matter with an apology, unable to sway Vier's mind.

That's why, if it was someone Vier definitely couldn't disregard…… As long as it was the words of ”a being who has accomplished what Vier couldn't”, it's impossible to bring out the true feelings that Vier has hidden deep inside.

Tre didn't have a perfect grasp of the situation, but she somehow knew that it would be impossible for her. But being the positive person she is, she just continued to visit Vier as usual, thinking that the situation would someday sort itself out.

It's not that her actions have brought about any change…… but seeing that the attitude of her sister has remained unchanged throughout the years may have given some relief to Vier's heart.

After the relationship between Vier and Kuromueina is improved by the singularity, Miyama Kaito, Vier went to Kuromueina's castle in the Demon Realm…… back to her former home.

Vier, who was limply walking around after she was powerfully punched by Funf, who she was close to, just like sisters, and scolded for several hours by Zwei, happened to run into Tre, who had just returned home.

[Arehh? Vier?]

[S- Sister Tre. I- I am……]