Chapter 892: In the Demon Realms City ⑥ (2/2)


[No, you looked like you've accomplished it, but didn't ”you also get 0 points”!? How dare you diss me when you got points like that!]

[……No, it was harder than I thought……]

I have never played tennis before…… so I just realized how difficult it is to hit a ball with the racket…….

How should I say this…… First of all, it's difficult to properly hit the ball with the center of my racket, and even if I managed to do that, the ball won't fly in the direction I wanted it to go. Also, even when I tried to time it right, I sometimes missed my swings, so I think this game would take me some time getting used to.

[Do you want to try it out too, Sieg-san?]

[Since we're at it…… I guess so.]

The next one to try it out was Sieg-san, and when she took over…… Sieg-san hit the first ball too far, but after that, she seemed to have control of the ball and returned all the balls to their designated zones, five of them even hitting the narrow red zone, easily gaining the highest score of 14 points.

I- I don't know what to say here…… It's either Sieg-san is just too good, or Tre-san and I were just too lousy……

[T- That was amazing, Sieg-san. Have you tried this out back in the Six Kings Festival?]

[No, this is the first time I played this. It was a little difficult to adjust the force of my strikes, but I think I got a good score.]

[……No, I mean, you did really great, don't you think?]

[You think so?]

Sieg-san had a great score, but seemingly not trying to be modest or anything, it looked like she really thinks that her score wasn't so great.

[I think Lili would have easily scored 20 though.]

[No…… I don't think you should be comparing yourself to Lilia-san here.]

Ahh, I see. It was because the person closest to her seemed to be able to easily get a perfect score on the first try huh…… Well, I honestly think Lilia-san would get a perfect score here even if she played this for the first time.

After all, it may be hard to imagine from her usual atmosphere, but Lilia-san is a really unbelievable genius.

For example, the members of Lilia-san's household, and Aoi-chan and Hina-chan took turns playing the VR game that we played at the Six Kings Festival, which was given to me on my birthday…… Of course, let alone driving one, that should have been the first time they had ever seen a car.

While Sieg-san and Luna-san struggled with driving, having acquired the unbelievable drifting skills of Alice after turning just one corner, Lilia-san got an overwhelming first place.

……It was at this moment that geniuses brimming with talent really did exist.

Wryly smiling as I thought about this, I looked at Tre-san who was gripping her racket, looking like she's going to try again. I'm sure Sieg-san had ”contacted” them earlier, so they should be here in a little while.

It's not a problem at all because it doesn't seem like she was thinking of escaping, but according to Cento-san, if you take your eyes off her for a moment, she may disappear, so we should be as careful as possible.


Serious-senpai : [……I wonder if this is the first time that a local resident has the same physical ability as Kaito.]

? ? ? : [Tre-san has more magic power than him, so if you compare them, you could say that Tre is slightly better in terms of combat power…… but for when things really count, she's on the same level as Kaito-san.]