Chapter 880: Meeting the Six Kings Executives - Ten Demons II ④ (1/2)

After exchanging greetings, I took a seat at the table Medea-san had prepared for us and had a cup of tea. With Medea-san's physique, she wouldn't have any use for this table and chairs, so they're clearly sized to fit Pandora-san and me, so I'm grateful that she took the trouble to prepare them for us.

However, even if that's so…… I don't want to nitpick people's hobbies…… but why are the table and chairs ”made of bones”?

[……What's with the bad taste in these table and chairs?]

Somehow, while we're greeting the Ten Demons, I feel like Pandora-san has become a decent person. She said exactly what I wanted to say, and I really appreciated it.

[They were gifts. There is an eccentric necromancer living deep in the Dark Forest, and she apparently made these out of a whim, but it was hard to use for me……  Considering the size of Miyama Kaito-san's physique though, these seats were just right, so I used it this time.]

[So they were just forcing their unused items to you huh……]

Necromancer…… If I remember correctly, Sechs-san was also something like a necromancer. Well, Sechs-san lives in Kuro's mansion, so this necromancer shouldn't be him.

However, I think the atmosphere of the Dark Forest and that necromancer are a perfect match.

We're getting a little off-topic though, so I decided to thank Medea-san again for that incident back then.

[……Errrr, I'm going back to the topic, Medea-san. For helping me in the previous battle in the God Realm, thank you.]

[No problem. Fighting is a sorrowful thing, but it's also a fact that fighting will never disappear from the world…… If that's the case, then it is my own wish to go to the battlefield to use my body as a shield for the sake of my friends.]


What she's saying sounds like she's thinking of her friends, but Pandora-san looked at her with a doubtful look on her face.

[You just want to satisfy your own desires, don't you?]

[I won't deny that. Sorrow is also a ”delightful” thing after all.]

[……U- Unnn?]

Ahh, she's starting to spout outrageous things. Sorrow is a delightful thing? As I was feeling confused with what she's saying, Pandora-san lets out a sigh before explaining.

[……Tiamat is a psycho who finds pleasure in mental pain. In particular, she loves the ”sorrow of killing and separating with those close to her with her own hands”. When on a mission to dispose of a target, she would regard them as a close friend or a family member, before cruelly torturing them to death.]


Ehh, the heck is this. That's scary…… A- Ahh, I see now…… That's why, earlier, when Medea-san told me that ”she thinks we could get along with each other”, Pandora-san told her not to involve me with her obsession……

[Ahh, how extremely sorrowful. I've gotten my hands on a lot of people…… and everyone has become invaluable to me. If our relationship had deepened, we could have been lifelong friends and companions. Aaahhhh…… Plucking away such a future that should have happened was heartbreakingly sorrowful.]

The expression on Medea-san's face as she said this was one of ecstasy, and how should I say this…… she looked really happy. I see, it seems like she really is one outrageous person, worthy of being named alongside Phenix-san.

[……Don't you dare release your ultrasonic waves, okay? If you do, I will immediately execute you.]

[I understand. Ahh, Miyama Kaito-san, I'm sorry if I frightened you. Please don't worry, even if I may look like this, I'm able to control myself….. It's just that, when I get close to someone, I have a slightly sinful obsession of wanting to kill them and wallow in grief.]

[H- Huhh……]

All in all, I can't come to any conclusion other than her being an outrageously dangerous person!? I mean, could the frightening gravestones around here be…… L- Let's not think about it.

Listening to the information Pandora-san said to me, she certainly was an outrageous person that I could understand why Pandora-san called her a psycho…… The conversation doesn't seem to be particularly strange for her, as her tone remained polite and calm.