Chapter 860: Intermission: God Realm ~ ~ Progress ~ ~ (1/2)

Within the temple of the God of Space and Time, Chronois, located in the upper level of the God Realm, in one of its rooms, the Supreme Gods were gathered around a table.

Fate flipped through a stack of papers, while Chronois and Life looked at her nervously. After a few moments of hearing only the sound of paper flipping in the quiet room, Fate lightly exhaled and smiled.

[Unnn, okay! Let's go with this.]


[We're finally one step ahead.]

The three of them were discussing the God Realm Festival that Shallow Vernal had entrusted to them, with Chronois and Life planning it and Fate confirming their plans. Unless Fate accepts their plan, they wouldn't be able to move on to the next step.

At first, their ideas were being quickly rejected, so Chronois and Life each learned about the festivals in the Human Realm, and after a few more attempts, Fate finally accepted their plan.

[I think having this as the overall flow is good enough. However, putting aside the main attraction, I also think that it would be nice if there was something unique. Something that would make you think that it could only be seen in the God Realm Festival.]

[……In that case, considering that it was in the form of a festival, wouldn't it be safe to have food in that?]

[The products of the God Realm that are famous in the Human Realm and Demon Realm are Glorious Tea and Shallow Grande…… but they're too expensive. The people who would be able to afford it would be extremely limited.]

With the general idea decided, they've begun discussing the particular details. After hearing Fate's suggestion, Chronois and Life discussed it with serious expressions on their faces.

Fate is only their supervisor though, so she basically watches their discussions and gives advice when needed.

[In this case, I don't think it necessarily needs to be a high-quality and delicious item. What's important is that this is especially found in the God Realm Festival.]

[I see…… If that's the case, I have a few candidates in mind. Food that doesn't exist in the Human Realm or the God Realm, but only in the God Realm…… I will have the ones that are relatively inexpensive prepared. God of Life, is it possible to increase the number of foods in a short time?]

[That's easy. However, that's except for products that need Shallow Vernal-sama's permission, such as Shallow Grande……]

[What about Glorious Tea?]

[That's possible, but doesn't it have the image of being a very rare tea?]

If they can prepare a special item that can only be eaten at the God Realm Festival, it will be a much-appreciated factor and a great weapon when they launch the God Realm Festival again in the future.