Chapter 848: Rookie Adventurers and the Legendary Chivalrous Thief ⑩ (1/2)
Although there was an extremely tragic incident regarding wyverns, Hapti-san's lessons went on without any other problems, and as she is now teaching how to clean up the encampment…… like how to put out fires and such, it seems like the lessons end after she finished discussing this.
As expected, when the cleanup was over, Hapti-san announced that she had finished teaching and suggested that we finish things up here.
However, there was something I had personally been curious about, so I decided to ask her about it at this time.
[Hapti-san, can I ask a question?]
[Unnn? What is it?]
[No, it's not that big of a deal. It was just, Aoi-chan and Hina-chan were fighting all day, so I was wondering what kind of fighting style Hapti-san uses……]
Hapti-san was described as an All-around Thief in the Story of the First Hero's Journey, and was said to be able to use a variety of weapons depending on the situation.
The only thing is that I expect that the peculiar circular pouch that Hapti-san wears on her waist is probably holding a weapon because of its special shape. Thus, I was wondering if that is Hapti-san's main weapon.
Unnn, let me correct that. To be honest, as to what kind of weapon would be in a pouch of that shape…… I can actually imagine what it is to some extent. However, exactly because I could imagine what it is that I wanted to see it.
[I'm good at hit-and-run…… throwing weapons. My main weapon is this.]
[……A ”chakram” huh.]
Hapti-san took out from her pouch a ring with sharp edges…… yes, a chakram. Honestly, I feel like that's a weapon that's hard to handle, but I personally like them…… and I think it's kind of cool to fight with chakrams.
[That seems difficult to handle.]
[Well, you need to get used to using them.]
When Aoi-chan, who must have felt the same way as I did, asked, Hapti-san smiled and held up her index finger…… Arehh? Where's the chakram she was holding earlier?
At the same time that these questions were popping into my head, Hapti-san pointed to a tree some distance away, and when I turned my gaze towards that direction…… with the sound of blowing wind, a chakram lopped a branch off a tree, and five more chakram tore the branch into pieces before it fell to the ground.
The chakrams then flew in a wide arc before all six chakrams returned and ended up in Hapti-san's hands.
[……Well, once you get used to using them, you can do something as detailed as this.]
It's just amazing. No, of course, I wouldn't be surprised if Alice could do that technique itself, but this time, she probably suppressed the speed of her chakrams on purpose.
Even though she is acting as Hapti-san now, there's no way that I could see the movements of the magic-imbued chakrams thrown by one of the most powerful people in the world.
The fact that I could see the trajectory should be considered as an indication that it was adjusted to a speed at which I could see it. And because of that, I was able to see her artistic godly techniques.
[It's amazing, but would those be able to hurt strong monsters?]
[That is indeed a very good question, Hina. In conclusion, since I'm throwing it filled with my magic power, these chakrams could even cut orichalcon in half. However, I can understand why you would ask such a question. Let's see, since you two are excellent and finished the lessons early…… As an extra, I'll teach you a little something about weapons.]
As she said this, Hapti-san took out two swords from her magic box.
[Now then, here's a question. If I were to swing this iron sword and this orichalcon sword with the same strength, which one do you think will be sharper?]
[……Isn't it the orichalcon one?]
[That's what you'd think. However, that isn't really always the answer. The answer for this time's question, is that since both of them have been strengthened by magic power, it would have the “same sharpness”. If I want, I could also give a tree branch the same sharpness as these swords.]