Chapter 823: Freabell Nidzveld ⑧ (1/2)

The place where Frea-san wanted to greet Lilia-san was quickly prepared, and now, Frea-san and Lilia-san were facing each other in the reception room.

I could feel great tension from Lilia-san's voice, but more than that, I could also feel her joy. According to Luna-san, Lilia-san was Frea-san's fan, so even though this was the first time they had met, the fact that she knew the other person well may have helped her relax.

Once brief introductions were made, the atmosphere gradually became calmer and had a calm conversation.

[……And thus, my subordinates will be under your care. I've told them well in advance, so I'm sure they won't cause any trouble for Duchess Lilia…… but if any problems occur, please let me know.]

[I understand. It might cause some inconvenience for you for my Flying Dragon Flight isn't so large, but we will be in your care.]

Unnn, she didn't look like she would blow up just like back then. Lilia-san seemed to be enjoying herself as she talked with Frea-san, her tension had dissipated.

After a few moments of calmly chatting like that, when the conversation had come to a close, Lilia-san said something in a reserved tone.

[……U- Ummm, Nidzveld-sama. It would be great if it's possible……]


[Errr, would you, ummm…… please give me your autograph?]

Looking at Lilia-san who took out a piece of colored paper with an apologetic expression on her face, asking for her autograph, Frea-san gently smiled and accepted the paper.

[Yeah, of course, I don't mind. Would you like me to dedicate it to your name as well, Duchess Lilia?]

[Ah, yes!]

In contrast to Lilia-san who was excited like a child, Frea-san wrote her signature on the paper, looking as if she was already used to it. How should I say this……  frankly I was a little surprised.

No, it may be rude of me to say that it was unexpected, but I was a little surprised to see her familiarity with signing autographs, since I had thought of her as a staunch person.

But thinking about it again, Frea-san was one of the world's most famous executives of the Six Kings, and in fact, today, a good number of people, including knights, seemed to know Frea-san, even when she was in humanoid form.

In addition to the once-every-decade Festival of Heroes, most of the Six Kings' executives are also invited to other festivals and events, so there were probably many opportunities for them to be asked for their autographs on such occasions.

The only exception to this would be Phantasmal King's Ten Demons, who basically never come out to the public, even during the Festival of Heroes, except for Pandora, who sometimes represents Alice. It seems that they are the most mysterious among the Six Kings' executives.

As I was thinking about this, it seemed that Frea-san had finished writing her autograph, and after Frea-san handed back the colored paper, Lilia-san repeatedly bowed her head and thanked her.

After that, they started chatting again, but looking as if she suddenly remembered something, Frea-san spoke.

[…….Speaking of which, was it true that Duchess Lilia is still in your 20s?]

[Eh? Ah, yes.]

[I see…… Well, I have often heard rumors of you, but standing before you like this, I understand now. How wonderful. You truly are a refined warrior.]

[I am honored by your praise.]

[I didn't have much time to look at you during the battle in the God Realm, but you use a greatsword as your weapon, don't you? Do you have a school of combat you belong to?]

What is this? I don't know if it was my imagination or not, but Frea-san seemed to be a little excited. I kinda feel like she's thinking something like ”I want to have a bout with her”.

Well, though I say that, it's a lot better than Megiddo-san because she's keeping her thoughts to herself……

[No, I don't belong to any particular school of combat, but I learned the basics from a friend who is a knight…… If I had to describe it, I'd say I follow the Way of the Knight, I guess?]

[I see…… I can already tell by your atmosphere, but you have polished your skills to such a path quite well. If we had the opportunity, I'd like it if we could spar.]