Chapter 818: Freabell Nidzveld ⑦ (1/2)

While Kaito was puzzled and relieved by Lilia-san's unusual reaction, a certain person appeared before Nidzveld who was in the guest room of Kaito's mansion.

[Are youuuu alright with teaaaaa?]

[Ahh, I'm sorry for bothering you. I'm sorry, thanks…… Unnn?]

As she was about to thank the maid for giving her tea…… Illness, Nidzveld's words stopped mid-sentence as she looked at Illness with a questioning expression on her face.

When Illness curiously tilted her head at her reaction, looking like she was trying to choose her words, Nidzveld spoke.

[……From the way you act, you appear to be a very strong person…… Ummm…… Have we met somewhere before?]

[Nooooo~~ Couldn't it just be your imaginatioooon?]

[Mnhh, I see…… Indeed, it's hard to believe that I would forget the face of a warrior of your level. Excuse me, I must have been mistaken.]

[No, nooooo~~ Don't worry about iiiiiit.]

As a matter of fact, the two of them are acquainted. Illness has met and talked with Nidzveld in the past as Pandemonium.

Then, why doesn't Nidzvled realize who Illness is, even after listening to Illness' tone that was quite peculiar…… The reason for this was Recognition Inhibition Magic.

Due to the nature of the work that Phantasmal King's subordinates undertake, requiring them to infiltrate various places, they tend to be more skilled in Information Concealment Magic and Recognition Inhibition Magic than the other camps. Among them, the Ten Demons, who are the leaders of their camp, have received direct training from their King, Shalltear, and are among the most skilled in the world in terms of magic like this.

That's also the same case for the current Illness, as even if it's just ”suppressing her magic power”, much less Nidzveld, it's effective even against some of the Six Kings.

But of course, no matter how skilled she is, Illness' Recognition Inhibition Magic is nowhere near Shalltear's. Shalltear's Recognition Inhibition Magic is at a level where even the Six Kings and Supreme Gods wouldn't be able to detect it even if she directly speaks to them, and they would only notice when Shalltear turns hostile.

On the other hand, the Recognition Inhibition Magic that Illness wears isn't as powerful as hers. If she suppresses her magic, she can deceive most people, but if her magic power were to increase even a little bit, she would be noticed immediately.

And the second thing is that, when it's someone as powerful as Nidzveld, even if they don't realize that Illness is really Pandemonium…… they can feel that something was out of place to the extent that ”they feel like they've met somewhere before”, so if they see each other multiple times, there's a possibility that they'll eventually realize who she is.

[The fact that you're serving me tea like this……. You're a maid in service to my comrade…… Miyama Kaito huh? As expected of my comrade, to have a woman of your talents under his service.]

[It is an honoooor to receive your praiiiiiise.]

[It's actually wonderful. All the presences I could feel in this mansion are from people holding considerable ability. There are even two Count-ranks…… The rest would be around Baron-ranks? As for you, you're too proficient with suppressing with your magic power, so I couldn't tell how powerful exactly you are…… but if you're that skilled with your magic control, you're definitely a Count-rank…… What do you think? If circumstances permit us, why don't we have a bout?]

[I would haaaaave to refuse thaaaaat.]

Nidzveld also possesses the temperament that is often seen in the War King's subordinates; she likes to fight against the strong. Because she herself is a woman of relentless ambition, she is always hungry for a fight with the strong.