Chapter 689: Lets Build a House ② (1/2)
Having thought of building my own house, I decided to talk to my acquaintances first, including Lilia-san.
I've already told Mom and Dad that I'm thinking about this matter. At first, they were worried about the cost of building one, but I told them about the money I had, including the amount I had left with Anima, and that there wouldn't be any problem regarding that.
As Mom was muttering ”Kaito has become someone big before I knew it.”, while Dad was muttering ”……What should I do, I don't want my son to support me at my age……”, they seemed to have the same distant look in their eyes.
After talking to my parents, as for who I am going to talk to next…… It would definitely have to be Lilia-san. With that in mind, I immediately acted upon it and went to Lilia-san's office, where I found her working as usual and Luna-san standing by her side.
[Oya, Kaito-san? Is something the matter?]
[Errr, I'm sorry for interrupting your work. It's just that there's something I need to tell Lilia-san……]
[You have something to tell me?]
Even though it was a sudden visit, Lilia-san stopped her work and responded to me with a kind smile. Without beating around the bush, I went straight to the point.
[Actually, since I've decided to live in this world permanently, I don't think I can stay in Lilia-san's care forever, so I'm thinking of buying my own house.]
[……I see. That is indeed a good milestone for you, Kaito-san. You have my approval.]
Arehh? Is it just my imagination? She's affirming me with a smile, but for a moment…… for a really brief moment, I felt like she was really shocked…… Was I just seeing things?
[Incidentally, if Kaito-san doesn't mind me asking, have you already thought about where you are going to build your house?]
[Errr, let's see. The place it would be built hasn't exactly been decided yet, but as expected, I'd prefer if I could live in Symphonia Kingdom, where I'm used to living. I'd also like it if it's as close to this mansion as possible so that it's easy for me to come and see Lilia-san and the others……]
[ ! I see.]
This time, she kind of looked like she was extremely relieved for a moment.
[Yes, that's why I'm thinking of consulting Orchid about the land and such things.]
[I understand. However, it isn't something that would be completed in just one or two days anyway, and since it's a big purchase, I think you should please consider things carefully. If you're fine with me, you can always consult with me anytime.]
[Thank you very much. That's very reassuring.]
I guess the change in her expression earlier really was just my imagination. Although she is friendly and easy to get along with, Lilia-san is still the head of a noble family, and in times like this, she is really reliable.
After thanking Lilia-san several times, I left the room to send a letter to Orchid.
After the conversation was over and Kaito left the room, the smiling Lilia…… gently slumped down on her desk and quietly muttered.
[……It will feel lonely.]
[I'm not sure if I should praise you for enduring it so well or be astounded for not telling him……]
[Uuuu, I mean, Kaito-san was concerned about how he's under my care…… so if I object, he might think I'm a troublesome woman.]
Yes, she maintained a smile with her spirit and willpower, but while listening to Kaito, a hundred thoughts had already popped up in her mind.
If she was to be asked, Lilia honestly felt that she preferred things as they were now. Her beloved lover lives in the same house as her, and they have many opportunities to see each other and enjoy meals and tea together.
[Fortunately, Miyama-sama seems to be planning to build his house nearby, and with Miyama-sama's personality, I'm sure he'll come by often.]
[……Fuguuu…… but we won't be able to do some things like before…… like saying our good mornings and good nights when we pass each other in the corridor.]
[……So, if you're going to look like you're about to cry so much, why didn't you just tell that to Miyama-sama……]
[Well, as Lili told him, it's something that can be dealt with in just one or two days, so why don't you just calm down and think about it…… For the time being, since I don't think you can work in this state, I'll go make you some tea.]