Chapter 595 (1/2)

First of all, I’m sorry that this is not a continuation of the main story. The Author suffered from “Heartfelt Disease”, which makes him want to write a heartfelt story, and until Author-san finished writing one, he wouldn’t be able to continue writing the rest of the story.

So, for today, I’m going to post a chapter regarding a little bit of Lilia’s past.

The disease has been cured, so next chapter will be the usual main story update.

Lotus Lia Symphonia, the 17th King of Symphonia Kingdom. And as the child of the queen, Dahlia Lia Symphonia, the girl…… Lilianne Lia Symphonia was born into the world.

Even though she was born as the long-awaited first child of the queen, who has not been blessed with children for a long time and has even been criticized as an infertile woman, Lilianne’s position was a very delicate one.

This was because Lilianne was born at a time when Ryze Lia Symphonia, the child of a concubine, had just been married and was officially appointed as the next king.

The royal castle isn’t a single, monolithic system. With Lilianne’s birth, a force has arisen that insists that Lilianne, the daughter of the queen, should be installed as the next king, causing some disturbance in the palace.

However, many thought that as a newborn infant, Lilianne wasn’t a match for Ryze, who had been educated for a long time as a member of the royal family, and thus, the calls for Lilianne to be the next king gradually became lesser and lesser.

If that had been all, it would have been dismissed as a dispute for succession, which is common in the royal family. However, by the time Lilianne was four years old, there were strong calls to make her king again.

Yes, it is ironic in a way, but Lilianne Lia Symphonia———— was a “genius”. She was no subpar genius either. She possessed an overwhelming talent that was unparalleled in the history of the Human Realm.

She could read a book and easily understand its contents, she could learn etiquette and dance with ease after being taught once. In fact, by the time she was five years old, she was already able to use magic.

She had later said that “it took her about three months to learn magic”. It’s a speed…… that couldn’t be said as fast for Humans. However, in the first place, the premise in this matter is different.

No, indeed, it took Lilianne three months to activate her magic…… “Self-taught”, that is. Yes, at a very young age and with no magical guidance by others.

Without being taught by anyone, Lilianne became aware of the existence of magic power flowing through her body, and was able to use it by herself, causing others to shudder before her talent.

Because of this, the King, Lotus and the Queen, Dahlia, were troubled. Even with her birth, the two were preparing to hand over the throne to Ryze, but as Lilianne’s talent is revealed, the voices in Lilianne’s faction are growing louder and louder.

It might be repetitive to say this, but Lilianne is a genius. A genius unparalleled in history…… She can easily memorize the contents of a book she’s read once, her etiquette is so perfect that she amazed her instructors, and she can easily reproduce movements she had seen once.

The calls for Lilianne to become the next king, which had been few at first, became so loud that they divided the royal court, and the two were forced to deal with them on a daily basis.

However, this was not the only change that took place.  Lilianne herself was beginning to change as well. In a negative way.

In the eyes of the young Lilianne, all the people around her were “incompetent”. The adults around her struggled to do things that she, a child, could do easily, and there were even things that the adults were no match for her.

Not having much time with her busy royal parents, and with everyone around her praising her as a genius…… Together, these factors have begun to create an arrogance in Lilianne’s heart that looks down on others.

If she had been left as she was, Lilianne’s character would have had a warped personality. She might have grown up to be an arrogant person, brandishing around her power.

Lotus was quick to realize this, and thus, he took in his long-time best friend, the elven mage Rejnhardt, and his daughter Sieglinde as Lilianne’s friend, to help her heal her loneliness and keep her from forgetting how to care for others…… However, it would take some time to move the whole family out of Rigforeshia.

He thought that they wouldn’t be able to make it in time before the arrogance within Lilianne’s heart solidly forms.

However, there was someone who scolded such a Lilianne.

[……Lilianne-samaaaa, thaaaat’s wroooong.]

[W- What do you think you’re doing, Illness!?]

Yes, it was Lilianne’s personal maid…… Illness.

After being lightly prodded in the forehead by Illness, Lilianne naturally sharply reacted. She wondered why someone like herself is being offended……

[You caaaan’t talk doooown to peeeeeople like thaaaat.]

[……I- I’m just stating the facts. Even Illness wouldn’t be able to win against me. I am an amazi……]

[Reeeeeeeally? You doooon’t look that amaaaazing to me thouuuuuuugh?]

[W- Why!?]

Lilianne had never been scolded that much. It was no wonder. There were not many people who could scold her, a princess and a rare genius……

However, Illness scolded her. With her usual gentle tone, she admonished her.

[There’s nothing amaaaaazing in hurting anyone’s feelings, you knooooow? Hurting anyone’s feeliiiiiings is something anyone can dooooo. What is truuuuuuuly amazing is to be able to recognize and proteeeeeeect those who are powerleeeeeess.]


[Lilianne-sama certainlyyyyy might have amazing poweeeeer~~. Howeveeeeer, if you use that power to hurt someoooooone, then you’re just a bad persooon who can be found anywheeeeeere. It is onlyyyyy when you use your power properlyyyy that you can become a respectable persooooon.]

[……Uuuu, but……]

Illness calmly and slowly spoke to Lilianne. The use of power, the responsibility of those with great power, and what is necessary when you are eventually in a position to protect others……

Lilianne is intelligent. It didn’t take long for her to realize that Illness’ words were correct.

But even so, there was a part of her that was not fully convinced…… but one word from Illness made her change her mind.

[……If Lilianne-samaaaa becomes a bad aduuuuuult, I will “hate” youuuuu.]

[I- I…… don’t want that.]

At that point, Lilianne was not an arrogant person yet. She was just beginning to show signs of arrogance. The fact that she was scolded at that time by the person who had been taking care of her since she became aware of things…… The thought of not wanting to be hated by Illness, with whom she had talked to the most, became the impetus that changed her mind.

And after that, she gained a kind friend in Sieglinde, which helped her to grow up without forgetting to be kind and considerate to others.

In the process of growing up as a kind-hearted princess, Lilianne was able to improve her relationship with her brother, Ryze. As a result, she was able to recognize the importance of family, although she probably didn’t expect that Ryze would become an extreme siscon.

Of course, she was able to do so partly because she was kind-hearted by nature, but more than that…… the existence of Illness had performed a big part in this.

By the time Lilianne was fourteen, her talent was known not only throughout the kingdom, but even in the other countries.. That’s why not many people were surprised when she won second place in her first appearance in a martial arts tournament.