Chapter 540: What about my Human Rights? (1/2)

The racing game played in the virtual world was really interesting. There were courses that ran in the ocean and courses built in the sky, which were only possible because it was in the virtual world, and I became absorbed in the game, forgetting about the time.

I lost to Alice, 1 – 4, but I was able to snatch a win in our final race, which already makes me very satisfied.

Alice's announced that it was time to open the doors to the public, so we left the virtual world  and returned to the original world.

[……Well, even so, that was really fun. I'd love to play with it again when it's finished.]

[I'm glad to hear that you like it. Well, there are still a lot of issues to be cleared in terms of cost and technology, so completion is still a long way off…… I guess it will take more than a decade. But I'll let you test play again, Kaito-san.]

[That's great to hear. To be honest, I'm really looking forward to it.]

[Ahaha, there are also other attractions at the festival, so let's check them out too.]

I guess it's really difficult to complete a game of such magnitude. Even with the cooperation of Kuro, the leading expert in magic tools, and Alice, who was a master of a vast amount of knowledge, it would take more than a decade to complete the game……

But from what I've played, it seems to me that it's almost finished…… Is there still a serious problem in that game?

As I was thinking about this, as if she had sensed my question, Alice spoke with a wry smile on her face.

[……As I said before, the concept itself has been in the works for quite some time already. Incidentally, that concept…… was ”to make Isis-san's wish come true”.]


[We thought that if suppressing Isis-san's magic power of death isn't an option in the real world…… As her magic power itself was the basis of Isis-san's existence, there was no other way for me to do anything. What we had come up at that time was a mental clone. Compared to her main body, the mental clone would have considerably less magic power. If that's the case, we thought that if we used an external technique to assist her in making this mental clone, well, we could suppress her magic power of death within a large-scale ward.]


[However, I guess even though it was just her mental thoughts, it was still her clone, and even with the large-scale ward…… Well, in other words, even if it was limited to the virtual world, it was difficult to suppress her magic power of death without affecting Isis-san's existence. Adding the cost and technical problems, even trying it was difficult.]

It seems that the idea of creating that virtual world was for Isis-san. When she's talking about Isis-san's dream, without a doubt, it was ”to meet someone who would accept her, even if their strength was weak”.

Judging from the way Alice was talking, it seems like they had been thinking about this for quite some time.

[Well, we didn't know when it was going to be completed, and I also wasn't sure if it would work. So, we kept it a secret from the others so that they wouldn't get their hopes up. Well, Kuro-san was originally the only one who was working on this and she asked me, who had knowledge of technology not found in this world, to help her.]

[And you helped with her, Alice?]

[Yes, I've also owed Kuro-san a favor…… As for Isis-san, well, I had as much sympathy for her as a drop in a bucket. No, I lied. I didn't really care about her. I'm only doing this because Kuro-san was asking me so much about this.]

[……You're not really honest with your feelings, aren't you?]

[……Erhem. Anyway, that was the purpose of this project, but it didn't go well at all, and even just making a single experimental tool was too much work…… It's a project that ended up being half-frozen.]

Stopping talking for a moment, Alice turned to me and brightly smiled, before speaking again.

[……In the end, Isis-san was saved by Kaito-san's appearance. On the contrary, thanks to Kaito-san, I was able to get the cooperation of Shallow Vernal-sama, and the project immediately progressed. Kaito-san, you're seriously quite the ”singularity”.]

[A- Ahaha, well, if I can help you…… Unnn? Wait a moment, what did you just say? You were able to get the cooperation of Shiro-san?]

[Eh? Well…… Even when Kuro-san asked her for help, she always said ”she wasn't interested”, but this time, even though she had that condition of having a date with Kaito-san, she generously cooperated…..]