Chapter 464: Its Something that I Couldnt Just Easily Forget (1/2)

Suddenly, Neun-san, wearing an outfit different from usual, appeared in front of Dr. Vier and I. Dressed in heavy jet-black full-body armor, she looked as if she had undergone some kind of ”dark evolution”.

Who would have thought that Neun-san, who was once called the Hero and saved the world, would make her entrance as a black Iron Golem?

If the believers of the First Hero saw her, they might tumble down and scamper away. That's how shocking her appearance was.

In any case, Neun-san who was originally about 160cm tall, has now grown to over 2m, so I'm sure that her armor is quite thick……

[……Dr. Vier, please say something.]

[Well, Hikari is such an idiot sometimes.]

Seeing Neun-san approaching the bathtub with her heavy footsteps echoing in the bathroom, Dr. Vier and I exchange words with each other, dumbfounded.

Neun-san didn't seem to mind our reactions though, and coming near the bath, she squats…… ”She started washing herself…… her armor, before taking a bath”.

……No…… That doesn't make any sense, you know!? It's just your armor you're wearing!

[……Ummm, Neun-san? I'm not asking you to get naked, but could you at least wear something lighter instead of such heavy equipment……]

Why the heck am I talking about making someone wear heavy equipment or light equipment in the bathroom? I don't know if it's because there's too much power in my words or not, but even I got confused when I myself said it.

Once she heard my words, Neun-san stopped moving before she slowly shook her head.

[……I can't. I still haven't married yet, and I'm not going to expose my skin to the gentlemen unnecessarily.]

[……I- Is that so……]

S- She won't listen!? She won't even listen even when she's told that she's being too extreme!? I couldn't get my head around imagining the unrealistic situation of a giant armor soaking in a bathtub.

Thereupon, Neun-san seems to have finished washing her body…… her armor, I mean, and slowly began to soak in the onsen.

I don't think I would have to explain what would happen if Neun-san, who is so heavily equipped that she's described as an Iron Golem, got into the onsen…… The water was pushed out at once, turning to a small wave, hitting my body.

[……Neun-san, can you feel the hot water in your armor?]

[Please don't worry. It's ”completely waterproof”!!!]

[Doesn't that make it that bathing here has no sense at all!?]

Seriously, what the heck is she even here for? I know that I've already said this but…… If you're so embarrassed about having a mixed bath with me, you could just not come in here……

As I was dumbfoundedly thinking about this, Dr. Vier, who hadn't spoken a word for a while now, spoke.

[Hey, Hikari? That armor was something you made from your magic power, right?]

[Yes, what of it?]


