Chapter 372 Im Suddenly Really Tired (1/2)
After Alice suddenly ended my clothing selection, I waited for Lilia-san as I drank a cup of tea, as recommended by the clerk.
This store mainly caters to the nobles, and it seemed like it was common for them to take a long time to choose their clothes, so there were several tables and chairs set up in an open space. It kind of reminded me of those shops that deal with cars…… Well, I’ve never bought a car before, so this was just completely something I imagined.
As I sat down on the soft chair, a little while later, a different clerk brought me a cup of tea.
[Here you go, Miyama-sama.]
[Ahh, than……]
I accepted the tea offered to me and was surprised to see the face of the clerk. It wasn’t the fact that she called me by my name…… She’s undoubtedly Alice’s subordinate, so it wouldn’t be surprising for her to know my name.
What surprised me was the clerk herself.
She had deep dark blue hair, her bangs are very long and flowed down her face, hiding her left eye. Meanwhile, her visible right eye had unusually dark circles beneath it.
I considered her face to be very well defined, but with her gray eyes and the deep dark circles beneath them, combined with her pale skin…… She looked very unhealthy.
However, it wasn’t her appearance that surprised me. No, her appearance only slightly surprised me, what surprised me more…..
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[……Ummm, aren’t you…… “Fake Phantasmal King”-san?]
[……How surprising. Even though I’m far from reaching Shalltear-sama’s skill, I was still quite confident in my disguise……]
[Ahh, then, the face you have now is also……]
[No, this is my “real” face.]
[Ah…… I see.]
Yes, this clerk was the fake Phantasmal King who had appeared before me twice in place of Alice…… I didn’t expect that I would meet her again here.
I mean, is it really okay for this person to be here? She’s obviously Alice’s close retainer…… Wouldn’t that make her one of the upper echelons……
As if sensing my doubts, Fake Phantasmal King-san spoke with a thin, elegant smile on her face.
[I’ve decided that the people assigned to this store are a bit lowly and aren’t suitable to serve tea to Miyama-sama, so I’ve come to serve you myself.]
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[I- Is that so…… T- Thank you for taking the trouble of serving me tea, errr……]
[My name is “Pandora”, Shalltear-sama’s confidant. Pleased to make your acquaintance……]
[Y- Yes. I’m Miyama Kaito…… E- Err, Pandora-san? Ummm, a- are you feeling unwell?]
[Ahh, you mean how I look huh……]
Being Alice’s confidant, I guess it’s safe to assume that she was the one with the most authority among Alice’s subordinates.
H- Hmmm…… That’s something I understand, but she really looked insanely unhealthy, and I couldn’t help but notice the deep shadows beneath her eyes.
[I’m a Hell Nightmare. I was born with this skin color and dark circles below my eyes, so please don’t worry about it.]
[I- Is that the case…… I’m sorry.]
[No, it is my honor to have received your concern.]
The source of this content is lightnove/lworld[.]com
[E- Errr……]
I see, she wasn’t like that because of her health condition, but because that was how she originally looked like……
E- Even so, Pandora-san……aren’t you being too humble?
[We, the Phantasmal King Corps, are in absolute obedience to you, Shalltear-sama’s master. Of course, if Miyama-sama orders us to, we will carry out any mission you give us, even at the cost of our life. If you need us for anything, please don’t hesitate to give us the order.]
[……Y- Yes. T- Thank you for your hard work.]
After clearly stating such with a voice filled with her firm intentions, Pandora faintly smiled……. Somehow, there’s something about her that makes her look a little creepy.
It’s different from the scariness Eden-san gives off, it’s as if Pandora-san was someone straight out a horror movie.
Or rather, the entire Phantasmal King Corps are in absolute obedience to me, she said…… Does that mean, I can do that? If I say “Assemble!” just like Alice did before, a bunch of people in black would show up? The heck is that, that’s scary.
As I was thinking about this, Alice, who had somehow appeared in the seat across from me, sipped her tea and spoke.
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