Chapter 370 Im Afraid of What Happens Later (1/2)

When I came back to my room and checked the clock, it displayed 11:00 pm…… It was already quite late.

Feeling the sensation that lingered on my lips, I took off my jacket and put it on the hanger, intending to change my clothes but…… the scenery around me changed to a certain”hanging garden”.


What was supposed to be my room at night was instantly transformed into a garden floating above the blue skies…… U- Unnn. This place looks familiar, but what the heck is this all about?

This is definitely the topmost layer of the God Realm, the Sanctuary…… I knew that this was where Shiro-san lives, but I have no clue as to why I was suddenly called here.

Just as the stunned me was standing in that place, I heard a voice that is as inflectionless as usual.

[Night doesn’t exist in the God Realm. I can turn it into night if I wanted though……]

[……I- I see. By the way, Shiro-san? Why was I suddenly teleported here……]

When I turned around, there obviously stood Shiro-san, and with a blank expression on her face.

I tried asking her why she had suddenly and forcefully summoned me, but she took her eyes off me and made a table and chairs appear.

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[I’ll go make some tea.]


[I’ll go make some tea.]

[W- Why are you suddenly…… Or rather, I’m just about to sleep now……]

[I’ll go make some tea.]

[L- Like I said……]

[I’ll go make some tea.]


Pushed back by the infinite loop, my shoulders slumped and I just sat down in my chair.

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Thereupon, a cup of tea and some cookies appeared in front of me…… However, there was something that bothered me more.

[……Ummm, Shiro-san? It might just be my imagination but…… Are you in a “bad mood”?]

I couldn’t read Shiro-san’s emotions with my Sympathy Magic. So, I could only guess what she’s feeling based on the slightest change in her expression and from my experience with her…… and somehow, I felt like she was in a bad mood.

It’s just my guess, but I think that’s also the reason why she suddenly wanted to have tea…… Shiro-san was certainly an airhead who abruptly decided things, but she would at least explain the reasons if I asked her.

But this time, she just pushed her thought of “making tea” without any explanation, so I thought the reason might be her mood.

[Yes. I’m currently in a very bad mood.]

[……I- I see.]

Shiro-san readily admitted that she was in a bad mood. No, she’s still as inflectionless and expressionless as usual, so I can hardly tell the difference between when she was in a bad mood from how she normally acts……

E- Even so, she really is in a bad mood huh…… W- Why? C- Could it be that I did something wrong without realizing it?

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[No, you didn’t.]

[I- Is that so…… That’s good to hear.]

I thought that maybe I had done something to upset Shiro-san, but when she told me that I had not, I felt relieved.

But that feeling of relief however…… was shattered by the words Shiro-san said after taking a sip of her tea.

[……Even I could do it.]

[……Eh? W- What do you mean?]

[……Even I could have “teleported Kaito-san and the Demon Lord to where Kuro is”……]

Arehh? I’m starting to get really nervous about this…… T- That’s weird. Why is it that I feel like my back is starting to sweat profusely?

Feeling an unspeakable amount of pressure, I quietly waited for her next words.

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[I don’t care one bit, not even a single fraction, or even a single decimal about this matter…… However, Kaito-san “would rely on the Earth God, but you wouldn’t rely on me”.]


S- She’s pouting!? Shiro-san was definitely pouting! Also, the way you said it, it totally sounded like you care about it, you know!?

[No, I don’t care about it…… Kaito-san, when you were attacked by the Black Bear at the Sacred Tree Festival, when you were attacked by the War King’s subordinates, when you were kidnapped, even that time with Kuro, the search for the culprit involved in that Duchess’ past, that time you were taken to another country by the God of Fate, that time you were attacked by the Earth God, or even this time…… You wouldn’t rely on me.]


Y- You’ve been caring about that for this long!? I felt like a lot of her frustrations that had been building up for quite some time had been revealed with this matter.

N- No, it’s not that I don’t want to rely on Shiro-san…… It’s just that I’m refraining from asking because Shiro-san is too powerful, making me think that carelessly asking for help from her would just cause trouble instead……

[But both Kuro and Earth God are just as powerful as I am.]

[Ughh…… T- That is……]

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