Chapter 346 A Secret that has Always been Hidden...... (1/2)

I was strangely caught off guard by their reactions, but I didn’t mention it, and the three of us, including Neun-san, exchanged some light conversation.

After a while of idle conversation, as if she remembered about it, Dr. Vier returned to our original topic.

[Come to think of it, Miyama-kun? In the end, what’s the reason why you came to see me?]

[Yes, since Neun-san is here, this may not be necessary but……]


Since Neun-san is a member of Kuro’s family, she definitely has an invitation, and if she and Dr. Vier are close friends, it wouldn’t be surprising if she had already invited her to the Six Kings Festival.

Well, it’s not like I’m going to lose anything by suggesting it, so I’ll just invite her.

As Dr. Vier tilted her head as she was about to get up and prepare another pot of herbal tea, I told Dr. Vier about the main topic of my visit.

[The Six Kings Festival occurs on the 24th day of the Light month, if you’re fine with it, would you like to go?]


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Immediately after, the pot slipped from Dr. Vier’s hand and fell on the floor, shattering to multiple pieces.

Eh? What’s with her reaction…… What’s with this…… storm-like emotions……

The moment I invited her, my Sympathy Magic read the various emotions that erupted from Dr. Vier.

Dr. Vier’s expression didn’t change. She only looked a little surprised…… However, the emotions I felt through my Sympathy Magic were as dreadful as a murky river.

Regret, fear, anger, lamentation, anxiety, escapism…… Feeling the surge of dark emotions gushing towards my body, I was at a loss for words.

Thereupon, Neun-san unexpectedly rose from her chair and approached Dr. Vier.

[……Ahh, you really are hopeless, Vier. You’re still the same “klutz” like usual.]

[A- Ahaha, unnn. I’m sorry, my hand slipped……]

A klutz like usual? Is that really all there is to it? I mean, what happened just now, rather than because of Dr. Vier’s klutziness…… It looks more like she’s so shaken that she lost grip of the pot.

This content is taken from lightnovelworld[.]com

Moreover, I’ve also felt that from Neun-san too…… I could feel her flusteredness, as if she was trying to cover something up. Her expression appears to be calm, but I felt like I had touched something I shouldn’t have.


[Eh? Ah, yes!]

[……I’m sorry. I’m glad you invited me, but I have a lot of patients that even need my visit to receive medical treatment, so I don’t have the time to attend.]

……It’s a lie. I don’t even need my Sympathy Magic for me to know that. However, I can’t say anything.

Dr.Vier must have known that even if she lied in her current state, she would be found out. And yet, she still dared to lie…… I guess that means that I shouldn’t go any further into this topic.

[I see…… I’m sorry for being unreasonable.]

[No. I was happy with just the thought, Miyama-kun. Thank you for inviting me.]

I don’t know. Why is it that something like this is happening? I was just trying to invite Dr. Vier to the Six Kings Festival……

The source of this content is lightnove/lw/orld[.]com