Part 21 (1/2)

This made me pause for reflection, especially the knowing way Grams said it, but Grams wasn't done.

”Probably didn't help, my boy's beautiful granddaughter sittin' next to the town hunk. History, in a way, repeating. Salt in the wound.”

My eyes went to the rearview mirror, caught Raiden's and they rolled.

When they rolled back, his were back on the road but they were smiling.

We hit the Pancake House, all pancakes, all the time, (no kidding, they had nothing but pancakes, sausage and bacon on their menu); a weird restaurant that did booming business about fifteen miles out of town up the foothills. It had a fabulous view and the best pancakes I'd ever eaten. So good Grams and I never went anywhere else for Sunday breakfast, and this continued the tradition of Dad and Mom taking us all there every Sunday up until the Sunday before they moved to a different state.

As usual, the pancakes didn't disappoint and breakfast was fun. Grams talked through most of it, which meant Raiden and I laughed through most of it, and Raiden didn't surprise me by being gentlemanly and charming.

We had syrup covered plates and were on our third cup of coffee when Raiden's jacket chimed. He took his arm from the back of my seat, dug into his suit jacket that he'd slung on the back of his chair, pulled out his phone, looked at it and turned to me.

”Gotta make a call.” His eyes slid to Grams. ”Excuse me.” His attention came back to me, his hand came to my jaw and he tilted my face up to touch his mouth to mine.

That felt nice. I liked that he was making a habit of kissing me when he left me, so my lips tipped up against his.

I watched up close as Raiden's eyes smiled. He let me go, straightened from his chair and walked away.

I watched the show.

”Now, chere, church with the grandmother and word whizzin' *round town about holdin' hands, all cozied up at Chilton's, of all places. Good to know early that boy isn't about half measures. But I'm guessing you're sparin' your old biddy of a Grams the details about how you caught the eye of Willow's most eligible bachelor.”

I looked at her, grinned a little and replied, ”I was running late this morning or I would have called to let you know he was coming with us, but yeah, Grams. Raiden and I are seeing each other.”

”Don't kid a kidder,” she said softly, and my brows drew together at this unexpected reply.

Unfortunately, she explained.

”Not lost on you I've lived me some years, precious, but they didn't slide by and not touch me. A girl falls asleep at church on Sunday morning because she had too much fun on night and one look at Raiden Miller says clear exactly what kind of fun he has with a pretty girl.”

That was when I felt my eyes get big.

”Grams, I-”

She waved her hand at me. ”Don't. Got ourselves enough marks on our soul, disprespectin' G.o.d in His house today. Don't add to that, chere.”

I closed my mouth.

Grams didn't.

”A week ago, he came to my house. I knew why. He's got about as much interest in doing an old woman's yard work as he has in goin' to the ballet. But I looked up at that big, strong man and thought to myself, Raiden Miller? I liked that for my girl. I liked it a lot. You've been alone for a while now and a girl like you, it's a waste, you bein' alone. Always knew in my heart you'd stand by the side of a man like Raiden Miller. Those boys you saw, they were okay, but not one of them was good enough for my Hanna. Now hardly any time at all has pa.s.sed and he didn't waste a lick of it. He's diggin' deep into that heart of yours, with intent, and child, I'm gonna share, it troubles me.”

Again, this was unexpected, but this time not in a confusing way. In an unwelcome one.

”Sorry?” I whispered, stunned.

”Way he looks at you now he's had you, way he is, man like that.” She shook her head, her eyes went distant then she focused on me. ”Boiling under the surface.”

I leaned across the table toward her. ”What are you talking about?”

”Had me fooled over sweet tea but now... now I see it.”


”That man is dangerous,” she declared.

My heart skipped a painful beat and I stared.


”Don't get me wrong, he won't break your heart. He'd die before doin' that. But there's a lotta ways to get a broken heart, precious girl. And he'll do it all the same not even knowin' he's doin' it.”

Grams was experienced. Grams was wise. Grams was observant. And Grams was smart.

Therefore, I didn't like this. Not one bit.

Still, I started to explain, ”Grams, we've only been out on a couple of dates, but he's really a good guy. A gentleman. And-”

”Dangerous. In every line of his body, hidden deep in his eyes. Missed it then, but he hadn't had you then. I see it now and I see you got bit by his bug. I'm tellin' you, Hanna, you be careful. You go forward cautious. Hard to guard your heart from a man like that who'll do nothing and everything to win it in a way you'll want him to own it forever. But mind this, child. Raiden Miller doesn't find a way to beat back the danger lurking within, he'll go down and he'll take you down right along with him.”

She held my eyes, hers bright and keen, and I realized my chest was rising and falling fast. I took a sip of coffee and sat back, trying to force myself to relax.

I was also thinking about the air in his hunting lodge that morning, the look on his face when I said I wanted to give his Dad a boot to the groin.

There was something about that that moved me, scared me, spoke to me. I just didn't know what it was saying.

”You find a way to have fun, you enjoy him, chere, and I'll enjoy him when I'm with you two. But don't forget what I said,” she continued, taking me out of my thoughts.

”Okay, Grams,” I told the tablecloth.

”Love you,” she told me and my eyes moved to her. ”Said what I said and I'll end it with this. If you're the kind of woman who can withstand the blaze of h.e.l.lfire he's got burning inside, he battles that and wins, you will know nothing for the rest of your life, no taste, no experience, not even the birth of your children that will be sweeter than the love he'll have for you.”

Oh my G.o.d.

She was totally freaking me out!

”We've only been on two dates,” I whispered.

”I see that. And I see he's lost in you so completely it's a wonder he knows his own name.”

I was back to semi-panting.

”He's headed this way, precious. Take a deep breath,” she ordered, and my eyes went over her head to see added proof to what I'd had repeatedly had all my life. That Grams not only had excellent hearing, but eyes in the back of her head.

Raiden was headed our way, but he'd been stopped by Mrs. Bartholomew and her family. He was standing at their table, talking.

I deep breathed then took another sip of coffee, trying to force back Grams's dire words, fit them someplace in my brain where I could go over them later (preferably with KC). I achieved this feat and had it together when Raiden slid back into his chair beside mine.