Part 7 (1/2)
I headed back to Amsterdam. We had matches coming up, including a Champions League game against Lyon, and I refused to speak to the press. Mido went out and spoke on my behalf. We troublemakers had to help each other out. But really, I'd had about enough now, and it didn't surprise me at all when it emerged that it was the Aftonbladet that had made sure the girl reported me to the police, and I issued a public statement, saying I was going to stick it to that paper. I was going to sue them. But what do you think happened? I didn't get a d.a.m.n thing, only an apology, and so I started to be more on my guard. I started to change.
There had been too much bad stuff in the papers, and sure, I'd never wanted just the usual dull fluff in the media: Zlatan trains, Zlatan is good, Zlatan looks after himself. Not at all. But this crossed the line, and I wanted to get noticed for my football again. It had been a long time since anyone had written anything positive about that.
Even the World Cup had been a disappointment. I'd had such high hopes, and for a while it had seemed like I wouldn't get to go at all. But Lagerbck and Sderberg selected me in the end, and I liked both of them especially Sderberg of course, the whole team's teddy bear. At one training session I picked him up and hugged him out of sheer joy. I cracked two of his ribs. He could hardly walk, but he was nice. I shared a room with Andreas Isaksson. Andreas was the third goalie then, a good bloke, I guess. But come on, his habits! He went to bed at nine o'clock at night and I'd be lying there festering, and of course my mobile would ring, I'd be like, ”Yeah, great, finally somebody to talk to!” But Andreas just grumbled and I'd hang up. I didn't want to disturb him. I'm a nice guy, really. But the following evening my phone rang around the same time and he was asleep again, or pretending to be asleep.
”What the f.u.c.k, Zlatan,” he hissed and then I snapped, I mean, what is this? Asleep at nine o'clock? ”If you open your mouth again I'm going to chuck your bed out of the window.” That was a good line not just because we were on the 20th floor, but also because it got results.
The following day I had my own room, which was great, but otherwise I wasn't doing so well personally. . We were in the 'group of death', as it was called, with England, Argentina and Nigeria, and there was such an amazing atmosphere, such great stadiums and perfect pitches, and I wanted to get in there and play more than ever. But I was seen as too inexperienced. I was put on the bench. Even so, I was voted man of the match in a telephone vote. Totally crazy! I was seen as the best one on the pitch, and I hadn't even taken my tracksuit off. That was the old Zlatan Fever again, and in fact I only played five minutes against Argentina and a little while against Senegal in the final of the group phase, where I did get a few chances. No, I thought Lars and Tommy were still sticking with the same eleven too much and not giving us younger players a chance. But that was how things were, and I got out of there and headed back to Amsterdam.
I had a strategy. I wasn't going to worry as much about what other people said, just go for it. That was my objective, but it didn't help much, not at first. Things started pretty much as they had ended on the bench. Compet.i.tion for places up front was still fierce, and I had my critics, including Johan Cruyff who was always talking trash about me, and who was up there already back then with his views about my technique.
But other things happened too: Mido, my friend, declared publicly that he wanted to be transferred. Not a particularly good tactic, to be honest. He wasn't exactly a diplomat; he was like me, only worse. Later on, when he'd been on the bench against Eindhoven, he came into the locker room and called us all miserable c.u.n.ts. That sparked off a ma.s.sive row and insults were flying, and I responded by saying that if anybody was a c.u.n.t it was him, and then he picked up a pair of scissors that were lying there on the bench and flung them at me, completely nuts. The scissors whizzed past my head, straight into the concrete wall and made a crack in it. Of course I went over and gave him a smack, a slap. But ten minutes later we left with our arms round each other, and much later I found out that our team manager had kept those scissors as a souvenir, something to show his kids, like, Zlatan nearly got these in his face.
At any rate, things were kind of up and down with Mido, and now he'd c.o.c.ked it up again. Koeman had fined him and shut him out, and now there was another guy. His name was Rafael van der Vaart , a Dutchman, a real arrogant sort, like a lot of the white guys in the team, even if he wasn't exactly posh. He'd grown up in a caravan and lived like a gypsy, as he put it, and he'd played football in the street with beer bottles for goalposts, and he claimed that had sharpened his technique. At the age of ten he'd been signed to the Ajax youth academy and trained hard and sure, he was good. Only the previous year he'd been voted European talent of the year or something. But he tried to be a tough guy and he wanted to get noticed and be a leader, and there was a rivalry between us right from the start.
Now he had injured his knee, and with both him and Mido out of action I got start at home to Lyon. This was my debut in the Champions League I'd only played in a qualifier before and of course that was great. The Champions League was a long-time dream of mine, and the pressure in the stadium was intense. I'd brought over a load of mates and sorted them out with tickets far down on the sidelines near the goal, and I remember I got a ball early on from Jari Litmanen, the Finn. I liked him.
Litmanen had played for Barcelona and Liverpool and had just joined us, and he was like a catalyst for me straight away. A lot of guys at Ajax played mainly for themselves. They wanted nothing more than to get sold on to a bigger club, and it often felt like we were competing more against one another than against the other clubs. But Litmanen really was a team player. He was the real deal, I thought, and now when I got the ball off him I went down the sideline and was fronted by two defenders, one right in front of me and another to my right. I'd been in similar situations many times, and had gone over them again and again.
It was kind of similar to that time with Henchoz in the Liverpool match, but there were two guys now, and I dribbled it to the left, a two-footer, and the defenders were both on me. It was looking like a dead end, but then I sensed a gap between them, a little corridor, and before I even had a chance to think about it I was through and got in front of the goal, saw another opening and shot, a low shot that struck the post and went in, and I went absolutely nuts.
It wasn't just a goal, it was a beauty as well, and I raced over to my mates on the sidelines and cheered with them, and the whole team followed me, completely wild, and not long after that I scored another goal. It was completely mental. That was two goals in my Champions League debut, and people started saying that Roma were after me, and Tottenham as well.
I was on a roll, and normally if things are going smoothly in football, I haven't got a problem in the world. But things weren't going well in my personal life. I just wasn't settling in down there. I was in a sort of vacuum. I was going back to Sweden far too often and doing stupid stuff, and I was still in touch with Helena, mainly via texting, without really knowing where that was leading. Was it just a crazy thing, or was it something more?
In October we played a UEFA Cup qualifier against Hungary at Rsunda Stadium. It felt good to be back. I hadn't forgotten the chants from the year before, but things didn't start off well, and some of the Stockholm papers wrote things like I was an overhyped figure who just elbowed my way through. This was an important match. If we lost, our European champions.h.i.+p dreams would go up in smoke, and both I and the national squad had something to prove. But Hungary scored 10 after just four minutes, and it didn't seem to make any difference how many chances we had. We just couldn't equalise; it felt hopeless. Then in the 74th minute a high cross came over from Mattias Jonson, and I went up to head it. The goalie flung himself against me and tried to box the ball away, and I don't know if he actually made contact with the ball. He definitely bashed into me, and everything went black. I went down.
I was out for five, ten seconds and when I came to, the players were standing in a circle around me and I didn't know what was going on. What's this? What's going on? Everyone in the stands was screaming, and the lads looked both happy and concerned.
”It was a goal,” said Kim Kllstrm.
”Really? Who scored it?”
”You did. You headed it in.”
I felt groggy and nauseous, and a stretcher came out and I got onto it. The team doctor was there and I was stretchered off, but then I heard the chanting again: 'Zlatan, Zlatan'. The whole stadium was shouting, and I waved to the spectators. I was really on a high, and the whole team came alive. Okay, so the score stayed at 11 and we ought to have won. For one thing, Kim Kllstrm had a blatant penalty in the final minutes which the referee chose not to see. But I remembered that, feeling so awful and yet so good, and soon afterwards I got sick in another way, with a terrible fever that affected only 250 people in all of Sweden, and something unexpected happened that changed a lot of things.
It was the 23rd of December. I was at Mum's place. I might not have had a brilliant start to the season, but I was pretty happy, in spite of everything. I'd scored five goals in the Champions League, more than in the Dutch league in fact, and I remember Koeman had told me, ”You know, Zlatan, we're in a league as well,” but somehow that's how I functionedw. A stronger opposition got me going, and anyway, now I was at home in Rosengrd.
We were off until the start of January, when we would go to a training camp and play matches in Cairo, and I really needed some rest. But it was crowded at Mum's, and people were shouting and making noise and rowing with each other. There was no peace and quiet anywhere. There was me, Mum, Keki and Sanela, and we usually had a Christmas like everybody else, a simple Christmas dinner at four o'clock and then opening presents afterwards, and sure, it could have been really nice. But I couldn't be bothered now. I had a headache and my whole body ached. I needed to get away and get some peace and quiet, or at least talk to somebody other than my family. The only thing was, who could I ring?
Everybody was with their own families, I mean, Christmas is sacred. But maybe Helena? I gave it a try. Not that I expected anything much. She worked all the time, and presumably she was at her parents' place in Lindesberg. But she answered. She was at her place out in the country. She said she didn't like Christmas.
”I feel so rotten,” I said.
”Poor thing!”
”I can't deal with this circus here at home!”
”So come over here,” she said. ”I'll take care of you.” To be honest, that was kind of surprising.
We'd mainly just had coffee together and texted each other before then. I still hadn't spent the night at her place, but of course, that sounded perfect, so I headed out. I was like, ”Sorry, Mum, gotta go.”
”So now you're not going to spend Christmas with us either?”
”Sorry”, I said, and out in the country Helena put me to bed. It was silent and peaceful outside, which was exactly what I needed. It was really nice, and it didn't feel at all strange to be with her instead of with my family. It was both natural and exciting. But I didn't get any healthier.
I was wiped out, and the next day was Christmas Eve. I'd promised Dad I'd pop by. My dad doesn't celebrate Christmas. He sits on his own as usual and does his own thing. He and I had become very close since that day there on Pitch No. 1 in Malm. All that stuff from my childhood when he didn't really care was gone, and he'd been down several times to watch my matches, and partly in honour of him I'd had my Ajax s.h.i.+rt changed so it said Ibrahimovic instead of Zlatan. But now he was drunk as a skunk again and I couldn't deal with it, not for a second, and I went straight back to Helena's place.
”Back already?”
”I'm back.”
That was basically all I managed to say. I got so ill, with a temperature of about 41C. I'm not joking. Never felt so lousy in my life. This was a superflu bug. I was completely out for three days, and Helena had to shower me and wipe my forehead and change the sheets because they were soaked through with sweat, and I was delirious and whimpering, and there was something about that. I dunno. Up until that time I'd basically been that strutting Yugo around her. The guy who played at being a mafioso in extravagant cars and who was a lot of fun, at least I hoped I was, but maybe wasn't exactly the guy for her.
Now I was completely broken, an absolute wreck, and she liked that in a way, she says. I became human. My whole exterior cracked, and afterwards when I got a little better, she went out and rented some videos, and that was the first time I'd seen any Swedish cop shows like the Beck series, and it was a bit of a revelation to me. It was like, wow, I didn't know Sweden could do this sort of stuff! I became an instant fan, and we sat there together and watched one film after another and had a really nice time, not that we got together straight away, not at all.
She was in and out during that time. She left for work and came back and looked after me, and sure, we didn't always understand each other, and we still didn't know what we wanted and we were still totally different and completely wrong, and all the rest. But it started there, I think, it felt good to hang out with her, and when I was back in the Netherlands I missed her, like, where is she? ”Can't you come down here?” I asked, and she did. She visited me in Diemen. That was nice. But you can't say she was impressed by my terraced house. By then I'd started to like it out there, and I made sure the fridge was full.
But she claims she had to scrub my floors, that the place was in a terrible state and that I had about three plates and none of them matched, and the walls were all a mess of purple, yellow and apricot, and the green carpets didn't go with anything and everything was a disaster. Besides, my clothes were pathetic, and I just lay in bed with my video games, and there were cables and rubbish everywhere, and nothing was tidy. ”Evil super b.i.t.c.h”, I said.
Evilsuperb.i.t.c.hdeluxe, all in one breath.
I missed her when she left, and I started phoning and texting more often, and I think I settled down a bit. Man, this was a girl. She taught me stuff, like, what fish knives look like, and how to drink wine! In those days I thought, like, you should gulp down vintage wines like a gla.s.s of milk. But oh no, you were supposed to sit there and sip it. I was starting to get it. But it didn't come easily to me. I was still going back up to Malm all the time, and not just for cuddles.
One day me and some mates went out to Helena's place and did some handbrake turns on her gravel paths, and she went spare and yelled that they'd been all raked and nice and everything was wrecked now, and of course, I felt guilty. I had to do something about it, I thought. I sent my little brother. He went out there and was handed a rake, but I mean, we haven't got a clue about rakes and stuff in my family. My bro didn't exactly do a brilliant job, and she told me again that I was a complete idiot, but fortunately a good laugh.
Another time I'd given her a Sony Vaio laptop. But then we had a bit of a falling out, and I didn't want her to have that computer any more. So I gave Keki a new a.s.signment. Go and get it back, I told him, and Keki usually does as he's told, or at least some of the time. So he went out there, but what do you think happened? Helena said we could eat s.h.i.+t. She wasn't going to give anything back, and soon after that we became friends again. But still, things were a mess. There was the matter of the firecrackers, for one thing. We bought them off a bloke who made them illegally at home they were proper little bundles of power, and in those days we had a mate who owned a hot dog stall in Malm. Nothing bad about him, quite the contrary. But we agreed that we'd set off a little explosion at his place, just for a laugh, and in order to do that we needed a vehicle that wasn't linked to us, and since Helena had plenty of contacts, I asked her: ”Can you sort out a Jeep?”
Of course. She got us a Lexus. She must have believed we were going to do something pretty nice, in spite of everything.
But we headed over to the hot dog stall and chucked a firecracker into the letterbox, and the letterbox went up into the air. It just rumbled and then exploded into seven million pieces, and that same night, when we were still out and about, we rang up Keki.
”Wanna have a little fun?”
He probably didn't, but we drove over to his girl's place, where they were in bed asleep, and chucked two firecrackers into her garden. There was a ma.s.sive bang there too, and a ton of smoke and c.r.a.p and clumps of gra.s.s flew up in the air, and of course the girl sat bolt upright: ”What the h.e.l.l was that?” and Keki just played dumb: ”My G.o.d, what can it be? How strange! How annoying.” But of course he knew, and, well, you realise it was just laddish pranks, the sort of thing I've always needed and in fact, the sort of thing that still happens. But it's true, my time with Ajax was my most out-of-control phase. That was before Mino Raiola and Fabio Capello got me to shape up.
I remember when I bought my elder brother some furniture from IKEA. I let him pick out whatever he wanted. I'd already started helping my family out quite a bit. I bought my mum a terraced house in Svgertorp and eventually bought my dad a car, even though he was so proud and didn't want to accept anything. But this time at IKEA I had a mate along with me, and we had all our stuff on those trolleys. One of the trolleys rolled forward a little too far. It happened to go past the checkout, and my mate noticed immediately he was a smart guy and I gave it another push.
”Keep going, go, go!”
So we ended up getting a load of the stuff for free, and of course we enjoyed that. But don't think it was about the money. It was the buzz. It was the adrenaline. It was like when we were kids in the department store. But sure, of course, sometimes things turned out badly. Like that time with the Lexus. It was spotted in some dodgy location and it was reported all over, and that was embarra.s.sing for Helena. It was like, ”You know that car you rented, it was seen in connection with some explosion!” She got into hot water because of me. Sorry, Helena. And then there was a Porsche Cayenne.
She'd sorted it out for us in the same way. But we happened to drive it into a ditch and had a minor crash on the way back from Bstad, and she went spare, and I can understand that. Then to cap it all, she was burgled. Helena had worked hard not just in her marketing job, she'd also taken on extra work in a pub in order to buy her house in the country, and lots of nice stuff, furniture, a motorbike and stereo equipment. She'd worked hard to be able to afford that stuff, so it must have hurt when somebody broke in one day and nicked her Bang&Olufsen gear and a load of other things. I understand that.
But Helena thought I knew who'd done it. She still does. But I haven't got a clue. That's the truth. Of course, news spread quickly in my old circles. We hear about all the dodgy stuff that goes on. One night when I was parked outside Mum's place, some guy nicked the tyres from my Merc CL. I heard about it at five in the morning, and by then word had got out and there were police photographers out there and journalists, and I stayed indoors. But I started to put out feelers, and it didn't take long before I knew who'd stolen them, and a week later I got the tyres back. But I never did find out who broke in to Helena's place, and to be honest, sometimes I just don't know how she managed to be so patient with me. She'd been lumbered with a little maniac. But she managed, she was strong, and I think she got to see some results, too.