Part 54 (1/2)
Don Juan came forth immediately. Dolores signed to him to shut the door. Then, not till then, she began,--”Senor Don Juan, two brethren of the Society of Jesus have come from Seville, and are now in the village.”
”What then? Surely you do not fear that they suspect anything with regard to us?” asked Juan, in some alarm.
”No; but they have brought tidings.”
”You tremble, Dolores. You are ill. Speak--what is it?”
”They have brought tidings of a great Act of Faith, to be held at Seville, upon a day not yet fixed when they left the city, but towards the end of this month.”
For a moment the two stood silent, gazing in each other's faces. Then Dolores said, in an eager breathless whisper, ”You will go, senor?”
Juan shook his head. ”What you are thinking of, Dolores, is a dream--a vain, wild dream. Long since, I doubt not, he rests with G.o.d.”
”But if we had the proof of it, rest might come to us,” said Dolores, large tears gathering slowly in her eyes.
”It is true,” Juan mused; ”they may wreak their vengeance on the dust.”
”And for the a.s.surance that would give that nothing more was left them, I, a poor woman, would joyfully walk barefoot from this to Seville and back again.”
Juan hesitated no longer. ”_I go_,” he said. ”Dolores, seek Fray Sebastian, and send him to me at once. Bid Jorge be ready with the horses to start to-morrow at daybreak. Meanwhile, I will prepare Dona Beatriz for my sudden departure.”
Of that hurried winter journey, Don Juan was never afterwards heard to speak. No one of its incidents seemed to have made the slightest impression on his mind, or even to have been remembered by him.
But at last he drew near Seville. It was late in the evening, however, and he had told his attendant they should spend the night at a village eight or nine miles from their destination.
Suddenly Jorge cried out. ”Look there, senor, the city is on fire.”
Don Juan looked. A lurid crimson glow paled the stars in the southern sky. With a shudder he bowed his head, and veiled his face from the awful sight.
”That fire is _without the gate_,” he said at last. ”Pray for the souls that are pa.s.sing in anguish now.”
n.o.ble, heroic souls! Probably Juliano Hernandez, possibly Fray Constantino, was amongst them. These were the only names that occurred to Don Juan's mind, or were breathed in his fervent, agitated prayer.
”Yonder is the posada, senor,” said the attendant presently.
”Nay, Jorge, we will ride on. There will be no sleepers in Seville to-night.”
”But, senor,” remonstrated the servant, ”the horses are weary. We have travelled far to-day already.”
”Let them rest afterwards,” said Juan briefly. Motion, just then, was an absolute necessity to him. He could not have rested anywhere, within sight of that awful glare.
Two hours afterwards he drew the rein of his weary steed before the house of his cousin Dona Inez. He had no scruple in asking for admission in the middle of the night, as he knew that, under the circ.u.mstances, the household would not fail to be astir. His summons was speedily answered, and he was conducted to a hall opening on the patio.
Thither, after a brief interval, came Juanita, bearing a lamp in her hand, which she set down on the table. ”My lady will see your Excellency presently,” said the girl, with a shy, frightened air, which was very unlike her, but which Juan was too preoccupied to notice. ”But she is much indisposed. My lord was obliged to accompany her home from the Act of Faith before it was half over.”
Juan expressed the concern he felt, and desired that she would not incommode herself upon his account. Perhaps Don Garcia, if he had not yet retired to rest, would converse with him for a few moments.
”My lady said she must speak with you herself,” answered Juanita, as she left the room.
After a considerable time Dona Inez appeared. In that southern climate youth and beauty fade quickly; and yet Juan was by no means prepared for the changed, worn, haggard face that gazed on him now. There was no pomp of apparel to carry off the impression. Dona Inez wore a loose dark dressing-robe; and a hasty careless hand seemed to have untwined the usual ornaments from her black hair. Her eyes were like those of one who has wept for hours, and then only ceased for very weariness.