Part 25 (1/2)

Carlos raised to her face eyes beaming with grat.i.tude for the friendly notice.

”No change of state, senora, can ever make me forget the kindness of my fair cousin,” he responded with a bow.

”Your cousin's little daughter,” said the lady, ”had once a place in your affections. But with you, as with all the rest, I presume the boy is everything. As for my poor little Inez, her small person is of small account in the world now. It is well she has her mother.”

”Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to renew my acquaintance with Dona Inez, if I may be permitted so to do.”

This was evidently what the mother desired. ”Go to the right then, amigo mio,” she said promptly, indicating the place intended by a quick movement of her fan, ”and I will send the child to you.”

Carlos obeyed, and for a considerable time paced up and down a cool s.p.a.cious apartment, only separated from the court by marble pillars, between which costly hangings were suspended. Being a Spaniard, and dwelling among Spaniards, he was neither surprised nor disconcerted by the long delay.

At last, however, he began to suspect that his cousin had forgotten him.

But this was not the case. First a painted ivory ball rolled in over the smooth floor; then one of the hangings was hastily pushed aside, and the little Dona Inez bounded gaily into the room in search of her toy.

She was a merry, healthy child, about two years old, and really very pretty, though her infantine charms were not set off to advantage by the miniature nun's habit in which she was dressed, on account of a vow made by her mother to ”Our Lady of Carmel,” during the serious illness for which Carlos had summoned Losada to her aid.

She was followed almost immediately, not by the grave elderly nurse who usually waited on her, but by a girl of about sixteen, rather a beauty, whose quick dark eyes bestowed, from beneath their long lashes, bashful but evidently admiring glances on the handsome young n.o.bleman.

Carlos, ever fond of children, and enjoying the momentary relief from the painful tension of his daily life, stooped for the ball and held it, just allowing its bright red to appear through his fingers. As the child was not in the least shy, he was soon engaged in a game with her.

Looking up in the midst of it, he saw that the mother had come in silently, and was watching him with searching anxious eyes that brought back in a moment all his troubles. He allowed the ball to slide to the ground, and then, with a touch of his foot, sent it rolling into one of the farthest corners of the s.p.a.cious hall. The child ran gleefully after it; while the mother and the attendant exchanged glances. ”You may take the n.o.ble child away, Juanita,” said the former.

Juanita led off her charge without again allowing her to approach Carlos, thus rendering unnecessary the ceremony of a farewell. Was this the mother's contrivance, lest by spell of word or gesture, or even by a kiss, the heretic might pollute or endanger the innocent babe?

When they were alone together, Dona Inez was the first to speak. ”I do not think you can be so wicked after all; since you love children, and play with them still,” she said in a low, half-frightened tone.

”G.o.d bless you for those words, senora,” answered Carlos with a trembling lip. He was learning to steel himself to scorn; but kindness tested his self-control more severely.

”Amigo mio,” she resumed, drawing nearer and speaking more rapidly, ”I cannot quite forget the past. It is very wrong, I know, and I am weak.

Ay de mi! If it be true you really are that dreadful thing I do not care to name, I ought to have the courage to stand by and see you perish.”

”But my kinsfolk,” said Carlos, ”do not intend me to perish. And for the protection they afford me I am grateful. More I could not have expected from them; less they might well have done for me. But I would to G.o.d I could show them and you that I am not the foul dishonoured thing they deem me.”

”If it had only been something _respectable_,” said Dona Inez, with a sort of writhe, ”such as some youthful irregularity, or stabbing or slaying somebody!--but what use in words? I would say, I counsel you to look to your own safety. Do you not know my brothers?”

”I think I do, senora. That an Alvarez de Menaya should be defamed of heresy would be more than a disgrace--it would be a serious injury to them.”

”There be more ways than one of avoiding the misfortune.”

Carlos looked inquiringly at her. Something in her half-averted face and the quick shrug of her shoulders prompted him to ask, ”Do you think they mean me mischief?”

”Daggers are sharp to cut knots,” said the lady, playing with her fan and avoiding his eye.

With so many ghastlier terrors had the mind of Carlos grown familiar, that this one came to him in the guise of a relief. So ”the sharpness of death” for him might mean no more than a dagger's thrust, after all!

One moment here, the next in his Saviour's presence. Who that knew aught of the tender mercies of the Holy Office could do less than thank G.o.d on his bended knees for the prospect of such a fate!

”It is not _death_ that I fear,” he answered, looking at her steadily.