Part 13 (1/2)

”I speak with the princess.”

”You speak with me or die now. As a sworn va.s.sal of Henry, you break your oath coming here armed for battle.”

”I have sworn to no one.”

Gaelan could feel her I-told-you look.

”I come for the princess, not to attack, PenDragon.”

”That did not stop you three days ago.”

Ian's brows drew down. ”What do you accuse, English?”

Gaelan withdrew a sc.r.a.p of fabric from inside his tunic. ”Deny this is your plaid?”

”What are you talking about?” Siobhan hissed but Gaelan ignored her. ”Is that from the day in the field?” She tried to get a look at it. ”For if so, I will tell you now, 'twas not Ian's men.”

”That time they were masked as well, Siobhan.”

That time. The blood on his armor, his sword the day he arrived, she realized. ”'Tis a mistake. I know these people!”

Gaelan shot a bolt at his horse's feet.

The horse reared, and as Ian sought control he yelled, ”You know 'tis mine.”

”I could have told you that,” Siobhan snapped.

Gaelan fired a heated look at her and motioned her into silence. The fool woman was pus.h.i.+ng a wood box close to stand on. ”Stay back,” he warned. She didn't, leaning over the edge.

”Ian Maguire!” The man's gaze jerked to her and his relieved smile was blinding, killing Gaelan's compa.s.sion. ”What have you done? 'Tis true? Did you attack his men?”

”I am not a fool, Siobhan. I cannot defeat Henry's army and neither can you.”

”I do not have to! I did not raise arms to him. I swear you are still so reckless.”

”Siobhan,” Gaelan warned. She waved him off like a bothersome child, and his patience at an end, he hopped down and strode to her.

”I would not risk your life, Siobhan,” Ian said.

”You risk it now, all of ours.” She waved to encompa.s.s her lands. ”Why are you all so willing to die?”

”For you, love, I would.”

”Oh, Ian,” she moaned, and beside her, Gaelan's scowl turned black.

”Let him have Donegal, Siobhan. Come home with me, marry me. I will see you safe.”

Yanking her back, Gaelan leaned over the wall and shouted, ”If she weds anyone, Maguire, 'twill be me!”

Chapter 11.

A hundred pairs of eyes snapped to him, stunned by his declaration.

”What?” Siobhan gaped up at him. ”But you leave!”

Gaelan heard the horror in her voice, felt the shallow depth of his station, yet kept a careful watch on the man below as he spoke. ”Did I not tell you the situation could change?” Gaelan had never allowed his emotions to rule him, but greed pushed him. Greed for more than his worth, unexplainable to a man who'd needed no one, had wanted no ties, especially to a woman-for she, this rebellious princess, was beyond anything he imagined. Yet he'd known what he wanted the moment he'd laid eyes on Siobhan O'Rourke and laid his mouth to hers.

He would not be denied.

Ian's expression turned molten, his hand on the hilt of his sword. ”She won't marry the enemy.”

”You challenge me, Maguire?”

Archers took careful aim.

”Ian! Nay! Do not!” She gripped the stone ledge. His men would all die!

”You wed him and you betray Ireland,” Ian warned, his voice steely with suppressed rage.

She gasped, deeply stung. ”I wed no one and you risk the king's anger.”

”I do not bring the enemy into my bed and his blood into our clans!”

Siobhan reddened, her gaze thin and p.r.i.c.king. ”I have not, Ian.” Curse men and their foolish pride. ”I choose whom I wed, Ian. You should know that by now!”

Ian's handsome features stretched taut.

”Enough!” Gaelan hauled her against his side.

”Let her go, PenDragon!” Ian raised his arm, his archers ready to return fire.

PenDragon's men aimed. ”I give you one warning, Maguire.” He looked down at Siobhan, his voice low. ”War or peace is in your hands, princess. Agree to wed me or there will be blood shed. The Maguire's the first to spill.”

His ultimatum infuriated her. His threat to her oldest friend tore through her very soul, away the tenderness she'd experienced in his arms only moments before.

She stared up at him, her world teetering on the brink of war. To submit to him in wedlock would bind her forever to the enemy, forcing her to obey his commands and his desire. And to reveal her secrets. Yet she'd already sworn to take any punishment there was to give. Marriage to the beast would be enough to a.s.sure her place in heaven, she thought maliciously, then thought of Connal, his future so uncertain, his inheritance lost until this moment.

His arm flexed at her waist and her gaze flew to his.

”I want no other, Siobhan.” His lips quirked with a touch of arrogance. ”And your body tells me what you desire.”

His gaze flicked down to where her hand rested on his chest, her fingers unconsciously moving over his armor as if 'twere his skin.