Part 6 (1/2)

”You have no choice.”

She delivered a haughty glare. ”I have given you the choice, PenDragon. You may have entered this keep without resistance, but you do not have the tuath as your prize.”

”I could destroy you all and take it.”

The soft warning sent a chill over her skin. ”Aye. And what will that give your king in victory? Rubble? Bodies to burn as you have done afore?” she said with disgust. ”Land is naught without the hands to till it. The souls to live upon it. Donegal is naught but soil, sea and trees without her people.”

He stepped closer, his voice low, yet deep enough for all to hear. ”And without you, princess?”

Imaginations racing, her folk protested, cries of mercy and pity blending with English commands for calm ripped through the crowd.

She searched his gaze. How could be not see she was merely a guiding voice here? ”I am naught without them, PenDragon.”

”You wish them to live?”

She looked at him as if he'd grown wings. ”'Tis my entire quest.”

”Then swear oath and fealty through me to the king.”


A cheer rose in the hall.

He merely arched a brow, refusing to acknowledge the crowd. ”I will never swear oath to a man with no purpose but to take and slaughter for a self-serving king.”

”Guard your tongue, woman!”

”In my own house?”

Her disdain was unmistakable, pus.h.i.+ng him to the end of his patience. ”Speak with me in private. Now.”

She frowned, confusion rippling across her beautiful face before she nodded. He followed her off the dais toward a part.i.tion, yet when he touched her shoulder, she instantly spun about, her dagger at his ribs, her clansmen lurching forward.

Commands to be still, and the sound of swords against scabbards scarred the silence. Siobhan's gaze slipped over the crowd, fear and anger on their faces, the camaraderie of rage from the knights restraining them. She swung her gaze to his.

”Order them back, lady, or they will die this night.”

”Once again you have proven your strength will crush the weak, PenDragon.”

His features yanked taut and for an instant he felt like the bully in the yard. ”Do not fight me, village princess. I will win.”

She tilted her head, her stubbornness softening. ”And what will you win but the hatred of an entire race, sir?”

”I do not care.”

Her expression tightened. ”Then 'tis true, you have no soul.”

He gritted his teeth. ”How long will you abide this test of wills? To the point of battle?” He waved at the knights and squires, weapons trained on her folk. ”Would you slay me in my sleep then? For I am here, princess, in possession. You have already submitted. I have Donegal.”

Foolish man. ”I have submitted to naught but your invasion of my home without bloodshed. And you, mercenary, know only of war, taking heedlessly what we value most dearly. Conquering Donegal is not belonging to Donegal.”

Something moved in his eyes then, and Siobhan wished she could decipher it.

”My lady?”

Siobhan turned, discreetly sheathing her blade at her waist. Driscoll and Brody appeared ready to murder the man and she moved toward them, leaving Gaelan to stare after her. ”I am well able to handle him, Driscoll.”

”The b.a.s.t.a.r.d means to burn us out-”

She hushed him. ”I will not allow it. I will give him my head before I will allow a single stick to be burned.”

Driscoll's features twisted with shame. She would give her life for them without consequence, but it was his duty to see that did not happen. ”Forgive me, princess. I know that, yet the PenDragon is not a man to compromise.”

”He must,” she said with complete finality. ”But I need you to keep calm, please. More is at risk than our pride,” she added, laying her hand on his arm. ”My thanks for your vigilance, Driscoll.” She smiled softly up at the brawny Irishman. ”I take comfort in your presence.” His harsh look eased and he patted her hand. She looked beyond him to the rest. ”Please,” she called, and faces turned to her. ”Eat, drink sweet wine. Dance.” She clapped twice and the music rose on brittle air. ”PenDragon and I have much to discuss.” She met Rhiannon's gaze, encouraging her to calm the folk, and her sister moved through the crowd, pouring wine for the knights. Maids carried platters of roasted mutton, still-steaming bread and the first of the harvested vegetables to the tables as she turned back to Gaelan.

She could not interpret the look on his face ... then decided 'twas wisest not to speculate.

But Gaelan realized he jeopardized more than his future with his temper and though he'd come here with clear intent, her presence and position suddenly made him cautious. ”There is plenty of time to discuss the contracts, lady,” he said for all to hear. ”I am not going anywhere.”

His sudden change of temperament aroused her suspicions and she eyed him warily. ”Neither am I.” She moved back to the dais, ordering the table replaced before taking her seat and pouring wine into two goblets. After a moment, he joined her in the opposite chair.

”Shall we deal with the matter of your falsehood?”

Holding the pitcher, she reared back. ”I gave no lie to who I am.”

He leaned. ”You could have told me in the barn.”

She glanced to the side to see if anyone heard. ”When you were mauling me?”

”I remember differently.”

”Of course you do.” She shrugged, setting the container down. ”You are a man.” She handed him the goblet and he took a huge sip. ”Had you known who I was in the field, and with your intent, you would have kidnapped me and held me for ransom.”


”And none would have been paid.”

He arched a brow.

”Unless your desire was payment in cows.”

His lips quirked at that. ”You were wise to open the gates, Siobhan.”

She stilled, the cup halfway to her lips at the sound of her name on his lips. ”I avoided a slaughter.”

He agreed. ”You bent to a greater will.”

She set the goblet down with a snap, her eyes flaring with swift anger. ”Bending, molding, crus.h.i.+ng under your feet, 'tis all you know, PenDragon. And coin from your sovereign is all you desire!”

With a velvety look over her body, he said, ”I desire you.”