Part 17 (1/2)
82. _Four Ariettas_ and a _Duet_, with pianoforte accompaniment; words of Nos. 2, 3, and 5 by Metastasio; pub. 1811.
83. _Three Songs_; words by Goethe; ded. to the Princess Kinsky; composed 1810.
84. _Overture and incidental Music to ”Egmont;”_ composed 1809-10.
85. ”_The Mount of Olives_,” an oratorio; text by Franz Xaver Huber; composed 1800 (?).
86. _First Ma.s.s_, for four voices and orchestra, in C major; ded. to Prince Esterhazy; composed 1807.
87. _Trio_ for wind instruments, in C major; performed 1797.
88. ”_Das Gluck der Freundschaft_,” for voice and piano; pub. 1803.
89. _Polonaise_ for piano, in C major; ded. to the Empress Elisabetha Alexiewna, of Russia; composed 1814.
90. _Sonata_ for piano, in E minor; ded. to Count Moritz Lichnowski; composed 1814.
91. ”_The Battle of Vittoria_,” for orchestra; ded. to the Prince Regent of England; composed 1813.
92. _Seventh Symphony_ for orchestra, in A major; ded. to Count Fries; composed 1812.
93. _Eighth Symphony_ for orchestra, in F major; composed 1812.
94. ”_To Hope_;” words from the ”_Urania_” of Tiegde (second setting, _see_ Op. 32); composed 1816.
95. _Quartet_ for two violins, viola, and violoncello, in F minor; ded. to Secretary Zmeskall; composed 1810.
96. _Sonata_ for piano and violin, in G major; ded. to the Archduke Rudolph; composed 1810.
97. _Trio_ for piano, violin, and violoncello, in B flat; ded. to the Archduke Rudolph; composed 1811.
98. ”_An die ferne Geliebte_,” a _Liederkreis_; words by Jeitteles; ded. to Prince Lobkowitz; composed 1816.
99. ”_Der Mann von Wort_,” for voice and piano; words by Kleinschmid; pub. 1815.
100. ”_Merkenstein_,” for one or two voices and piano; words by Rupprecht; composed 1814.
101. _Sonata_ for piano, in A major; ded. to the Baroness Erdmann; composed 1815.
101. _Two Sonatas_ for piano and violoncello, in C major and D major; ded. to the Countess Erdody; composed 1815.
103. _Octet_ for wind instruments, in E flat major; composed in Bonn before 1792.
104. _Quintet_ for two violins, two violas, and violoncello, in C minor (from the Trio No. 3 of Op. 1); pub. 1819.
105. _Six Themes varies_ for piano, with violin _ad libitum_; composed for George Thomson, 1818-19.
106. _Sonata_ for piano, in B flat; ded. to the Archduke Rudolph; composed 1818.
107. _Ten Themes varies russes, ecossais, tyroliens_, for piano, with violin _ad libitum_; composed for George Thomson, 1818-20.