Part 5 (1/2)
He was destined never again to tread the old familiar streets of Bonn.
[Footnote 4: One of the greatest pianists of the time.]
[Footnote 5: The following birthday greeting, surrounded by a wreath of flowers and accompanied by a silhouette of Eleanore, was found among Beethoven's papers:--
”Gluck und langes Leben Wunsch' ich heute Dir, Aber auch daneben Wunsch' ich etwas mir!
Mir in Rucksicht Deiner Wunsch' ich Deine Huld, Dir in Rucksicht meiner Nachsicht und Geduld!
”Von Ihrer Freundin und Schulerin,
Arrival in Vienna--Studies with Haydn--Timely a.s.sistance of Schenk--Albrechtsberger--Beethoven as a Student--His Studies in Counterpoint--Letters to Eleanore v. Breuning.
Behold, then, our young musician at the long-desired goal--free from all depressing, pecuniary cares, with his pension secure from the Elector, and a little fund of his own to boot. He reached the capital about the middle of November, alone and friendless; nor is there any proof that the advent of the insignificant, clumsily built provincial youth made the slightest sensation, or roused the interest of one individual among the many thousands who thronged the busy streets.
His first care, as shown from a little pocket-book still preserved, was to seek out a lodging suitable to his slender purse; his next, to procure a pianoforte. The first requirement he at length met with in a small room on ”a sunk floor,” which commended itself by the low rent asked for it. Here Beethoven contentedly located himself until fortune's smiles had begun to beam so brightly on him that he felt ent.i.tled to remove to more airy lodgings.
We may be sure that he lost no time in setting about the purpose which he had most at heart, and enrolling himself among Haydn's pupils, for he could not have been more than eight weeks in Vienna when the master wrote to Bonn, ”I must now give up all great works to him [Beethoven], and soon cease composing.”
The harmony, however, which at first existed between Haydn and his pupil was soon disturbed. The former seems to have been always pleased with the work executed by Beethoven, who, on the contrary, was very much dissatisfied with the instruction given by the master. He was obliged, in this instance, to make the same experience that he had formerly confided to Junker, at Mergentheim, regarding pianoforte players, viz., that he had seldom found what he believed himself ent.i.tled to expect.
Distance lends enchantment to the view; and the keen, striving worker soon discovered that Haydn was not the profound, earnest thinker that his longing fancy had painted in Bonn.
But an unexpected help was at hand. One day as he was returning from his lesson at Haydn's house, his portfolio under his arm, he met a friend whose acquaintance he had only recently made, but with whom he was already on intimate terms--Johann Schenk, a thorough and scholarly musician, afterwards well known as the composer of the ”Dorfbarbier,”
and one of the most amiable of men. To him Beethoven confided his troubles, bitterly lamenting the slow progress his knowledge of counterpoint made under Haydn's guidance. Somewhat astounded, Schenk examined the compositions in Beethoven's portfolio, and discovered many faults which had been pa.s.sed over without correction.
Haydn's conduct in this instance has never been explained. Generally conscientious in the discharge of his duties as an instructor, this carelessness must have arisen either from a pressure of work, or from some undefined feeling with regard to Beethoven, which prompted him to give him as little a.s.sistance as possible. The latter supposition is hardly compatible with the terms in which he wrote of his pupil to Bonn, but Beethoven could never shake off the idea that Haydn did not mean well by him--a suspicion which was strengthened by what afterwards occurred.
Excessively irritated by Schenk's discovery, Beethoven would have gone on the impulse of the moment to reproach Haydn and break off all connection with him. Schenk, however, who had early perceived Beethoven's worth, succeeded in calming him, promising him all the a.s.sistance in his power, and pointing out the folly of a course which would inevitably have led to the withdrawal of the pension from Max Franz, who would naturally have disbelieved any complaint against the greatest master of the day, and have attributed Beethoven's conduct to wrong motives. The young man had the sense to perceive the justice of these remarks, and continued to bring his work to Haydn (Schenk always giving it a strict revisal) until the latter's journey to England in 1794 afforded a feasible opportunity of providing himself with a better teacher.
Thus, although neither cordially liked the other, a tolerable appearance of friends.h.i.+p was maintained. It was, perhaps, impossible that, between two such totally different natures the connection could have been otherwise. Haydn was genial and affable; from his long contest with poverty, rather obsequious; not apt to take offence or to imagine slights; ready to render unto Caesar his due; in short, a courtier.
What greater contrast to all this can be imagined than our proud, reserved, brusque Beethoven? _He_ pay court to princes, or wait with ”bated breath” upon their whims! He, the stormy republican, who regarded all men as on the same level, and would bow to nothing less than the Divine in man!
Haydn, who had laughingly bestowed on him the t.i.tle of the ”Great Mogul,” probably felt that there was no real sympathy, or possibility of such a feeling, between them. Nevertheless, as we have said, they continued to outward seeming friends, though Beethoven's suspicions would not allow him to accept Haydn's offer of taking him to London. He accompanied him, however, in the summer to Eisenstadt, the residence of Prince Esterhazy, Haydn's patron, and on this occasion left the following note for Schenk, which shows the friendly feeling existing between them:--
”DEAR SCHENK,--I did not know that I should set off to-day for Eisenstadt. I should like much to have spoken once more to you.