Part 43 (1/2)
”It was hard for me when a man I once considered a good friend did what he did with you. It was a bitter pill, especially because I was the one who suggested your dad reach out to him when you decided to move here.”
”Then I owe you a debt of thanks.”
”Really, Kate,” he said with a laugh. ”You're as exasperating at twenty-eight as you were at ten.”
Taking advantage of the lighter moment, Kate rested a hand on his arm. ”You know how much you love Frannie?”
”That's how much I love Reid. Not one day pa.s.sed when we were apart that I didn't think of him or wish I were with him or wonder what he was doing or if he was happy. Imagine what it was like to find out he felt the same way. I know we might only get twenty or thirty good years, but I'll take every one of 'em. I'll take every minute we get and be thankful I'm spending that time with the man I love.”
Jamie sighed deeply. ”I guess I owe him an apology.”
”I'm sure he'd appreciate that. I know I would.”
”I am happy that you're happy, Kate. Of course I am. How could I not be? It's just...”
”I wish it wasn't him.”
”Well, it is, so I need you to put aside all the old animosity and draw upon all that love you've always felt for me.”
”You don't play fair,” he said gruffly as he pulled her into a hug.
”I need you to love me more than you hate him.”
”Aww, honey, I do. I love you that much and more.”
”Thank you.”
”Sorry to be an ant at the picnic. I don't want to ruin anything for you.”
”Then don't. Help me to celebrate and be happy for me. That's all I need.”
He kissed her cheek and hugged her again. ”Okay.”
Buddy, Taylor and their kids joined them for dinner that consisted of lasagna Kate had made herself. Afterward, the group migrated to the great room, where the twelve-foot-tall Christmas tree sparkled with white lights and a roaring fire filled the stone hearth. Clare suggested a sing-along featuring Kate on the guitar and Aidan on the piano. Kate had always loved playing with her stepfather, and this time was no different. It took considerable cajoling to get Buddy and Taylor to join them, as they didn't want to intrude on a family event.
”You are my family,” Kate said simply, which seemed to win them over.
”I'm feeling a tad bit intimidated,” Aidan said to laughter from the entire room.
Turned out he could more than hold his own with three superstars, and Kate was glad Maggie was videotaping their ”show” on her phone. It was a memory Kate wanted to be able to revisit often in the future.
She ended the sing-along alone with her guitar, singing ”I Thought I Knew” for Reid in front of everyone they both loved, declaring her love for him to anyone who might still harbor doubts.
I thought I knew what love was, but then there was you...
I thought I knew how it would be, but now I see, And now it's true...
I didn't know until there was you...
Until there was you...
Until there was you...
I thought I knew And now it's true...
I thought I knew what peace was, then there was you...
I thought I knew what dreams were, then there was you...
I thought I knew how it would be, but now I see...
A hushed silence hung over the room as Kate created a moment she hoped they wouldn't soon forget. She had a surprise for her fiance-a new verse she'd recently written.
I thought I knew What love was But then I lost you Then I lost you And now I know what love is Because I found you Because I have you Because I love you Reid stared at her, clearly moved by the new addition to the song that had defined them so long ago.
Kate pushed through the rush of emotion to finish the song.
I thought I knew what love was, but then there was you Then there was you...
In the back of the room, Jack stood alone and watched his daughter serenade the man she loved. He couldn't deny the obvious love and devotion between the two of them. He'd watched them closely since arriving earlier and noticed that they were never far from each other. If they were together, they were holding hands, sharing smiles or otherwise glowing with happiness.
He who had never expected to spend another minute in Reid Matthews's presence now had to concede that the man seemed completely smitten with Kate, and vice versa.
As if he needed further proof, Kate's song cemented the deal. He hadn't known she'd written ”I Thought I Knew” for Reid. Or he supposed he'd never bothered to think about where the song had come from. Now it made sense that her biggest hit had come from her greatest love.
”Excuse me, Jack.”
Rustled out of his musings, Jack said, ”Hey, Ashton.” He'd been surprised to see Ashton at Kate's house, knowing there'd been no love lost between the two of them after Ashton alerted Jack to the affair between Kate and Reid.
”I, um, I wondered if I might have a word with you? In private?”
Oh G.o.d, Jack thought. What now? ”Sure.” He followed Ashton into the kitchen, which had been abandoned after dinner.
Ashton held up a bottle of bourbon. ”Drink?”
Suspecting he might need the fortification, Jack nodded.
Ashton poured them each a couple of fingers of the amber liquid and handed one to Jack.
That was when Jack noticed a slight tremble in the other man's hand. ”What's on your mind?”
Okay, he sure as h.e.l.l hadn't seen that coming. ”What about her?”