Part 36 (2/2)
His eyes widened with surprise and his lips pursed, as if he was going to say something.
Laughing, Jill said, ”Did I finally render you speechless, Counselor?”
”Yeah,” he said, framing her face with his hands. ”You take my breath away, Jill Harrington.”
Deeply moved by his softly spoken words, she said, ”Do you think I still will when we're working together?”
”I know you will.”
Jill cuddled into his embrace, completely content for once to throw the best-laid plans out the window.
Chapter 15.
Kate stood before the mirror in the master bathroom, trying to tame her hair into something resembling submission. She had hair-and-makeup people on her team, but she liked to do her own whenever possible.
She hated this whole thing. The idea of going on national TV to talk about her relations.h.i.+p with Reid as well as the s.e.x tape the whole world had seen by now had left her feeling nauseated for days. As they'd settled into a new routine, she'd gone out of her way to hide her growing torment from Reid, knowing it would upset him.
If only the interview hadn't been hanging over her head, she would've been happier than she'd ever been in her life. Being with Reid again, especially here in the home she loved so much, was amazing. They just had to get past today, and then Kate would be able to truly relax and enjoy their new life.
”Hey, darlin'. I thought you could use some coffee.”
She turned to find him freshly shaven, his hair still damp from the shower. He must've used one of the guest bathrooms so she could have the full run of theirs. ”That's just what I need,” she said, as she took the mug from him. ”Thank you.”
”Are you nervous?”
”A little. Mostly I'm p.i.s.sed that I have to do this at all.”
His hands landed on her shoulders and his chin on the top of her head as he met her gaze in the mirror. ”I know, but for what it's worth, I think you're doing the right thing.”
”It's worth a lot, but it feels like such a huge invasion of our privacy.”
”Don't tell them any more than you have to.”
”I think about my dad watching the interview...” She shook her head. The thought had tormented her for days.
”Maybe if you returned his calls you could clear the air with him.”
”If only I thought we'd clear the air and not make things worse, I'd call him back.”
”You're going to have to talk to him eventually if you want him here for the wedding.”
Kate wondered if her dad would even come, another thought that had been plaguing her lately. ”I'll call him after the interview.”
”You're sure you don't want me there with you?”
”That would make me more nervous, worrying about what you're thinking. I'd rather you not even watch it.”
”Whatever you want, darlin'.” He kissed her cheek and squeezed her shoulders. ”Speaking of your daddy, there's something I need to tell you in the interest of full disclosure.”
Kate couldn't imagine what it could be. ”What's that?”
”You know how we promised complete honesty this time around?”
”Normally, I'd prefer not to tell you what I'm doing today while you're tied up, but because we're being honest, I'm telling you that I'm flying to Rhode Island to see him.”
Kate stared at him in disbelief. ”Whatever for?”
”I'm an old-fas.h.i.+oned kind of guy, darlin', and when a man plans to marry another man's daughter, he asks permission. That's just how it's done.”
”He'll never give you permission. You know that.”
”Maybe so, but I'm still going to ask.”
”You don't have to do this.”
”Yes, I do.”
Kate rested a hand on her stomach, which had begun to ache.
”I don't mean to make you more nervous than you already are, but I wanted you to know where I'll be today.”
She looked up at him. ”It might make things worse.”
”How? How could it make anything worse?”
”He might punch you or something. He's wanted to for a decade now.”
”If that's what he feels he needs to do, so be it. That won't change how I feel about his daughter or that I plan to marry her very soon.” He put his arms around her. ”I'm probably wasting my breath by telling you not to worry, but please don't. It'll all be fine.”
”I'm glad one of us is so sure of that.”
”Nothing can come between us unless we let it. I have no plans to let anything or anyone come between us. Do you?”
”No, you know I don't.”
”Good,” he said, kissing her. ”Whenever you're ready, the car Jill sent for you is here.”
”Okay.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then she finished the coffee, brushed her teeth and took one last look in the mirror.
”You look gorgeous as always.”
”You have to say that.”