Part 28 (1/2)
Again, she held her tongue and let the silence speak for her.
”She wants us there for Christmas.”
”I told you that days ago.”
He glanced up at her. ”What do you think?”
”It's up to you. The boys and I will do whatever you want to do. If you want to go to Nashville, we'll go with you. If you'd rather stay home, we'll do that, too.”
”And you won't think I'm a horse's a.s.s if I decide not to go?”
”Never. I meant it when I said you have a right to your feelings, even if others don't agree with them.”
”You make a good point about when we were first together. I don't know what I would've done if people like Jamie and Frannie or my kids treated me like I was a monster for wanting to be with you.”
”Kate might appreciate the same courtesy from you.”
”Of all three girls, she was the most willing to go along with you moving here.”
”Is that right? You never told me that, but it doesn't surprise me. She was the friendliest to me when Eric and I first arrived.”
”s.h.i.+t,” he said with a moan. ”I totally screwed this up. I said all the wrong things to her.”
”You're a wonderful father, Jack, and you're allowed to screw up every now and then.”
”You never do. You never screw up.”
”That's because I'm the mom. We can't afford to screw up with you crazy dads around to mess things up.”
”Very funny.”
”You can always call her back to fix it.”
”Is that what you want to do?”
”I think it might be.”
She kissed the back of his hand and released it. ”Then I'll leave you to it.” She got up off the desk.
He stood to stop her from escaping. With his hands on her shoulders, he took a good long greedy look at her.
”I love you so much. I hope you know that.”
She rested her hands on his chest. ”How could I not know when you show me every single day?”
He drew her in close to him, comforted by her unwavering love. Their bond had been unshakable from the very beginning, and he wouldn't have survived without her. He drew back from her, just far enough that he could kiss her.
”Thanks,” he said many pa.s.sionate minutes later.
”Mmm,” she said, taking one more taste. ”Definitely my pleasure.”
”Can I get back to you and your pleasure at bedtime?”
”It's a date. Do you want me to stay while you talk to her?”
”You don't have to.”
”I do need to make sure Robby finished his math homework.”
”His name is Rob.”
”Right. Keep reminding me.” She left him with one last kiss. ”Good luck, love.”
Chapter 12.
The arriving storm woke Kate from a nap late that afternoon to wonder when Reid would be back. She hadn't expected him to be gone this long and suspected he'd been delayed by the storm.
She tried to call him, but his phone went right to voice mail.
Wind whipped through the trees and shook the windows as she thought about the stretch of water between the two islands. What if he couldn't get back to her? What if something happened to him?
That thought drove her out of bed and down the stairs, where she found Bertha in the kitchen, enjoying a cup of coffee and a magazine. ”Oh, Ms. Kate,” she said, jumping up when Kate came into the room. ”I was just taking a short break.”
”Please don't let me interrupt.”
”Is there something I can get for you?”
”I was wondering whether Mr. Matthews will be able to get back because of the storm.”
”I'm told he's on his way.”
”Oh. I tried to call him, but he didn't answer.”
”Probably can't hear the phone in the wind.”
”That's true.”
”I sent one of the cars down to meet him. They should be back any time now.”