Chapter 5 (1/2)
With Fatima’s invitation, I entered the room. Inside was, well, a soapland similar to the ones I know from the previous life, yet a bit different.
The size of the room is three times larger though.
Speaking of which, the bed is double decked, there are two bathtubs. Instead of an air mat, the soft mat laying down in the bathroom seems to be made of sponge.
Probably the reason for having two bath tubs must be the other one is a hot bath.
It can’t be helped since water can’t be gathered quickly.
While I was looking around the room, Fatima bent forward and hugged and kissed me at the same time.
「Mmm~….chuu~….. Chu…. fufu… smooch」(TN: Chu = Kiss SFX)
After entwining our tongues together, we separated.
I was extremely aroused with such a pa.s.sionate kiss.
「Well then, I’ll start stripping off your clothes… Fufu~」
Fatima skillfully removed my armor
She started talking halfway.
「There we go… It’s been so long since an an adventurer stayed for a night here. Usually our customers are merchants or old men.」 (TN: Those gang-rape old men you see in your NTR doujins/hentai anime. Yea, those kind of old men.)
「So, you prefer younger men?」
「Hmmm. Doing it with old men isn’t bad, but I do prefer the Vigor of young men as expected… This is ok already」
She placed the removed armor, mantle and sword in the closet.
「Then, shall we take off these clothes?」
To stop being mocked, I took of my black clothes.
The moment I took of my pants – It stood up.
「Oh dear….!」
She raised a fascinated voice when she saw my p.e.n.i.s.
「It’s quite large isn’t it?」
「It’s still not fully erect yet.」
「Fufufu…. Is that true?」
I removed my pants fully while saying so.
My p.e.n.i.s stood like a tower reaching for the sky.
「Amazing!! This is my first time to see this size… Will this fit in my mouth?」
While saying so, she knelt and started rubbing my rod and licking my glans.
「Should we start with my mouth first?」
「Mm~……*kiss*……*lick*……Should we do it in the bed? Or should we stay here?」
「Let’s just do it here.」
She started to service me while I remain standing.
After licking the glans, Fatima took my large p.e.n.i.s in her mouth. Her f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o began to make indecent sounds.
「Mm~……*slurp*……*drool*……*lick*……*Slurp*……」(TN: This sfx looks boring. lol, I’ll use romanji below. I just want to tease you.)
So this is the shop’s number one’s tongue, the quality is considerably good.
「Mm~……Jyuru……I’m sorry, I couldn’t take it all ……」
「You should go with what you can……」
Fatima’s hand is a.s.sisting her in doing the f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o by playing with my s.c.r.o.t.u.m. While her other hand plays with her secret place hidden inside her panties.
My desire to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e increased as I look upon the sight.
「I’m going to c.u.m……!」
The sentence ended with me vigorously ejaculating.
「Mmm! Mmmmf! *cough* *cough* I’m sorry, I couldn’t swallow it all. I didn’t expect it to be that much……」
「Don’t worry about it.」
「Ufu……Then, I’ll clean this up」
Fatima said so, she held my p.e.n.i.s and began her f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o again.
「Mm……mmmf……Jyuru……Amazing……It didn’t get limp after that……?」
「I told you already right? I can do it a lot of times.」
「Mmf……Jyuruu……This would be fun……」