Part 47 (2/2)
Thy face is illuminated near the Sun.
Thy soul liveth near to Ammon.
Thy body is rejuvenated near to Osiris.
Thou dost breathe forever and ever.
5 Thy soul maketh thee offerings, each day, of bread, of drinks, of oxen, of geese, of fresh water, of condiments.
Thou comest to justify it.
Thy flesh is on thy bones, like unto thy form on earth.
Thou dost imbibe into thy body.
Thou eatest with thy mouth.
Thou receivest bread, with the souls of the G.o.ds.
Anubis doth guard thee.
He is thy protection.
Thou art not repulsed from the gates of the Lower Heaven.
Thoth, the doubly great, the Lord of Sesennu, cometh to thee.
He writeth for thee the Book of Respirations, with his own fingers.
Thy soul doth breathe forever and ever.
Thou dost renew thy form on earth, among the living.
Thou art divinized with the souls of the G.o.ds.
Thy heart is the heart of Ra Thy members are the members of the great G.o.d.(670) Thou livest forever and ever.
6 Hail to the Osiris N!
Ammon is with thee each day to render thee life.
Apheru openeth to thee the right way.
Thou seest with thine eyes; thou hearest with thine ears; thou speakest with thy mouth; thou walkest with thy legs.
Thy soul is divinized in Heaven, to make all the transformations it desireth.
Thou makest the joy of the sacred _Persea_ in An.
Thou awakenest each day.
Thou seest the rays of Ra.
Ammon cometh to thee with the breath of life.
He granteth to thee to breathe in thy coffin.
Thou comest on earth each day, the Book of Respirations of Thoth being thy protection.
Thou breathest by it each day.
Thine eyes behold the rays of the disk.
Truth is spoken to thee before Osiris.
The _formulae_ of justification are on thy body.
Horus, the defender of his father, protecteth thy body.
He divinizeth thy soul as well as (those) of all the G.o.ds.
The soul of Ra giveth life to thy soul.
The soul of Shu filleth thy respiratory organs with soft breath.(671)