Part 46 (1/2)
6 Thou takest care that what thou commandest to exist, exists; thou rulest the royal Osiris like Chuti(632) and the King honors thy spirit, he glorifies thee.
7 Thou commandest Osiris to be like Khuti, the brilliant triangle which appears in the s.h.i.+ning place.
8 Thou commandest Osiris to be like the mysterious spirit which comes forth from the mysterious place.
9 Thou commandest Osiris to be like the blessed spirit which comes forth from the blessed place.
10 Thou commandest Osiris to be like the destructive spirit which comes forth from the place of destruction.
11 Thou commandest Osiris to be like the revealing spirit which comes forth from the opening.
12 Thou commandest Osiris to be like the elevated spirit which comes forth from the high place.
13 Thou commandest Osiris to be like the hidden spirit which comes forth from the Ament.
14 Deliver him from the crocodiles which frighten the spirits, like geese; let them not do their work upon the royal Osiris, in the presence of the G.o.ds armed with swords; may Osiris never fall into their furnaces, may their nets never entangle him; his spirit flies away and soars into the heavens, his spirit returns and enters into the empyrean, because the royal Osiris knows the mysteries which are in the empyrean, the secret forms of Osiris, that none of his servants know, in the secret of his hidden dwelling. Hail! the royal Osiris knows thy form, great and mysterious G.o.d.
15 Deliver the royal Osiris from the agile demons furnished with legs, from the cruel G.o.ds who pluck out hearts and who throw them into their furnaces. May they never do their work upon the royal Osiris, may they never put him in their furnaces, because Osiris is Ra; and reciprocally. His soul is that which is in the disk.
His body is in the middle of the hidden G.o.ds; they make Osiris rule, Osiris makes them rule; he commands, and he rests as you rest in the Ament.
16 The soul of Ra s.h.i.+nes in his shape, his body rests amid the invocations which are addressed to him; he enters into the interior of his white disk, he lights the empyrean with his rays, he creates it, he makes the souls remain in their bodies, they praise him from the height of their pedestal. He receives the acclamations of all the G.o.ds who open the doors, the hidden essences who prepare the way for Ra's soul, and who allow the King of souls access to the fields. He traverses his disk himself; he calls (to life) the body of Kat;(633) he places the G.o.ds of the stars upon their legs; these latter make the G.o.d An(634) come at their hours; the two sisters join themselves to him, they decorate his head, as a spirit worthy of adornment.
17 O, Ra, place the royal Osiris in thy train; he is the divine key which opens his haunts, he knows admirable means of obtaining the great victory over his enemies; Osiris is powerful through thy two eyes; walking G.o.d, the course of Osiris is thy course. Ra, the journeys of Osiris are thy journeys, Osiris makes thee rule over thy enemies, thou makest Osiris rule over his enemies, by means of the great splendor which is the splendor of Ra in the empyrean, they cry to him: Bull of the country of the dead, thou art Ra, thy body rests in peace, thou art blessed in thy mysteries.
1 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. Highly glorious Teb Temt.
2 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. Thou makest thy soul young again and thou givest birth to thy body.
3 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. Lead him into the holy dwelling.
4 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. Guide him on the good ways.
5 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. Guide him on the roads of Nun.
6 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. Guide him on the roads of Nut.
7 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. He restores the body of Osiris.
8 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. He places the corpse upon its foundation, in its place that no one knows.
9 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. He calls his body Osiris.
10 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. He sees him who is in the sarcophagus.
11 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. The rays of Aten(635) are upon his person.
12 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. He has taken the good ways.