Part 43 (1/2)

will it be long ere I see thee?

Will it be long ere I see thee?

(O) excellent Sovereign, will it be long ere I see thee?

Beholding thee is happiness; Beholding thee is happiness.

(O) G.o.d An, beholding thee is happiness.

Come to her who loveth thee.

Come to her who loveth thee.

(O) Un-nefer,(574) the justified.

Come to thy sister, come to thy wife.

Come to thy sister, come to thy wife.

(O) Urt-het,(575) come to thy spouse.

I am thy sister by thy mother; do not separate thyself from me.

G.o.ds and men (turn) their faces toward thee, weeping together for thee, whenever (they) behold me.

I call thee in (my) lamentations (even) to the heights of Heaven, and thou hearest not my voice.

I am thy sister who loveth thee on earth; no one else hath loved thee more than I, (thy) sister, (thy) sister.

Evocation By Nephthys. (She says:)

O excellent Sovereign, come to thine abode.

Rejoice, all thine enemies are annihilated!

Thy two sisters are near to thee, protecting thy funeral bed; calling thee in weeping, thou who art prostrate on thy funeral bed.

Thou seest (our) tender solicitude.

Speak to us, Supreme Ruler, our Lord.

Chase all the anguish which is in our hearts.

Thy companions, who are G.o.ds and men, when they see thee (exclaim): Ours be thy visage, Supreme Ruler, our Lord; life for us is to behold thy countenance; let not thy face be turned from us; the joy of our hearts is to contemplate thee; (O) Sovereign, our hearts are happy in seeing thee.

I am Nephthys, thy sister who loveth thee.

Thine enemy is vanquished, he no longer existeth!

I am with thee, protecting thy members forever and eternally.

Invocation By Isis.(576) (She says:)

Hail (O) G.o.d An!

Thou, in the firmament, s.h.i.+nest upon us each day.

We no longer cease to behold thy rays.

Thoth is a protection for thee.

He placeth thy soul in the bark Ma-at, in that name which is thine, of G.o.d Moon.

I have come to contemplate thee.

Thy beauties are in the midst of the Sacred Eye,(577) in that name which is thine, of Lord of the sixth day's festival.

Thy companions are near to thee; they separate themselves no more from thee.

Thou hast taken possession of the Heavens, by the grandeur of the terrors which thou inspirest, in that name which is thine, of Lord of the fifteenth day's festival.

Thou dost illuminate us like Ra(578) each day.

Thou s.h.i.+nest upon us like Atum.(579) G.o.ds and men live because they behold thee.

Thou sheddest thy rays upon us.

Thou givest light to the Two Worlds.

The horizon is filled by thy pa.s.sage.

G.o.ds and men (turn) their faces toward thee; nothing is injurious to them when thou s.h.i.+nest.

Thou dost navigate in the heights (of Heaven) and thine enemy no longer exists!

I am thy protection each day.

Thou who comest to us as a child each month, we do not cease to contemplate thee.

Thine emanation heightens the brilliancy of the stars of Orion in the firmament, by rising and setting each day.

I am the divine Sothis(580) behind him.