Part 31 (1/2)

27 B.-This is the longest letter in the collection, including six lines in Aramaic, and 512 lines in Dusratta's native language (see ”Journal Royal Asiatic Society,” October, 1892, for my translation). The important pa.s.sages of the letter appear to me to read as follows, and the meaning is confirmed by statements in other letters by this writer concerning his daughter's marriage. The letter was addressed to Amenophis III, and sent by the same two envoys, _Mani_ and _Gilias_,(378) already noticed.

”_Gilias_ the envoy, who takes the messages is ordered to utter it, his duty being to go out, because Amenophis III the Egyptian (ally?) rules a far off land, and I rule in the city _Ikhibin_(379) the city of the G.o.d _Simigis_(380) the paternal deity.

”To proceed: as _Mani_ my brother's envoy says, it is understood that my brother is very desirous that it should be speedily completed.

”Brother, I gladly empower the envoy to take back this woman, whom _Mani_ says my brother commanded him to bring, when he was ordered as an envoy.

”Understanding that my brother desires now to take her home, is it not necessary, understanding this decision to be preferred; as twenty-three months have gone by, is not her taking home to be hastened? My Court having decided to accept, and being satisfied as well as my wife, and resolved to accept the agreement; and the girl being heartily pleased-how happy she is words cannot tell-the decision is from the G.o.ds, brother, for me the decision is from the mighty G.o.ds, my brother. Surely you know whether I do not desire that she should be so brilliantly exalted, the girl being so fortunately (married): surely you know that I shall be glad.

”Proclaim thou for me that whatever people of _Khalci_,(381) west of the _Minyan_(382) country-whatever people of _Khalci_ I have conquered, are made subject.

”I being the great chief of the power of the land of the _Hitt.i.tes_ taking to me, my brother, all the people that are conquered. Let it extend to the city of _Harran_(383) and let the land possessed by no king be taxed.

”My son-in-law being married in the city of Thebes in presence of the image of the deity.”

”Is it not thus that _Dusratta_ dwelling afar arranges the marriage of _Tadukhipa_(384)-_Dusratta_ the favored (friend?) from the Minyan land, consenting to the wish of _Amenophis III_ the Egyptian (friend) that the son of _Amenophis III_ be so married to her, in the presence of the image of the deity.”

As this letter is written in what is called by scholars an ”unknown language,” these renderings may be questioned. The dialect appears, however, to be closely related to the Akkadian and to other Mongol dialects of western Asia, and to be also the same used (B. 10) by the Hitt.i.tes.

10 B. M.-Written, as the Egyptian docket at the bottom of the tablet on the back states, in the thirty-sixth year of Amenophis III which appears to have been probably the last of his reign.

”To Amenophis III King of Egypt my brother, my kinsman whom I love, and who loves me, by letter thus _Dusratta_ King of _Mitani_ who loves thee, thy kinsman. I am at peace. Peace be to thee, to thy house, to the woman _Tachikhipa_ my daughter to the wife thou lovest be peace.(385) To thy wives, to thy sons, to thy Lords, to thy chariots, to thy horses, to thy army, to thy land, and to all that is thine, be much, much, much peace.

”Thus (I say) _Istar_ of _Nineveh_, the lady of the lands, is kind of heart to the land of _Egypt_. In the land that I love do not they walk after her?(386) Do not they cry aloud to her? Now behold it has brought thee prosperity.

”Now from the time of my father they have besought _Istar_ in her land for thy prosperity; and, as of old so now, it continues. They honor her.

”And now may my brother receive of her ten times more than before. Let my brother receive with joy: let it be hastened for him: let it endure.

”_Istar_ is the Lady of Heaven my brother, and as for me let me be guarded by her for a hundred years; and may great joy be given. Let it be granted by her that I may not fail; and as you desire may it (befall?).

”Is not _Istar_ my G.o.d, and has not she (prospered?) my brother (or been with my brother?).”

24 B.-The second longest of Dusratta's letters, 185 lines in all, is unfortunately very much damaged, as it is perhaps the most important, giving as it does historical information extending over three generations, during which the kings of Egypt and of Mitani were allied by marriage.

”To ... _ya_(387) my kinsman, whom I love and who loves me ... the great King (King of) _Mitani_ thy kinsman who loves thee. I am at peace ... to the Lady _Teie_ ... to _Tadukhipa_ my daughter thy wife be peace, to ...

be peace. To thy sons, to thy Lords, to thy chariots, to thy horses, to thy ... and to all that is thine, be much, much, much peace ... of _Amenophis III_ thy father he sent to me; he explained ... of all that he sent there was no message at all that I ... to your father as to what he sent to me; and _Teie_ the chief wife of _Amenophis III_ your mother knew all of them. All these have been seen by _Teie_ your mother ... the messages that your father caused to be addressed to me.

”... and ten times more than with _Amenophis III_ your father caused him to tell me whatsoever wish ... and whatever message I spoke, faithfully in the same day ... he himself did not turn away his heart from any message ... but faithfully in the same day he caused it to be done.

”... the father of _Amenophis III_ sent to _Sitatama_(388) my grandfather, and ... a daughter. He sent to my grandfather five or six times, and he was not given her, when ... he sent; and at length he was given her.

_Amenophis III_ your father sent (humbly?) to _Sut(tarna)_ my father ...

and so for my father's daughter, my own sister, his heart was desirous; and five (or six) times he ... her: when he had sent five or six times at length he was given her. So _Amenophis III_ ... sent to me, and so desired a daughter(389) and I ... I said in ... of his envoy 'Thus I say I have (sworn?) to give her: by our wish ... to take, and the ... which he has known: and she is a sister so it is lawful;' and I give ... _Amenophis III_ thy (father's) ... if these are not truths ... heaven and earth bear witness ... to give her; and _Khai_(390) the envoy of my brother ... to the (Queen?) and to _Amenophis III_ I sent with her ... in three months with the greatest speed ... and the gold ... truly was not ... which I sent.

”When you favored a daughter, and so (sent for) her, and as _Amenophis III_ your father knew her ... I rejoiced being exceeding glad, and he said 'My brother, is not it thy wish thus to give the handmaid'; and he made public agreement with this his land, in presence of my envoy ... so men ... when they beheld; and I received from him; and _Amenophis III_ established us ... for the future; and so receiving ... I was made great; and in the cities which for _Tadukhipa_ ... in all of them he made us dwell as conquerors,(391) and among the envoys who went down ... none that _Gilia_ ... the gold of one (_limzu_) was given by weight. Truly to _Amenophis III_ for _Tadukhipa_ it was given; and _Tadukhipa_ ... was given ... and ... my envoys _Amenophis III_ with ... I received; there was no one ... _Amenophis III_ sent _Nizik_ his envoy ... myself; and he ...

(refusing?) to my face the ... of gold ... the gold which ... of _Gilia_ and ... he established us ... my envoys ... to be despatched ... he did not cease to (deny?) ... and ... he took her... I was not able to refuse to please him ... he sent this to me ... they sent was wonderful, and then ... _Amenophis III_ your father in every message ... the lord of the place to protect her. Did not he order all these as I say ... do not I say that _Teie_(392) ... has known ... and _Teie_ is your mother, ask her if, among the messages that I spake, there is one message which is not vindicated by her, as to these (messages) to _Amenophis III_ your father ... if to _Amenophis III_ your father brotherhood was made by me: if it was said by _Amenophis III_ your father 'If at all (there is) gold that ... in the land of _Khani Rabbe_ I will despatch it; and order thou thus the ... do not I desire to cause it to be sent': the ... bore what was ordered to be given of _Amenophis III_ your father; and _Amenophis III_ said to me '...

the treasures of gold ... all that my ... desires is sent ... and ... to do this I have sent to thee' ... there by _Amenophis III_ with a message.

Never was there a message without a reply. I never refused any of the messages.

”(And when) _Amenophis III_ was obliged to be taken to his fate, and they told (me) ... I tore my cheeks, and I mourned on that same day; I sat (in the dust?); I (took) no food or water that same day; and I was grieved ...