Part 27 (1/2)

If Subandi be the Zabandi of Ribadda's letter (51 B.), the following also belong to the Phnician-Amorite war:

38 B. M.-”To the King my Lord my G.o.d my Sun, the Sun from heaven, thus says _Subandi_ thy servant, the captain of thy horse: at the feet of the King my Lord, the Sun from heaven, seven times and seven times is made to bow both the heart and also the body. I hear all the messages of the King my Lord, the Sun from heaven, and now I shall guard the land of the King that is with me, and ... I hear ... exceeding much.”

39 B. M. is an almost identical letter from the same writer.

40 B. M.-The salutation by _Subandi_ is the same. The letter is broken. He speaks of a message from the King, and of fighting. He speaks of a.s.sisting the King's servant and the fortresses, and mentions the arrival of the King as expected, and the _Kau Mas_. These latter words are evidently Egyptian, _Kau_ meaning ”men” and _Masa_ ”infantry.”

116 B.-The same salutation. It is a short letter acknowledging the receipt of a letter, and ends by speaking of men of blood, and that the ”King knows about his cities.”

117 B.-The same salutation: ”The King my Lord, the Sun from heaven, has sent _Khanni_ to me.” It is injured, but seems to refer to ”an hundred oxen and thirty women. For the King my Lord, the Sun from heaven, has instructed.”

118 B.-A similar salutation. He will defend the King's land. ”(Ask?) the great man if we have not listened to the King's _Paka_: now he has been listened to exceeding much-the _Paka_ of the King my Lord, Son of the Sun from heaven.”

120 B., a short letter from _Subandi_, merely saying that he has received the King's message.(285)

Northern Palestine


No. 26 B. M.-”To the King my Lord my Sun my G.o.d, to the King my Lord by letter thus _Ammunira_, chief of the city of _Burutu_, thy servant, the dust of thy feet: at the feet of the King my Lord my Sun my G.o.d-the King my Lord-seven and seven times I bow. I hear the messages of ... of the King my Lord my Sun my G.o.d-the ruler of my life, and they have drawn the heart of thy servant, and the dust of the feet of the King my Lord my Sun and my G.o.d-the King my Lord-exceeding much. Sufficient is the order of the King my Lord my Sun my G.o.d, for his servant and the dust of his feet.

Behold the King my Lord my Sun has sent to his servant, and the dust of his feet, 'Speed to the presence of the Egyptian soldiers (_bitati_) of the King thy Lord.' I listen exceeding much, and now I have sped, with my horses, and with my chariots, and with all who march with the servant of the King my Lord, to meet the Egyptian soldiers of the King my Lord. And art not thou confident of the event? The breast of the enemies of the King my Lord my Sun my G.o.d shall be troubled. And shall not the eyes of thy servant behold this, through the mastery of the King my Lord; and the King my Lord my Sun my G.o.d, the King my Lord, shall see. Thou increasest the favors of thy servant. Now as to the servant of the King my Lord, and the footstool of his feet, now let him fortify the city of the King my Lord my Sun-the ruler of my life, and her gardens (that is to say the mulberries),(286) till the eyes behold the Egyptian soldiers of the King my Lord, and ... the servant of the King I proclaim” (or predict).

27 B. M.-”To the King ... my Lord thus says _Ammunira_ thy servant, the dust of thy feet. At the feet of the King my Lord seven and seven times I bow. I hear the message of the letter, and what is thereby commanded to me O King my Lord. And I hear (the precept?) of the message of the scribe of my Lord, and my heart is eager, and my eyes are enlightened exceedingly.

Now I have watched much, and have caused the city of _Burutu_ to be fortified for the King my Lord, until the coming of the Egyptian soldiers (_bitati_) of the King my Lord. As to the chief of the city of _Gebal_ who is in trouble together with me, now they defend him till there shall be counsel of the King to his servant. The King my Lord is shown the grief of one's brother, which troubles us both. From the city of Gebal, lo! the sons of _Ribaadda_ who is in trouble with me, are subjected to chiefs who are sinners to the King, who (are) from the land of the _Amorites_. Now I have caused them to haste with my horses and with my chariots and with all who are with me, to meet the soldiers (_bitati_) of the King my Lord. At the feet of the King my Lord seven and seven times I bow.”

Ammunira was Ribadda's friend (see 16 B. M.), and his letter agrees with Ribadda's: clearly, therefore, the seizure of Ribadda's sons comes historically before the loss of Beirut, Mearah, and Sidon (54 B., 75 B.).


90 B.-”To the King my Lord my G.o.d my Sun-the King my Lord(287)-by letter thus _Zimridi_, the Governor of the city of Sidon (_Ziduna_): at the feet of the King my Lord my G.o.d my Sun-the King my Lord-seven times and seven times I bow. Does not the King my Lord know? Lo! the city of _Sidon_ has gathered. I am gathering, O King my Lord, all who are faithful to my hands (power). And lo! I hear the message of the King my Lord. Behold, he causes it to be sent to his servant, and my heart rejoices, and my head is raised, and my eyes are enlightened; my ears hear the message of the King my Lord; and know O King I have proclaimed in presence of the Egyptian soldiers (_bitati_) of the King my Lord, I have proclaimed all, as the King my Lord has spoken; and know O King my Lord lo! mighty has been the battle against me: all ... who are faithful to the King in ... it has come to pa.s.s, and the chiefs ... sons, and are faithful to the King ... and her chief who goes out in the presence of the King's Egyptian soldiers (_bitati_). The greatest of the fortresses deserts to the enemies: which has gone well for the men of blood, and they are gaining them from my hands, and my destruction is before me. O King my Lord as said the chiefs who are my foes have done.”

From the letters of the King of Tyre which follow (99 B. and 28-31 B. M.) we see that Zimridi was a weak ruler. His own letter agrees with one from Ribadda (54 B.) as showing that Sidon fell by treachery, not by war.


These appear to begin early, before the appearance of Aziru, and show that the rivalry of Tyre and Sidon was of early origin. None of the letters mention Tyre except those written by her King.

99 B.-”To the King my Lord my G.o.d my Sun thus (says) _Abimelec_(288) thy servant: seven and seven (times) at the feet of the King my Lord (I bow).

The King my Lord sends (to ask) if I have finished what is doing with me.

I present to the King my Lord 100 ornaments (or 'crowns,' perhaps 'shekels'-_tacilal_); and let the King my Lord give his countenance to his servant, and let him give the city _Huzu_(289) to his servant-a fountain to supply water for his drinking: let the King my Lord grant (a chief a subject?)(290) to guard his town; and let me plead, and let the face of the King my Lord regard my explanation before the King my Lord. As said behold let the King my Lord confide in me to defend his city. Lo! the King of the city of _Sidon_ is taking the people who are my subjects-a chief who is my inferior (or foe). Let the King give his countenance to his servant, and let him order his _Paka_ (chief), and let him give the city of _Huzu_ for waters to his servant, to take trees for our use for the dwellings. Lo! he has made war: nothing is left. In vain have they threshed corn if the King of Sidon despoils the King's land. The King of the city of _Khazura_ (Hazor)(291) is leaving his city, and goes out with men of blood. Let the King show their borders to the hostile (or inferior) chiefs. The King's land is vexed by men of blood. Let the King send his _Paka_ (chief) who is in our land.”

29 B. M.-”To the King my Lord, my G.o.d, my Sun thus (says) _Abimelec_ thy servant: seven and seven (times) at the feet of the King my Lord I bow. I (am) the dust beneath the shoes of the King my Lord my master-the Sun-G.o.d who comes forth in presence of the world from day to day, as the manifestation of the Sun-G.o.d his gracious father: who gives life by his good word, and gives light to what is obscure: who frees all lands from dissensions by just rule of a free country; who gives this his compa.s.sion from heaven, like the G.o.d Adonis, and causes all lands to rest through his mercy. This is the message of a servant to his Lord. Lo! I hear the gracious messenger of the King who reaches his servant, and the good utterance which comes from the hands of the King my Lord for his servant; and the utterance it makes clear, since the arrival of the messenger of the King my Lord. Does not he make it clear?-the utterance is clear. The lands of my fathers behold it records. Lo! the utterance of the King comes to me, and I rejoice exceedingly and (my heart has risen?) from day to day because the land is not ... Behold I heard the gracious messenger from my Lord, and all my land has been afraid as to my Lord's countenance. Lo! I heard the good utterance; and the gracious messenger who reaches me, behold he said, O King my Lord, that the region (is) to be established by the presence of many soldiers; and the servant says for his Lord that my plain is my land over against my highlands, over against the plain of my cities. He has borne the order of the King my Lord listening to the King his Lord, and has served him (in his integrity?), and the Sun-G.o.d he has proclaimed before him; and he makes clear the good utterance from the hands of his Lord, and does he not listen to the order of his Lord? The portion of his town his Lord has divided. His word none shall overthrow in all the lands forever. Behold (this is) the duty that he heard from his Lord. His city will rest, will rest from overthrowing his utterance for all time. Thou art the Sun-G.o.d whom he has proclaimed before him; and the decision which shall set at rest is lasting for one. And because she judges that the King my Lord is just our land obeys-the land that I am given. This Abimelec says to the Sun-G.o.d. My Lord I am given what appears before the King my Lord. And now the city _Zarbitu_(292)is to be guarded by the city of Tyre (_Tsuru_) for the King my Lord.”

31 B. M.-”To the King the Sun ... thus says _Abimel_(_ec_) ... seven times and seven times at the feet ... I am the dust from ... below ... and the King the Sun forever ... The King spoke to his servant (and) to his servant my comrade: he has granted that extension be given, and as to waters for (his servant's) drinking And they did not as the King my Lord has said; and we arrive at no fulfilment. And let the King counsel his servant my comrade. He has granted that the waters be given, because of the abundance there to drink. My Lord the King, behold, there is no one to tend my trees, no one (to tend) my waters, no one to make ... Let the King my Lord know.” The next lines are much broken, and the letter then continues: ”... As the King has said. And let the King a.s.sign to his servant and to the city of Tyre (_Tsuru_) the city that my comrade has given, and what the order lays down on the side of the King for his servant, which the King made an order (less than a year ago?). The King is the eternal Sun-G.o.d, and to his faithful servant the King my Lord shall ... for guardians of the town that my comrade has granted. My requests as to this town ... Moreover, my Lord ... soldiers against me ... to my desire ... King ... Lo! his heart is evil ... King my Lord; and he turns away from my wish; and O King my Lord (thou knowest the hearts of all those in the land?), and let the King give his countenance to his servant; and to the city of _Tyre_ the town that my comrade has granted (is) to be given ... waters for (irrigation?). Moreover, my Lord ... Let the King ask his _Paka_. Lo! the chief of the city of _Zar_(_epta_) has followed the city of _Simyra_ (with) a s.h.i.+p. I am marching, and the chief of the city of _Sidon_ marches out; and as for me he has marched with all ... and let the King counsel his servant ...”

30 B. M.-_Abimelec_ begins with his ordinary salutation. ”Thus far I defend the King's city which he confides to my hands very much. My intention (has been) to walk in sight of the face of the King my Lord, and not to take by force from the hands of _Zimridi_ of the city of _Sidon_.

Lo! I hear me that he will strive, and has made war with me. Let the King my Lord send down to me ... chiefs for guards of the city of the King my Lord; and let me strive (or plead) for the dwellings of the King my Lord, with those who deceive his gracious countenance. I set my face to (encourage?) the region of those who are peaceful with the King my Lord; and let the King my Lord ask his _Paka_ (chief). Lo! I set my face (or, confirm my intention) forever, O King my Lord. Now a messenger I am despatching to ... of the King my Lord, and ... the King my Lord the messenger ... ... his letter ... and may it be the means of ... the King my Lord ... (that) he sets his face ... forever to ... the face of the King my Lord. His servant will not let slip ... from (his) hands ... Let the King my Lord give his countenance ... and (he) shall ... waters for the drawing ... and woods for his servant.... Know O King my Lord behold they are plucking the fruit that we left. There are no waters and no woods for us. Now _Elisaru_ the messenger to the presence of the King my Lord has hasted, and I have made bold to present five precious things of copper, this agate, one throne of gold. The King my Lord sends to me (saying) 'Send to me all you hear from the land of Canaan' (_Cina'ana_).

The King of _Danuna_(293) has been destroyed, and his brother is ruling after him, and his land has broken out, and they have seized the King of the town of _Hugarit_,(294) and mighty is the slaughter that follows him.