Part 12 (1/2)
”[The following] words are to be recited in the _Sektet_ boat: [Hail,]
sceptre of Anubis, I have made the four _Khu_s who are in the train of the lord of the universe to be at peace with me, and I am the lord of the fields through their decree. I am the divine father Bah (_i.e._, the G.o.d of the water-flood), and I do away with the thirst of him that keepeth ward over the Lakes. Behold ye me, then, O great G.o.ds of majesty who dwell among the Souls of Annu, for I am lifted up over you. I am the G.o.d Menkh (_i.e._, Gracious one) who dwelleth among you. Verily I have cleansed my soul, O great G.o.d of majesty, set not before me the evil obstacles which issue from thy mouth, and let not destruction come round about me, or upon me. I have made myself clean in the Lake of making to be at peace, [and in the Lake of] weighing in the balance, and I have bathed myself in Netert-utchat, which is under the holy sycamore tree of heaven. Behold [I am] bathed, [and I have] triumphed [over] all [mine enemies] straightway who come forth and rise up against right and truth. I am right and true in the earth. I, even I, have spoken(?) with my mouth [which is] the power of the Lord, the Only one, Ra the mighty, who liveth upon right and truth.
Let not injury be inflicted upon me, [but let me be] clothed on the day of those who go forward(?) to every [good] thing.”
Of Bringing A Boat Along In Heaven
[From the Papyrus of Nu (British Museum No. 10,477, sheet 9).]
THE CHAPTER OF BRINGING ALONG A BOAT IN HEAVEN. The chancellor-in-chief, triumphant, saith:
”Hail to thee, O thou Thigh which dwellest in the northern heaven in the Great Lake, which art seen and which diest not. I have stood up over thee when thou didst rise like a G.o.d. I have seen thee, and I have not lain down in death; I have stood over thee, and I have risen like a G.o.d. I have cackled like a goose, and I have alighted like the hawk by the divine clouds and by the great dew. I have journeyed from the earth to heaven.
The G.o.d Shu hath [made] me to stand up, the G.o.d of Light hath made me to be vigorous by the two sides of the ladder, and the stars which never rest set [me] on [my] way and bring [me] away from slaughter. I bring along with me the things which drive back calamities as I advance over the pa.s.sage of the G.o.d Pen; thou comest, how great art thou, O G.o.d Pen! I have come from the Pool of Flame which is in the Sekhet-Sasa (_i.e._, the Field of Fire). Thou livest in the Pool of Flame in Sekhet-Sasa, and I live upon the staff of the holy [G.o.d]. Hail, thou G.o.d Kaa, who dost bring those things which are in the boats by the ... I stand up in the boat and I guide myself [over] the water; I have stood up in the boat and the G.o.d hath guided me. I have stood up. I have spoken. [I am master of the]
crops. I sail round about as I go forward, and the gates which are in Sekhem (Letopolis) are opened unto me, and fields are awarded unto me in the city of Unnu (Hermopolis), and laborers(?) are given unto me together with those of my own flesh and bone.”
Of Bringing The Makhent Boat
[From the Papyrus of Nu (British Museum No. 10,477, sheets 21 and 22).]
THE CHAPTER OF BRINGING ALONG A BOAT IN THE UNDERWORLD. The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:
”Hail, ye who bring along the boat over the evil back [of Apepi], grant that I may bring the boat along, and coil up [its] ropes in peace, in peace. Come, come, hasten, hasten, for I have come to see my father Osiris, the lord of the _ansi_ garment, who hath gained the mastery with joy of heart. Hail, lord of the rain-storm, thou Male, thou Sailor! Hail, thou who dost sail over the evil back of Apep! Hail, thou that dost bind up heads and dost stablish the bones of the neck when thou comest forth from the knives. Hail, thou who art in charge of the hidden boat, who dost fetter Apep, grant that I may bring along the boat, and that I may coil up the ropes and that I may sail forth therein. This land is baleful, and the stars have overbalanced themselves and have fallen upon their faces therein, and they have not found anything which will help them to ascend again: their path is blocked by the tongue of Ra. Antebu [is] the guide of the two lands. Seb is stablished [through] their rudders. The power which openeth the Disk. The prince of the red beings, I am brought along like him that hath suffered s.h.i.+pwreck; grant that my _Khu_, my brother, may come to me, and that [I] may set out for the place whereof thou knowest.”
”Tell me my name,” saith the wood whereat I would anchor; ”Lord of the two lands who dwellest in the Shrine,” is thy name.
”Tell me my name,” saith the Rudder; ”Leg of Hapiu” is thy name.
”Tell me my name,” saith the Rope; ”Hair with which Anpu (Anubis) finisheth the work of my embalment” is thy name.
”Tell us our name,” say the Oar-rests; ”Pillars of the underworld” is your name.
”Tell me my name,” saith the Hold; ”Akar” is thy name.
”Tell me my name,” saith the Mast; ”He who bringeth back the great lady after she hath gone away” is thy name.
”Tell me my name,” saith the Lower deck; ”Standard of Ap-uat” is thy name.
”Tell me my name,” saith the Upper post; ”Throat of Mestha” is thy name.
”Tell me my name,” saith the Sail; ”Nut” is thy name.
”Tell us our name,” say the Pieces of leather; ”Ye who are made from the hide of the Mnevis Bull, which was burned by Suti,” is your name.