Part 29 (1/2)
”What shall I tell theh, and they will do the rest”
”But I don't know any funny stories”
”Tell them the story of your life as a circus boy That will be funny enough to h”
”Ho, ho!” exploded Teddy ”It is a joke He who laughs first laughs last”
”You hs best,'” corrected Phil, srinned the Circus Boy
”And look here, Teddy!”
”Have you written to Mr Sparling yet, as he requested you to do?”
”And why not?”
”Same reason”
”You must write to him every day, no ht; go without a meal if necessary, but follow his directions implicitly”
”I was not without news of what had been going on on Car Three Billy Conley had written fully of Phil Forrest's brilliant exploits After one of these letters, Mr Sparling wrote Conley, as follows:
”Those boys will never tellhile
It isn't like Phil to talk about his own achieve of this sort you think I would like to know
I do notof the sort
Just write s you think they will not write about”
Bill understood and faithfully followed out his e proudly showed Conley's letters to all of his associates back with the shohere there was , for everyone liked Phil; not only liked but held hiood qualities
That evening, however, Teddy sat down at the typewriter and laboriously ha!” he growled ”I wish I had only one finger”
”Why? That's a funny wish,” laughed Phil ”Why do you wish that?”
”Because all the rest of theet in the hen I try to run a typewriter”
”I am afraid you never would make a piano player, Teddy”
”I don't want to be one I would rather ride the educated donkey It's better exercise” Teddy then proceeded with his letter This is what he wrote:
”Dear Mr Sparling:”