Part 23 (1/2)

”That will be about all fro Link

”This car leaves at eight o'clock this evening After we get started, conments for tomorrow My friend, Teddy, has been proent with the car, and a few other things at the sa to to skip it and get into the territory where the opposition is stronger I have arranged with the local billposters to take care of the work here”

”That is all I have to say just now, boys When you have anything to ask or to suggest, you knohere the office is

Mr Conley, will you please come to the office now? We have quite a lot to talk over”


Phil Forrest had er in athe loyalty of every man on the car



”Well, this is what I call pretty soft,” chuckled Teddy Tucker

Car Three was underfor the next stand, fiftyin their cosy office, Teddy lounging back on the divan, Phil in an easy chair at the roll-top desk The lights shed a soft glow over the roos with the regularity of the tick of a watch

”Who sleeps upstairs, you or I?” asked Teddy

”I will, if you prefer the lower berth”

”I do It has springs under it”

”You ish it had no springs, one of these nights, when you get bounced out of bed to the floor Do you know that Pulls?”

”No; is that so?”

”That is the fact”


”Because, on rough or crooked roads,in the aisle All hands would be bounced out

You are welcome to the lower berth”

”Shall we turn in and try theet to our destination I want to see that the car is properly placed, in view of the fact that this is our first night in charge I want to kno everything is handled by the railroad You uess I will sit up I have a book to read This is too fine to spoil by going to bed I could sit up all night looking at the place Why, this is just like being on a private car, isn't it?”

”It is a private car”

There were delays along the route to the next stand, and the car was laid over for more than an hour at a junction point, so that it ell past ht when they reached their destination

Phil and Teddy both went outside when the train entered the yards, Tucker hopping off as they swung into the station