Part 2 (1/2)

1899 John Chilembwe begins his mission station, the Providence Industrial Mission (PIM).

1901 Montfort missionaries arrive. Malawian soldiers see service against the Ashanti in the Gold Coast.

1902 The Foreign Office (FO) permits railway (s.h.i.+re Highlands Railway) construction between Blantyre and Chiromo. White Fathers missionaries return to the Lake Malawi area.

1904 The FO relinquishes control of British Central Africa to the Colonial Office.

1907 The BCA Protectorate changes its name to Nyasaland Protectorate, and the commissioner becomes governor. Executive and Legislative Councils are established with an all-European members.h.i.+p.

190710 Sir Alfred Sharpe becomes governor.

1908 Blantyre-Port Herald (Nsanje) rail line opens.

191013 William Manning replaces Sharpe as governor.

1912 The first African welfare a.s.sociation, the North Nyasa Native a.s.sociation, is formed.

1914 14 May: The Livingstonia Mission ordains its first African ministers: Jonathan Chirwa, Yesaya Zerenji Mwase, and Hezekiah Mavuvu Tweya.

191418 World War I: a quarter million Malawians serve as porters or soldiers.

1915 George Smith becomes governor. 23 January4 February: The John Chilembwe uprising takes place.

1916 Report of commission of inquiry on the Chilembwe uprising.

1923 The Devons.h.i.+re Memorandum is issued.

1924 Rev. Hanock Phiri founds the African Methods Episcopal (AME) church in Malawi. Charles Bowring becomes governor.

1929 HiltonYoung Report.

1930 Pa.s.sfield Memorandum is published.

1933 Mchape witch cleansing movement sweeps Malawi.

1935 The Lower Zambezi Bridge opens. Malawi railway connects Salima with Beira. The Lacey Report on migrant labor is published.

1937 Hastings Banda receives his medical degree from Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tennessee, and moves to Scotland.

1939 The Bledisloe Commission Report is published.

193945 World War II: Nyasaland soldiers distinguish themselves in Ethiopian and Burma campaigns.

1941 July: A detachment of the Malawi contingent of the King's African Rifles (KAR) distinguish itself at the siege of Moyale on the KenyaEthiopia border.

1944 Nyasaland African Congress (NAC) organized with Levi Mumba as president.

194445 African Provincial Councils formed.

1946 The Nyasaland Society (later, the Society of Malawi) is founded.

1949 The first Malawians and Asians are appointed to the Legislative Council (LEGCO).

1952 The Nyasaland Asian Convention is created.

1953 The Federation of Nyasaland and Rhodesia is established. Riots take place in Thyolo, and disturbances occur elsewhere in the country. Inkosi Zintonga Philip Gomani of Ntcheu is arrested.

1954 Inkosi Zintonga Philip Gomani dies and is succeeded by his son Willard Gomani. Dr. Hastings K. Banda leaves Great Britain to live in k.u.masi, Gold Coast.

1955 The NAC demands the right to secede from the Federation.

1956 First Africans elected to the Legislative Council. Sir Geoffrey Colby retires as governor and is replaced by Sir Robert Armitage.

1957 The NAC requests Dr. H. Banda to return home.

1958 6 July: Dr. Banda returns home to Malawi and a.s.sumes heads.h.i.+p of the NAC. The League of Malawi Women and League of Malawi Youth are formed.

1959 JanuaryFebruary: NAC nonviolent campaign against Federation and colonial rule. 3 March: ”Operation Sunrise” is launched. The governor declares a state of emergency; Dr. Banda and many NAC officials and members are arrested. MayJuly: Devlin Commission investigates and reports. September: First Malawians on Executive Council are appointed. The Malawi Congress Party (MCP) is formed. The Malawi News is established. Lazalo Mkhosi Jere, Inkosi Ya Makosi M'Mbelwa II, dies and is succeeded by his son Makamaka Maxon Jere.

1960 February: Harold Macmillan visits Nyasaland. The Southworth Commission of Inquiry submits its report. MarchOctober: The Monckton Commission gathers evidence and reports to the British government. April: Hastings Banda and many nationalists are released.

1961 April: Glyn Jones succeeds Sir Robert Armitage as governor. August: First general elections in Malawi take place, and the Malawi Congress Party wins overwhelmingly.

1962 November: The Marlborough House conference formalizes self-government for Malawi. The British government announces Nyasaland will withdraw from the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

1963 February: Dr. Banda sworn in as prime minister. The Legislative Council is renamed Legislative a.s.sembly. The Executive Council is replaced by a cabinet system. May: The Organization of African Unity (OAU) is formed. December: The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland is dissolved.

1964 Reserve Bank of Malawi established. May: The Skinner report on civil service is published. 4 July: Malawi becomes independent of British rule. Malawi joins the OAU. September: Cabinet Crisis takes place followed by a major government reorganization. The University of Malawi is established.

1965 February: The rebellion led by Henry Chipembere fails. October: The University of Malawi admits its first students and starts

1966 New const.i.tution adopted. July: Malawi becomes a republic within the British Commonwealth; Sir Glyn Jones retires to England as Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda becomes president. First hydroelectric station opens at Nkula Falls. Blantyre is granted city status. The Forfeiture Act permitting seizure of property belonging to ”subversives” is pa.s.sed.

1967 Malawi establishes diplomatic relations with South Africa, which also grants loan to build a new capital in Lilongwe. October: Yatuta Kaluli Chisiza leads a group to overthrow the government. The Malawi army kills him and some in his party.

196870 The Chilobwe murders take place, and Gomile k.u.mtumanji is arrested in connection with them.

1969 July: The University of Malawi graduates its first baccalaureate students.

1970 Malawi changes its fiscal year to 1 April31 March.

1971 Hastings Banda is declared life president of Malawi. Cabinet members appointed by president are to be de facto members of the Parliament. Malawi adopts decimal system of currency and introduces the kwacha, abandoning British pounds/s.h.i.+llings. Banda makes controversial state visit to South Africa.

1973 European representation in Parliament ceases.

1974 The MCP const.i.tution equates it with the government of Malawi.