Part 51 (1/2)
VIVIONN (BEBHIONN). A young giantess, daughter of Treon, from the Land of Maidens, 287; slain by da, and buried in the place called the Ridge of the Dead, 288
WACE. Author of Li Romans de Brut, 338
WALES. Arthurian saga in, 343, 344; prophecy of Taliesin about, 385
WAVE OF CLEENA. See Tonn Cliodhna
WEE FOLK, THE. Fergus mac Leda and, 246-249; Iubdan, King of, 246
WELL OF KESAIR. Mac Cecht visits, 175
WELL OF KNOWLEDGE. Equivalent, Connlas Well.
Sinends fatal visit to, 129
WELSH FAIRIES. See Tylwyth Teg
WELSH LITERATURE. The Arthur in the Arthurian saga wholly different from the Arthur in, 336; compared with Irish, 344; tales of Arthur in, 386
WELSH MS. SOCIETY. Llewellyn Sions Barddas edited by J.A. Williams ap Ithel for, 332
WELSH ROMANCE. The character of, 395, 396
WESTON, MISS JESSIE L. Reference to her studies on the Arthurian saga, 341
WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. Reference to, in connexion with Arthurian saga, 343
WOLFRAM VON ESCHENBACH. His story of the Grail, 407
YELLOW BOOK OF LECAN. Tale of Cuchulain and Connla in, 192
YOUTH. The maiden who gave the Love Spot to Dermot, 292
YSPADDADEN PENKAWR (is-pa-dhaden). Father of Olwen, 387; the tasks he set Kilhwch, 390-392; slain by Goreu son of Custennin, 392
ZIMMER, DR. HEINRICH. On the source of the Arthurian saga, 343
ZOROASTER. Religion of magic invented by, 61
1 In reference to the name Freeman, Mr. Nicholson adds: No one was more intensely English in his sympathies than the great historian of that name, and probably no one would have more strenuously resisted the suggestion that he might be of Welsh descent; yet I have met his close physical counterpart in a Welsh farmer (named Evans) living within a few minutes of Pwllheli.
2 He speaks of Nyrax, a Celtic city, and Ma.s.salia [Ma.r.s.eilles], a city of Liguria in the land of the Celts (Fragmenta Hist. Grc.).
3 In his Premiers Habitants de lEurope, vol. ii.