Part 39 (1/2)

2. King of Ireland; reference to appearance of Midir the Proud to, on the Hill of Tara, 124; High King of Ireland, wooes and marries Etain, 157, 158; Midir appears to, and challenges to play chess, 161, 162

EPHORUS. Celts and, 17, 36

ERC. King of Ireland, Cuchulains foe, 228-233; mortally wounds the Grey of Macha, 232

EREMON. First Milesian king of all Ireland, 143, 144, 148

ERI. Mother of King Bres, 107-108; reveals father of Bres as Elatha, 108

ERINN (ERIN). See Eriu, 132; reference to High-Kings.h.i.+p of, 152

ERIU. Wife of Danaan king MacGren, 132; dative form, Erinn, poetic name applied to Ireland, 132

ERRIS BAY. The Children of Lir at, 141, 142


Second bride of Midir the Proud, 156; transformed by Fuamnach into a b.u.t.terfly, 156; driven by a magic tempest into the fairy palace of Angus, 156; again the magic tempest drives her forth, 156; swallowed by Etar, and reappears as a mortal child, 156, 157; visited by Eochy, the High King, who wooes and makes her his wife, 157, 158; the desperate love of Ailill for, 158-160; Midir the Proud comes to claim, as his Danaan wife, 160-163; recovered by Eochy, 163


Daughter of Etain, 163; King Conary Mor descended from, 164; married Cormac, King of Ulster, 165; put away owing to barrenness, 166; cowherd of Eterskel cares for her one daughter, 166


Mother of Etain, 157


King of Ireland, whose cowherd cares for Messbuachalla, 166; on his death he is succeeded by Conary Mor, 167-169


Prince of Danaans of Connacht, father of Caer, 122


Daughter of Balor, 110; gives her love to Kian, 111; gives birth to three sons, 111; one son, Lugh, 112, 182; belongs to Finns ancestry, 255


The tale of, 142-145


Celts conquer Northern Italy from, 21


Seeds of freedom and culture in, kept alive by Celtica, 22; diffusion of Celtic power in Mid-, 26; Celtic place-names in, 27; what it owes to Celts, 49; western lands of, dolmens found in, 53


Son of Eurosswyd and Penardun, 366; mutilates horses of Matholwch, 367; atonement made by Bran for his outrage, 367, 368; slays the warriors hidden in the meal-bags, 370; dies in the magic cauldron, 371


Father of Peredur, 401


Farmer who befriends Fionuala and her brothers, 141