Part 37 (1/2)

CONSTANTINE. Arthur confers his kingdom on, 338


CORANIANS. A demoniac race called, hara.s.s land of Britain, 385

CORCADYNA. Landing of Ith and his ninety warriors at, in Ireland, 131-136

CORMAC. 1. Son of Art, King of Ireland; story of burial of, 69; historical character, 225; Finn and, feasted at Rath Grania, 300.

2. King of Ulster; marries Etain Oig, 166; puts her away owing to her barrenness, 166.

3. Son of Conor mac Nessa; rallies to Maevs foray against Ulster, 205

CORONATION STONE. Now at Westminster Abbey, is the famous Stone of Scone, 105; the _Lia Fail_ and, 105

CORPRE. Poet at court of King Bres, 108

COSMONOGY, 1. The Celtic, 94, 95.

2. The Cymric, 332-335; G.o.d and Cythrawl, standing for life and destruction, in, 333

COTTERILL, H. B. Quotation from his hexameter version of the Odyssey, 80

CRAFTINY. King Scoriaths harper; sings Moriaths love-lay before Maon, 153; discovers Maons secret deformity, 155

CREDN. The artificer of the Danaans, 117


Daughter of Lludd; combat for possession of, every May-day, between Gwythur ap Greidawl and Gwyn ap Nudd, 353, 388

CRIMMAL. Rescued by his nephew, Finn, 256

CROM CRUACH (crom crooach).

Gold idol (equivalent, the b.l.o.o.d.y Crescent) referred to in Book of Leinster, 85; wors.h.i.+p introduced by King Tiernmas, 149

CROMLECHS. See Dolmens, 53

CRUNDCHU (crunhoo). Son of Agnoman; Macha comes to dwell with, 178

CUALGN. See Quelgny

CUCHULAIN (CUCHULLIN) (coo-hoolin). Ulster hero in Irish saga, 41; duel with Ferdia referred to, 121; Lugh, the father of, by Dectera, 123, 182; loved and befriended by G.o.ddess Morrigan, 126; his strange birth, 182; earliest name Setanta, 183; his inheritance, 183; his name derived from the hound of Cullan, 183, 184; claims arms of manhood from Conor, 185; wooes Emer, 185, 186; Laeg, charioteer of, 185; Skatha instructs, in Land of Shadows, 187-189; overcomes Aifa, 190; father of Connla by Aifa, 190; slays Connla, 191, 192; returns to Erin, 193-194; slays Foill and his brothers, 194; met by women of Emania, 194; leaps the heros salmon leap, 195; the winning of Emer, 195; proclaimed by The Terrible the Champion of Ireland, 195, 196; places Maevs host under _geise_, 207, 208; slays Orlam, 209; the battle-frenzy and _rias-tradh_ of, 209, 210; compact with Fergus, 211; the Morrigan offers love to, 212; threatens to be about his feet in bottom of Ford, 212; attacked by the Morrigan while engaged with Loch, 213; slays Loch, 213; Ferdia consents to go out against, 216; Ferdia reproached by, 216, 217; their struggle, 217-221; slays Ferdia, 220; severely wounded by Ferdia, 220, 221; roused from stupor by sword-play of Fergus, 224; rushes into the battle of Garach, 224; in Fairyland, 225-228; loved by Fand, 226; the vengeance of Maev upon, 228-233; other enemies of Erc, and Lewy son of Curoi, 228; Blanid, Curois wife, sets her love on, 228; his madness, 229-231; Bave personates Niam before, 230; the Morrigan croaks of war before, 230; Dectera and Cathbad urge him wait for Conall of the Victories ere setting forth to battle, 230; the Washer at the Ford seen by, 231; Clan Calatin cause him to break his _geise_, 231; finds his foes at Slieve Fuad, 232; the Grey of Macha being mortally wounded, he takes farewell of, 232; mortally wounded by Lewy, 232; his remaining horse, Black Sainglend, breaks away from, 232; Lewy slays outright, 233; his death avenged by Conall of the Victories, 233; reappears in later legend of Christian origin found in Book of the Dun Cow, 238, 239; St. Patricks summons from h.e.l.l, 238

CULLAN. His feast to King Conor in Quelgny, 183; Cuchulain slays his hound, 183; Cuchulain named the Hound of, 184; his daughter declared responsible for Finns enchantment, 280

c.u.mHAL (cooal). Chief of the Clan Morna, son of Trenmor, husband of Murna of the White Neck, the father of Finn, 255, 257; slain at battle of Knock, 255

CUP-AND-RING MARKINGS. Meaning of, in connexion with Megalithic monuments, no light on, 67; example in Dupaix Monuments of New Spain, 68; reproduction in Lord Kingsboroughs Antiquities of Mexico, 68

CUP OF THE LAST SUPPER Identical with the Grail, 406; equivalent, the Magic Cauldron, 411