Part 30 (1/2)
The lord of the castle smiled, and bade him proceed as follows: He should take the road up the valley and through a forest till he came to a glade with a mound in the midst of it. On the mound he would see a black man of huge stature with one foot and one eye, bearing a mighty iron club. He was wood-ward of that forest, and would have thousands of wild animals, stags, serpents, and what not, feeding around him. He would show Kymon what he was in quest of.
Kymon followed the instructions, and the black man directed him to where he should find a fountain under a great tree; by the side of it would be a silver bowl on a slab of marble. Kymon was to take the bowl and throw a bowlful of water on the slab, when a terrific storm of hail and thunder would followthen there would break forth an enchanting music of singing birdsthen would appear a knight in black armour riding on a coal-black horse, with a black pennon upon his lance. And if thou dost not find trouble in that adventure, thou needst not seek it during the rest of thy life.
*The Character of Welsh Romance*
Here let us pause for a moment to point out how clearly we are in the region of medival romance, and how far from that of Celtic mythology.
Perhaps the Celtic Land of Youth may have remotely suggested those regions of beauty and mystery into which the Arthurian knight rides in quest of adventure. But the scenery, the motives, the incidents, are altogether different. And how beautiful they arehow steeped in the magic light of romance! The colours live and glow, the forest murmurs in our ears, the breath of that springtime of our modern world is about us, as we follow the lonely rider down the track into an unknown world of peril and delight. While in some respects the Continental tales are greater than the Welsh, more thoughtful, more profound, they do not approach them in the exquisite artistry with which the exterior aspect of things is rendered, the atmosphere of enchantment maintained, and the reader led, with ever-quickening interest, from point to point in the development of the tale. Nor are these Welsh tales a whit behind in the n.o.ble and chivalrous spirit which breathes through them. A finer school of character and of manners could hardly be found in literature. How strange that for many centuries this treasure beyond all price should have lain unnoticed in our midst! And how deep must be our grat.i.tude to the nameless bards whose thought created it, and to the n.o.bly inspired hand which first made it a possession for all the English-speaking world!
*Defeat of Kymon*
But to resume our story. Kymon did as he was bidden, the Black Knight appeared, silently they set lance in rest and charged. Kymon was flung to earth, while his enemy, not bestowing one glance upon him, pa.s.sed the shaft of his lance through the rein of Kymons horse and rode off with it in the direction whence he had come. Kymon went back afoot to the castle, where none asked him how he had sped, but they gave him a new horse, a dark bay palfrey with nostrils as red as scarlet, on which he rode home to Caerleon.
*Owain and the Black Knight*
Owain was, of course, fired by the tale of Kymon, and next morning at the dawn of day he rode forth to seek for the same adventure. All pa.s.sed as it had done in Kymons case, but Owain wounded the Black Knight so sorely that he turned his horse and fled, Owain pursuing him hotly. They came to a vast and resplendent castle. Across the drawbridge they rode, the outer portcullis of which fell as the Black Knight pa.s.sed it. But so close at his heels was Owain that the portcullis fell behind him, cutting his horse in two behind the saddle, and he himself remained imprisoned between the outer gate of the drawbridge and the inner. While he was in this predicament a maiden came to him and gave him a ring. When he wore it with the stone reversed and clenched in his hand he would become invisible, and when the servants of the lord of the castle came for him he was to elude them and follow her.
This she did knowing apparently who he was, for as a friend thou art the most sincere, and as a lover the most devoted.
Owain did as he was bidden, and the maiden concealed him. In that night a great lamentation was heard in the castleits lord had died of the wound which Owain had given him. Soon afterwards Owain got sight of the mistress of the castle, and love of her took entire possession of him. Luned, the maiden who had rescued him, wooed her for him, and he became her husband, and lord of the Castle of the Fountain and all the dominions of the Black Knight. And he then defended the fountain with lance and sword as his forerunner had done, and made his defeated antagonists ransom themselves for great sums, which he bestowed among his barons and knights. Thus he abode for three years.
*The Search for Owain*
After this time Arthur, with his nephew Gwalchmai and with Kymon for guide, rode forth at the head of a host to search for tidings of Owain.
They came to the fountain, and here they met Owain, neither knowing the other as their helms were down. And first Kai was overthrown, and then Gwalchmai and Owain fought, and after a while Gwalchmai was unhelmed.
Owain said, My lord Gwalchmai, I did not know thee; take my sword and my arms. Said Gwalchmai, Thou, Owain, art the victor; take thou my sword.
Arthur ended the contention in courtesy by taking the swords of both, and then they all rode to the Castle of the Fountain, where Owain entertained them with great joy. And he went back with Arthur to Caerleon, promising to his countess that he would remain there but three months and then return.
*Owain Forgets his Lady*
But at the Court of Arthur he forgot his love and his duty, and remained there three years. At the end of that time a n.o.ble lady came riding upon a horse caparisoned with gold, and she sought out Owain and took the ring from his hand. Thus, she said, shall be treated the deceiver, the traitor, the faithless, the disgraced, and the beardless. Then she turned her horses head and departed. And Owain, overwhelmed with shame and remorse, fled from the sight of men and lived in a desolate country with wild beasts till his body wasted and his hair grew long and his clothing rotted away.
*Owain and the Lion*
In this guise, when near to death from exposure and want, he was taken in by a certain widowed countess and her maidens, and restored to strength by magic balsams; and although they besought him to remain with them, he rode forth again, seeking for lonely and desert lands. Here he found a lion in battle with a great serpent. Owain slew the serpent, and the lion followed him and played about him as if it had been a greyhound that he had reared.
And it fed him by catching deer, part of which Owain cooked for himself, giving the rest to his lion to devour; and the beast kept watch over him by night.
*Release of Luned*
Owain next finds an imprisoned damsel, whose sighs he hears, though he cannot see her nor she him. Being questioned, she told him that her name was Lunedshe was the handmaid of a countess whose husband had left her, and he was the friend I loved best in the world. Two of the pages of the countess had traduced him, and because she defended him she was condemned to be burned if before a year was out he (namely, Owain son of Urien) had not appeared to deliver her. And the year would end to-morrow. On the next day Owain met the two youths leading Luned to execution and did battle with them. With the help of the lion he overcame them, rescued Luned, and returned to the Castle of the Fountain, where he was reconciled with his love. And he took her with him to Arthurs Court, and she was his wife there as long as she lived. Lastly comes an adventure in which, still aided by the lion, he vanquishes a black giant and releases four-and-twenty n.o.ble ladies, and the giant vows to give up his evil ways and keep a hospice for wayfarers as long as he should live.
And thenceforth Owain dwelt at Arthurs Court, greatly beloved, as the head of his household, until he went away with his followers; and these were the army of three hundred ravens which Kenverchyn(242) had left him.
And wherever Owain went with these he was victorious. And this is the tale of the Lady of the Fountain.
*The Tale of Enid and Geraint*
In this tale, which appears to be based on the Erec of Chrestien de Troyes, the main interest is neither mythological nor adventurous, but sentimental. How Geraint found and wooed his love as the daughter of a great lord fallen on evil days; how he jousted for her with Edeyrn, son of Nudda Cymric deity transformed into the Knight of the Sparrowhawk; how, lapped in love of her, he grew careless of his fame and his duty; how he misunderstood the words she murmured over him as she deemed him sleeping, and doubted her faith; how despitefully he treated her; and in how many a bitter test she proved her love and loyaltyall these things have been made so familiar to English readers in Tennysons Enid that they need not detain us here. Tennyson, in this instance, has followed his original very closely.
Legends of the Grail: The Tale of Peredur