Part 73 (1/1)

A white shock of wool surmounting a wrinkled, ebon visage appeared at the door, and the old cook said, ”Missy S'wanee, dere's nuffin'

in de house for supper but a little cawn-meal. Oh, bress de Lawd!

if dere ain't Cap'n Lane!”

”Give us a hoe-cake, then,” cried Lane, shaking the old woman's hand.

”I'd rather sup with your mistress to-night on corn-meal than sit down to the grandest banquet you have ever prepared in the past.

In the morning I'll forage for breakfast.”

”Bress de Lawd!” said the old woman, as she hobbled away. ”Good times comin' now. If I could jes' hear Missy S'wanee larf once mo';” and then she pa.s.sed beyond hearing.

”Yes, Suwanee, if I could only hear your old sweet laugh once more!”

Lane pleaded.

”Not yet, Fenton; not yet,--some day.”